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SkyMaxx Pro - Coming Soon!


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What about FPS comparision in numbers?


As has been stated, in essentially every test case we have seen FPS are much better with SkyMaxx Pro than that of default clouds


Is it working on HDR made and 64bit?


This product works in both HDR and 64-bit mode. Almost all shots we show are with HDR off to exemplify that you do not need HDR working in order to get all the beautiful, visual effects this product offers. That said, I will shortly post some shots with HDR as well. With HDR on, due to the higher contrast of the sim in this mode, the clouds are at times noticeably brighter (a natural HDR effect on the sim as a whole). We are working with Laminar at this time to allow us more control in HDR to get this how we want it. To be more precise, the current interface for plugins in X-Plane doesn't allow a plugin to know what stage of rendering the sim is in when HDR is active, which makes it difficult to match the tone mapping of our clouds to the rest of the scene. It by NO means looks bad or horrible, and performance is not degraded, but from a personal preference standpoint I like it better with HDR off. In order to "fix" this, Laminar will be implementing special features in the plug-in SDK so that we may interact with X-Plane's rendering process after X-Plane has applied its own tone-mapping on the scene. This will then allow us to overlay our already tone-mapped clouds on top of the final scene without HDR trying to brighten them up with the rest of the world as it already does. As soon as Laminar implements the necessary items in the SDK, we'll be on it and release a free update to make HDR look even better! :)



Where we can bay it (X-pilot shop or your site)?


As John has now pointed out, X-Aviation.com will be selling this software.

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I understand. I mean: Is comparision with 10% or 50..100% defoult cloud settings?

Can we expect full removed default clouds when your plugin is runing? It will be good for middle power notebooks for exemple.

SkyMAXX will kill the default clouds completely the % slider in the rendering pane will be rendered useless.....


You can make adjustments for the clouds in the UI for SkyMAXX from the plugin dialog......

Edited by JohnMAXX
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No really guys it why doing this on each release ? I remember the chaos around 340A release ...


This will start to be the same with that


You won't get more customers by doing this I think, but it really annoy those who are waiting since this morning ( it's 22h18 here in France )...


Then tomorrow you'll tell there is a last minute bug that need to be solved ...



Cam & John, what you're doin' ?! :o

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