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VideoTutorial: Starting engines of the Jetstream32


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I saw the video in a thread on Avsim and posted this there, so this is kind of a crosspost. I added the bold parts for clarification as to where I'm coming from:



- Minimum required voltage for battery start is 23,5V or 24V depending on the type of batteries (Lead-acid or NiCad), not 20V (Source: Pilot Technical Study Guide)
- Avionic Masters are usually off for start (As far as I'm aware, this is in the normal procedures)
- Not required to reset the generators. If an overload is detected the generator control unit should disconnect them automatically and you can then reset them with the reset switch. (Resetting the generators is not in the normal procedure by my knowledge)
- HYD shut off valves and LP cocks are usually open by default, they are not closed on shutdown
- No simulation of the start locks? Props were feathered, you don't start these engines with feathered props.
- Fuel pumps off are usually in the after take-off checks, not after start. (Normal procedures specify them being ON for takeoff if I'm not mistaken).

Not trying to bring the product down, in fact, I will probably buy X-Plane plus this addon after the coming weekend. Just kind of nervous that I can already put together a list of differences between what is done in the video and what I do when I fly the plane for a living, just by watching an engine start. Also, I don't know if any of these things are X-Plane limitations or not.


And let me just say again, I will buy the addon and I mean this only as constructive criticism. Also, if I can help in any way, just let me know.

Edited by Intrance
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Yes.. both values of voltage are written in the manuals. 24v is not recomendated, 20v do not start engines.


-Avionic masters... I preffer to set all first before waste fuel. Of course if the start is from main battery is better to not drain them with avionics on and start engines as fast as possible to put generators.


-Reset the generators it is not normal but one pilot told me that was good to do it.


- Hyd shutts on start. Again as you say is usually they are.. BUT I chose the configuration that the pilot had to open them. If I leave all good, pilot has less challenges. Remember the plane don't pick up the leaved configuration of previous flights. So I preffer to set all off.


- I have to correct the feather position of the blades in TAXI position. that is a bug... but in this plane there is not a problem starting them feathered. But you have less impulse


-fuel pumps again on in take off. Well.. in guess is an option also in case the engines are stopped to run them again in middle of flight quickly.



2 pilots, 2 ways of pilot the planes!!! Which one is the correct? Both if you are landed safe.

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Ok, clear explanations.


- I was only aware of the 23,5V and 24V limitations, have never heard/read of the 20V one. But you never stop learning :).


- The only thing we can really set before engine start are radio frequencies. In the planes I fly, the GPS units are linked to the Avionic Masters and will forget any input if you turn those off for engine start. But since we have 2 sets of hands in the cockpit, we can easily set everything during taxi. A couple planes also have avionics that might be sensitive to frequency fluctuations that can occur during engine start. 


- Resetting the generators... maybe something for me to learn again. I will ask around to see if any of the other pilots do it/used to do it.


- Ok, I will just have to remember, haha. Is it possible to edit the default configuration though? I am not very familiar with X-Plane, but could I set the HYD shut-off and LP to open by default?


- Ah, clear story. I don't want to try that on the real aircraft, the starter/generator would probably start eating itself up trying to move the blades while they are in feather position :).


- The fuel pump stuff is just from all the documents I have here. They say that they should be on for TO, and we never have them off for TO in RL either.


And indeed, 2 pilots, 2 procedures.


I will stop bothering you with this stuff until I have bought the addon myself, haha. Just a bit too happy that there is finally a nice rendition of the plane I get to fly on for a living. So again, great work!

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Only a word here. Simulate the reality in a simulator sometimes is imposible. It is very difficult to manage radios while you are taxing because you have to be looking at the radios and not the runway... so you can crash. Aso you have a copilot with you that helps you.. 

When I make a plane I take this in consideration. Maybe here are people saying that "this is not real, bla bla bla" "the real plane" but when you port a real thing to a simulated thing you have to change things.. people like or not.


This is not only because the radios. For example... a complete drain of the batteries in the real plane is produced in 5-10 minutes.. I set a little bit more of energy (not to more) because lots of people would complain about that. I really know well.


So that is the reason about the 20 volts, the reason of the avionics on on start up.. and the reason of the other things you mention to be changed a little. We do not have a copilot side by side helping us.

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- No simulation of the start locks? Props were feathered, you don't start these engines with feathered props.


Intrance, as the developer of the MU2, the start locks are near and dear to my heart to simulate.  X-Plane does not simulate this and I haven't been able to get Austin to implement it yet.  It is possible to do some with custom programming, but it becomes very involved.  The x-plane engine model is the most difficult part of the simulation to intervene in and overriding the prop pitch in x-plane to implement locks means writing not only your own prop governor algorithm, but also a fuel delivery algorithm....all without fully knowing what x-plane does behind the scenes.


After 10.20 goes final, Austin has a pretty long list of new systems features he wants to implement for 10.30 and I am putting prop locks on the list.


Tom K


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Intrance, as the developer of the MU2, the start locks are near and dear to my heart to simulate.  X-Plane does not simulate this and I haven't been able to get Austin to implement it yet.  It is possible to do some with custom programming, but it becomes very involved.  The x-plane engine model is the most difficult part of the simulation to intervene in and overriding the prop pitch in x-plane to implement locks means writing not only your own prop governor algorithm, but also a fuel delivery algorithm....all without fully knowing what x-plane does behind the scenes.


After 10.20 goes final, Austin has a pretty long list of new systems features he wants to implement for 10.30 and I am putting prop locks on the list.


Tom K



Ok, thanks for the information. As I mentioned, I'm not really at home in X-Plane, so I didn't know if it was a simulator limitation. Still getting it as soon as I get home, currently waiting for maintenance to fix a Jetstream :P.

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the 2 right ones or the 2 left ones are you saying? Can it be for example a 3586 code? or only 3577? If so I only knew the limitation in the 2 of the left so you could only put 7777 max.

But right now it cannot achieve a code upper than 7777.


Yes, all digits are limited to a range of 0 to 7 on real transponders (if I understand your question correctly).

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Yes, all digits are limited to a range of 0 to 7 on real transponders (if I understand your question correctly).

Yep! RW transponders (SSR) use octal coding, hense the digits 0-7, Transponder codes are four digit numbers transmitted by the transponder in an aircraft in response to a secondary surveillance radar interrogation (SSR).

For more info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transponder_%28aviation%29 and a list of the commonly used "squarks" or codes used.

At the moment the BAE-32 occasionaly displays the non-octal digits 8 and 9 as shown below. The first time in a flight it appears to work ok, but if you attempt to change "squark" a couple of times in a flight, sometimes the digits 8 and 9 "slip in", it's no problem, it  just needs the user/pilot to re-tune the correct digits. ;)



Opps!. Sorry :mellow: for posting in wrong thread, please move if you think fit. Thanks.


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