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MU-2 progress towards update


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It's looking great. One of my biggest complaints was the clarity of gauges; especially the readout for the altimeter setting. That was a pain when flying online with real weather. The night textures also look much better and I hope that the lighting level will be adjustable and be able to turn off when the plane is shut down.

As a side note, I'd like to see this planes cockpit modeled in XP10.  ;)

I like how you've modeled the current MU-2 but it doesn't mean you have to model only that specific MU-2 that you used as a template. I'd like to see a Garmin GPS that works with the HSI. The aircraft in the video has a Garmin 530/430, and a weather radar.  It would be cool to see these things in my favorite add-on.

Regardless, everything is looking great so far.

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We've got you covered on all points except the GPS and weather radar.   Other than those,  if you have the Falco, you'll have an idea of what this will be like...the lights will work just as in reality...no electricity, no lights!  Lights will be fully adjustable on every rheostat exactly as in the real thing...and of course the instruments are all MUCH more legible!

 X-Plane has a "weather radar" instrument, but I'm holding off a bit to see what Austin comes up with for version 10.  With a whole new weather engine, I'm not sure what he'll do regarding weather radar...and there's no room to put one in at the moment :-P.  Once I've taken care of all those "original" complaints like resolution and some missing functionality, I'll look to start adding in some of these other features you mention.

Regarding the GPS, a GPS simulation is a pretty tall order and one that is LONG LONG overdue in x-plane.  It would take a very dedicated effort just to simulate a basic GPS.  At the very least, I'll look into tying the HSI in with the GPS though the particular model of HSI in most of these MU-2s don't couple with the GPS...but I'll certainly see what I can do.

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It's looking great. One of my biggest complaints was the clarity of gauges; especially the readout for the altimeter setting. That was a pain when flying online with real weather. The night textures also look much better and I hope that the lighting level will be adjustable and be able to turn off when the plane is shut down.

As a side note, I'd like to see this planes cockpit modeled in XP10.  ;)

I like how you've modeled the current MU-2 but it doesn't mean you have to model only that specific MU-2 that you used as a template. I'd like to see a Garmin GPS that works with the HSI. The aircraft in the video has a Garmin 530/430, and a weather radar.  It would be cool to see these things in my favorite add-on.

Regardless, everything is looking great so far.

Boo - burn the Garmins, bring back the 1980s, give us a Loran if we're well-behaved else let us use radio navaids ;-)

As for the v1.1.1 MU-2 altimeter, I've made a replacement here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12337

It's not particularly realistic as it uses the default X-Plane LED readout to replace the blurry pressure-settings display - but it is readable!

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Sounds great for the current update. It's my understanding that the GPS or lack of one is also an XP9 issue. I understand a fully functional GPS is a tall order. I wouldn't mind seeing one added down the line for XP10 even by another developer. It would just be nice to file direct and shoot GPS approaches, especially for online flying. A toggle switch between NAV 1 and 2 on the HSI would also be nice for IFR flights with no GPS.

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A toggle switch between NAV 1 and 2 on the HSI would also be nice for IFR flights with no GPS.

This is a common request but because the MU2 is not wired that way in reality, that feature will have to go in as an "alternate" after I'm satisfied I have the major functions taken care of first...but your request is "in the queue.

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I have a theory it's possible to add stuff to existing aircraft's 3d cockpits by careful addition to the cockpit.obj file. I haven't tested it yet though. If it is true, then when XYZ System Simulations build a Garmin 150000, they could provide a 3d mesh, textures, cockpit.obj code for it (so you could create a new blank aircraft in Planemaker, add the XYZ Garmin 150000, load the sim and have a 3d cockpit consisting of the Garmin floating in front of you in some reference position). Then XYZ System Simulations, or enterprising MU-2 users, could provide the offsets to position it correctly in the MU-2's cockpit and specify exactly where XYZ's code needs to be inserted in the MU-2's files to make it appear and function in the MU-2. I haven't tested this though!

I think it should be possible for users to add instrumentation to aircraft without requiring the extremely valuable time of the aircraft's authors. Is this an objectionable idea though?

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A toggle switch between NAV 1 and 2 on the HSI would also be nice for IFR flights with no GPS.

This is a common request but because the MU2 is not wired that way in reality, that feature will have to go in as an "alternate" after I'm satisfied I have the major functions taken care of first...but your request is "in the queue.

