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Beechcraft Sundowner C23

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So here's the situation.  I was getting bored so I started another small project.

The Saab is being animated.

The 747-200 is waiting on more manuals and UV mapping.  In any case, the modelling is just about finished.  Very little of the VC left to do.

Hawker 4000 is going to be re-textured by Theo as he wasn't happy with how it turned out the first time.  Not to mention he's learned a few new things.

The Bonanza A36/G36.  Well, they are coming after THIS project as they are all made by Beechcraft and the Sundowner (C23) uses a lot of of the basics.

The Sundowner is also the reason it has been very quiet.  I've been very busy with fixing a few Saab mesh issues as they were being brought up and building the Sundowner.

The Sundowner, a plane I have about 80 hours of flight time in, is the first plane I actually did a long distance solo in about 10 years ago.  YHOX to YGLB.  A damn good plane and very reliable.

There will be manipulators and a full 3D VC.  Plus a small tutorial replicating my first solo flight from Hoxton Park to Goulburn.









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Hi Goran.

Im soooooo going to be broke this year.....but with quality airplanes like this coming out (and so quickly I might add...), then who can blame me! This is the year X-Pilot puts X-Plane on the map as a serious contender for the top spot as Flight sim of the year! Pretty soon they will be comparing MSFS to X-Plane not the other way round as has been done for so long now.

I am now emptying my Credit Card into a paypal account that has been automatically set to distribute funds to X-Avaition products.





PS. the textures are freeking amazing!

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Hi Goran.

Im soooooo going to be broke this year.....but with quality airplanes like this coming out (and so quickly I might add...), then who can blame me! This is the year X-Pilot puts X-Plane on the map as a serious contender for the top spot as Flight sim of the year! Pretty soon they will be comparing MSFS to X-Plane not the other way round as has been done for so long now.

I am now emptying my Credit Card into a paypal account that has been automatically set to distribute funds to X-Avaition products.





PS. the textures are freeking amazing!

Thanks for the comments, Andy.  What can I say...I'm a workaholic.

As I said, Theo has learnt a "few" things since texturing the Hawker 4000. 


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Oh the memories!

Years upon years ago, with the ink still wet on my temporary certificate I would rent and fly a Sundowner or a Musketeer from the local FBO and spend the last hour of the day in the pattern doing touch and go's.

Those were truly the days, I do miss them so. 

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Bit of a close up.


We're aware of the fact the red switches are not all supposed to be red.  They have been arrayed and textured.  1 textured switch means the arrayed switches get the same texture.  Once the modifier is applied, they will be red and white. This us just to show you Theo's freaky texturing.

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Next 2 weeks? can we hold you to that :) just kidding.....wouldnt be far if we did.

I was looking at the control image and the travel on them is very short.....would this make the real plane a bit more difficult to control in real life? Most of the planes I have in the hangar have very long throws on the controls making minute adjustments easy.....

Anyways, getting ready to send funds via paypal :o




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Next 2 weeks? can we hold you to that :D just kidding.....wouldnt be far if we did.

I was looking at the control image and the travel on them is very short.....would this make the real plane a bit more difficult to control in real life? Most of the planes I have in the hangar have very long throws on the controls making minute adjustments easy.....

Anyways, getting ready to send funds via paypal :)




In theory, it'll be 2 weeks.


But I do have high hopes that my theory will prevail this time.


It certainly does seem to be a short travel distance, but I think it's actually a larger travel distance than a Cessna GA.  


Note:  This is a different panel variant but the throttle assembly is the same as the one I took photos of.  My photos just don't look as nice as this one.


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Hi Goran,

wow, they look crazy short! Maybe its a different feeling when flying....I know the push pulls of the Piper Tomahawk I flew felt like they went on forever.....but they were quite short in travel as well.

Never mind.....I will pay my money and enjoy anyway :D




PS. got any more "spare time" GA's you would like to share with us? :)

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!!!! Flaky paint!!!  your buddy's done an amazing job! Only improvement might be to apply same technique to the levers, they sort of look too pristine compared to the nicely worn background. Is that the new trick you were referring to? Shockingly good

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There is detail in the handles but the reflection dulls the detail down... Thats something X-Plane can do better than Blender's rendering engine :D.

Also the other side of the debate is that the throttle, carb and mixture are plastic and the paint doesn't wear down to anywhere near the level in which metal does. The plane will have the textures look realistic for the material it is made out of.

Those tricks were more of generalisation. He meant I can bump map and texture with the far better than i could 6 months ago :)

Cheers, Theo

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Hi Goran,

wow, they look crazy short! Maybe its a different feeling when flying....I know the push pulls of the Piper Tomahawk I flew felt like they went on forever.....but they were quite short in travel as well.

Never mind.....I will pay my money and enjoy anyway :D




PS. got any more "spare time" GA's you would like to share with us? :)

Sorry Andy.  I didn't see your "PS".

The next 2 GA's we're doing are the A36 and G36.

I MIGHT do a Beechcraft Sierra as I do have a few hours in that one as well along with the Beech Duchess (What is it with me and Beechcraft??).

As of now, though, I want to concentrate on getting these 5 projects done and out.  Then a long overdue vacation.  Probably taking the laptop, though.  I'm sick like that.

If I have time in between projects while they're getting textured, programmed, etc... then I'll probably whip up something real quick.

Again, apologies for not answering you earlier regarding this.

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So Theo and I have a little friendly debate going.

I don't want to say who said what, but I'll put up the screenshot and what I would like is feedback from as many people as possible as to leave it in or take it out.

Take a look at the screen right above the "comm".  The break in the glass.

Thoughts and opinions...PLEASE, so Theo and I can settle it.  


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