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Boeing 747-400


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I have been given the all clear to finally announce this.

A few months ago, I was in talks with Nick from XPFW about a possible collaboration.

As many of you may or may not know, XPFW were making a 747-400.

The project has turned into a rather major workload and it is unreasonable to finish it to a high standard and to make it freely downloadable.

So, we have all decided to make a package Boeing release.

We have actually been working on this for a while and the 747-200/747-400 can be purchased as a package or individually.

It is a rather large undertaking and there are at least 5 of us working on this project.

For this reason, I have decided (my other bit of news) to finish the Saab once the Sundowner is finished, then move straight to the 747-200 while ocassionally working on the Hawker 4000.

I think the mid sized jet market is getting a little full for now.

So, for any questions, comments, etc...please feel free to post them.

Both projects are quite far along at the present time and we are hoping to have at least the 742 released before the end of the year.

The 747-400, sometime early in the new year.

And some screens...



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Aye, just saw this on XPFW. Excellent news. Simply wonderful.

Shortly after the mutual decision of XPFW to discontinue the 744 project, I was approached by Goran Matovina of Leading Edge Simulations who just so happen to be working on a 747-200. After some discussion, it was decided to also do a 747-400, using my VC and with Dennis doing the system/panel work. Recognizing that this was the ONLY way in which we could save the HOURS of effort already put into the 744 VC, Dennis and I have agreed to continue development of the 744 in conjunction with Leading Edge Simulations, and X-Aviation.
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With something thats going to look this good.....even before textures then I can wait!

A friend of mine is flying 747-400's and might just have transitioned to 777's. Once this is out I might show him what he has been missing while flying the "other" sim ;)




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G: re the 74-2

Could I put in a request for the Braniff International "fat albert" paint job. It would mean a lot to a bunch of folks.

We'll get the most popular repaints out first, but we don't really want to delay any kind of release due to us making particular (special request) repaints.  We will, however, make these repaints available after the 742 is released. 

In saying this, if we have time to do special request repaints while I still work on systems and animations, then I'll try to get Theo to do them before the actual release.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Yeah. freeware.  Sure.  18 months development all for the taking.

Cameron...the comedian.

No.  This is payware.  Absolutely no chance this is going to be freeware.  Way too much work involved as well the cost of getting all the documentation.

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a 2 and 400. best to release them on Dec 24th cos it must be christmas!

Very unlikely the -400 will be ready by Christmas.  It has a crazy amount of programming involved.  Not to mention a manual that will probably turn out to be about as thick as a Harry Potter book.

The -200...I'm optimistic.  Once Theo and I get through our current workload, we're going nuts with the -200.  I've got my documentation from the UK, finally, and once the Saab is done (by the way, we're adding some custom programming to it using Gizmo!), we're rolling into the 747 and Hawker 4000 stuff.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

You say "programming". does this mean it will have accurate FMS and functionality. I hope so because you can't have an aircraft modelled to your standards and not have it fully functional. You have got a lot of projects on the go.

Good luck mate

The 747-400 is not my project.  This project belongs to Nick and Dennis from XPFW.  I will be helping with some 3D objects and Theo will do the texturing, but as for the programming and majority of the modelling, that is all Nick and Dennis. 

As for what is being added, a very large part of the systems have already been programmed.  The FMC is obviously going to be the biggest challenge but it is moving along.

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