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Flashing PFD


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Updated to XP 12.0.6b7.    All the Cirruses (and I have the 20s and the 22s - G1000 and Entegras) crashed X-Plane, but I thought I'd try loading the Laminar C172 first, and that cured the problem.  FYI, I've included the crash log, which may show why I need to load the Cessna first.

However, the Entegra's PFD is flashing, and that was the same in b6 yesterday.

crash Log .txt Log.txt

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Hi @diamonddriller,

It seems you're encountering issues with the multi-threaded uploader. To troubleshoot the issue, please consider the following steps:


If you continue to experience problems, please let us know any specific error messages or behaviors you observe, so we can assist further.

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Actually, Cameron, I had already done that a while back (maybe I missed one?), and on the Islanders - which were fine.   I remembered the mtu problem, after you reminded me.

I loaded a Cirrus Entegra today, without a crash, and without a 172 first!  The bad news is I got a crash with the SR20 G1000 after loading a 172, and my settings.txt was correct. 

Anyway, the Entegra PFD is still flashing, and (to make life easier), I downloaded minimal scenery, to see if a better frame rate would cure things.  Admittedly, 27 fps isn't great, but it should be enough.  X-Plane 11 is so much faster....  The TorqueSim planes are always very heavy on frame rates.

So, here are some more files and another thrilling movie for you and Coop to look at :)

I believe you are in FL, and, if so, will  not have a bad time with the hurricane!

Log.txt CrashLog.txt settings.cfg

Edited by diamonddriller
Another file
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Hey @diamonddriller,

Firstly, thank you so much for your kind thoughts regarding the hurricane. We are doing our best with the preparations and sincerely hope everyone in its path remains safe.

Regarding your aircraft issue, I appreciate the detailed information and the files you sent over. It helps us get a clearer picture of what might be causing the problems. It sounds like the issue could be related to SVS being enabled, which has been a known factor in some cases.

To address this, you can disable SVS without loading the simulator:

  1. Navigate to X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/SR22 Series/{Aircraft Type}/plugins/sr_systems/settings/.
  2. Open the file settings.cfg in a text editor.
  3. Find the line related to SVS.
  • To disable SVS, change it to: svs = 0
  • To enable SVS, change it to: svs = 1

Save the file and try loading the aircraft again. This should help stabilize the experience, and hopefully, you won't encounter further crashes with the SR2X G1000s.

I completely understand your concerns about the frame rates. As a fellow Mac user I'll just say that Mac hardware (especially Intel based), gets hit especially hard with things like that, whereas the Windows gaming rig experience is much different. That said, the M1/M2 chips are very impressive at handling products like these.

Thank you again for your understanding and patience. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

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Well, I changed all (SR20, SR22, SR22T) Entegras and G1000 varieties to svs=0.   I could load them up without crashes, but I couldn't change from one Cirrus to another without a crash.  I could change back to a 172, but it then crashed if I went to another Cirrus.  A bit odd.  The G1000s still look OK.  Sadly, the Entegra PFD is flashing still, in all varieties.  I tried disabling plugins like Python, FlywithLua, ARO, etc., and that did not help at all.

I had a look in XP 11.55.  All Cirruses load properly, and I can swap without a crash.  The Entegra PFDS are all rock steady.  I took a look at the settings.cfg and svs=1 in the XP11 set-up.

So, something in XP 12 does not like the Entegra PFD, and the loading of the planes is more flaky than in XP11.  I guess you have all the info. you need to see what may be happening.  As XP11 works OK, it can't be an AMD thing.  If you can find out what's going on, it would be nice.  In the meantime, I can use XP11 if I am desperate to fly the Entegras!   I don't mind that, as I have 11 set up very nicely.

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3 minutes ago, diamonddriller said:

So, something in XP 12 does not like the Entegra PFD, and the loading of the planes is more flaky than in XP11.  I guess you have all the info. you need to see what may be happening.  As XP11 works OK, it can't be an AMD thing.  If you can find out what's going on, it would be nice.  In the meantime, I can use XP11 if I am desperate to fly the Entegras!   I don't mind that, as I have 11 set up very nicely.

Thank you for sharing your observations and feedback.

We've indeed noticed that with the current state of X-Plane 12, particularly in the latest beta, there seem to be some challenges related to unloading aircraft plugins. It's important to note that this isn't specific to the Cirrus products alone. We're observing this across several of our development products at this time.

We're hopeful that as X-Plane 12 continues to evolve and stabilize, many of these issues will be addressed. In the meantime, we appreciate your understanding and patience. It's good to hear that you have a stable setup with X-Plane 11 to fall back on.

We'll certainly keep monitoring the situation and do our best to ensure optimal performance for all our products.

Thank you for your continued support.

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  • 2 months later...

Low frame rates without mtuploader can lead to flashing. In this case, as it sounds like your system doesn't handle mt_uploader (which we are still working on a fix for on Mac), you would need to change X-Plane settings to increase frame rate, which should reduce flashing. 

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Yup.  If I re-enable the mtu, X-Plane immediately crashes - which we've already discovered.  I tried it again (now on 12.08b1), which makes no difference - well, it wouldn't!

So, I slid sliders to minima, got 60+ fps at 1920x1080, and the flashing pretty much disappeared.   So, in XP12, I can fly in a lower res, with no buildings, etc. and use the Entegra ;)  Oh, well.......  This iMac does have a graphics card (AMD) with 16GB of VRAM, and it's no slouch with other planes.

It's absolutely fine in X-Plane 11, with not a hint of any flashing, but 11.55 tends to run at 60fps anyway, for a lot of the time.   I'm waiting for the M3 Studio, and I may have a punt at that.  We'll see :unsure:

Let me know if (or when) you get a "fix"!


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49 minutes ago, diamonddriller said:

This iMac does have a graphics card (AMD) with 16GB of VRAM

Unfortunately the Radeon Pro that Apple put into their products isn’t quite up to the same level as the PC desktop equivalent (despite the VRAM advantage the Apple version has), and the Navi 10 core itself is now over 4 years old. By one benchmark I saw for the Pro 5700 XT you have puts it about level with a GTX 1660 Super, which would be considered somewhat low end by today’s standards.

49 minutes ago, diamonddriller said:

I'm waiting for the M3 Studio

M3 Max? Personally I wouldn’t go any less if simming is involved.

Edited by Pils
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@Pils " M3 Max? Personally I wouldn’t go any less if simming is involved."

I absolutely agree.  The Max will be well worth the extra money, and will future-proof the computer for some time.  I'll have to wait a bit.  Maybe they'll announce these Studios in the March-May 2024 - but who knows?

You are, of course, correct about the graphics cards in Intel iMacs, which have been just about adequate going back for years.  Well below the PC equivalents for the same periods.   My 2020 iMac runs XP12 pretty well, actually, but Coop's Cirruses are very resource hungry.

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