That's understandable, you should complete it the way you envision it.  It would just be a nice feature even if the original MU-2 did not come configured this way. It appears that the MU-2 has been reconfigured in all sorts of ways. I'd venture to say that an MU-2 could even have a Garmin G1000 installed, but I have not seen an MU-2 like that. The one I like the most is the one in that YouTube video I posted.

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I have a theory it's possible to add stuff to existing aircraft's 3d cockpits by careful addition to the cockpit.obj file. I haven't tested it yet though. If it is true, then when XYZ System Simulations build a Garmin 150000, they could provide a 3d mesh, textures, cockpit.obj code for it (so you could create a new blank aircraft in Planemaker, add the XYZ Garmin 150000, load the sim and have a 3d cockpit consisting of the Garmin floating in front of you in some reference position). Then XYZ System Simulations, or enterprising MU-2 users, could provide the offsets to position it correctly in the MU-2's cockpit and specify exactly where XYZ's code needs to be inserted in the MU-2's files to make it appear and function in the MU-2. I haven't tested this though!

I think it should be possible for users to add instrumentation to aircraft without requiring the extremely valuable time of the aircraft's authors. Is this an objectionable idea though?

That's an interesting idea, do you think it would be able to function with existing code and gauges, like the HSI and autopilot?

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I think it should be possible for users to add instrumentation to aircraft without requiring the extremely valuable time of the aircraft's authors. Is this an objectionable idea though?

Not objectionable at all if it's your own project...but it's my opinion the effort would outweight the reward very very rapidly.  "Adding in 3D" to any cockpit object is not as straightforward as it sounds....we explored that idea long ago but the *.obj format doesn't really lend itself to those kinds of additions.  It's possible for sure...but it would be an exercise in "can I do it?" I think.

captaind172...I agree that variations would be nice and I certainly hope to get to that point.  There is a G600 equipped MU2 though that is really nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK...Here's the list I compiled today...scratched off items got completed today.

Get GPS power working

Get Radio switches working

Add Gear Door animation

Setup controls to initial positions: cold/dark & running

Gyro slave switch glass animation

Yoke show/hide/animate

annunciator test lights

fire handles and simulation

AP console texture fix

ADF draw order wrong

Add ADI flags, animate to DC power

Overhead switch illumination

HSI AP direction knob issue

landing light animation

Overhead controls plugin logic

Set more panel light regions to respond proper to rheostats

So once this list starts to dry up, you'll know I'm really close....though there's some good programming associated with the overhead switches.  Now if some of those things on the list don't make any sense to you...since they're working in the current version, recall that I redid the entire plugin from scratch and have to reprogram a few items to utilize the new system.  As things stand now..for relatively normal operation in good conditions, everything is working properly.  So a few more special touches and we'll be there....and what's an update without a screenshot.  It's the same old panel shot...but you might note that the panel as a whole has a much cleaner, clearer and consistent look....and don't forget you get a fully featured Garmin GTX330 transponder...a lot better than the V1.1.1 piece of junk.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing to show, but the work does goes on...mostly behind the scenes engine stuff.  What you see in the last couple of screenshots will be what you'll get visually.  I just need to make everything work as it should from a cockpit interaction point of view. 

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Was doing some testing and I decided to record it.  I was using the computer mic so it picks up keyboard and mouse clicks and some low audio from the computer speakers.  Video doesn't do it justice at 40+ fps and high resolution.  If you watch in in HD, you can see how much clearer things are.

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Thanks for the sentiment lis..but it has a long way to go...and I won't stop till it's darn near perfect, it's an addiction this guy.  I still have to redo all the 3D that is NOT the cockpit panel; however, I'm the type that likes to get everything working properly before I make everything pretty.  Many others do it the other way around but I generally don't so there's still  lots of eye candy yet to come once I'm happy with the cockpit, engine and systems models.

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Do watch the following videos.....and note the engine sound and rate of acceleration just before the engine settles at idle.  The RPMs "jump" very quickly between about 55% and 72% (idle) as the engine comes into it's "powerband"....  I'll post my simulation in a couple of hours for comparison!   I have had a VERY successful day getting the engine simulation working darn near 100% accurate to the real thing!  How real?  I keep thinking I screwed up the plugin but it's the procedure I keep screwing up!

Oh yea....the propeller locks are simulated too!...at least within reason!  If you shut down improperly and try to restart (in the same x-plane session) you won't be able to get the engine going unless you utilize the unfeather procedure properly (I hope...still testing every possible situation, but looks good so far).  Eventually, I'll maintain persistence across x-plane sessions so that if you forget to shut down properly..then the next time you start up the sim, you'll have to utilize proper procedure.

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