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Edit VR behaviour?

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Hi. I only fly XP (11.55) in VR, and though for the most part the B733 has been pretty well set up in this respect, I find the dials/rotaries on the MCP (COURSE, IAS/MACH, ALT & HDG) hard to manipulate, in that for each full rotation of the wrist/VR handset, the values advance relatively little. To set up a flight altitude of 36,000 takes dozens of such twists. Unfortunately, holding the VR beam steady on the dials has no effect in the 733, you have to keep twisting and twisting and twisting. Given my less than youthful (slightly arthritic) wrists, this can end up being rather painful. Mapping the rotaries to a joystick dial or wheel doesn't help, as again there is so little movement of the MCP dial for any given input. (In any case, I don't have enough spare buttons or whatever on my joystick to allow this).

Often, I can modify this myself, either in the vc_config or the cockpit.obj file, but in this aircraft, I don't seem to be able to make it happen.

Is anyone able to help with this? Either the dials need to turn much more to the VR input, or keep turning as long as the VR handset beam is activating them.

Thanks!! :-) 

Edited by martinlest
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I don't know if this will help you as I haven't tried this solution. I use a knobster in VR.
But in general, you can experiment with these entries in the B733_vrconfig.txt file

Of course, make a copy of the original file before making changes  ;-)  :

Edited by Bulva
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Well, I found that removing all the instances of 'manip_placebo' in the VRConfig file makes a huge difference (but not a very helpful one!): the dials now spin round so quickly that getting an accurate value set for altitude, IAS, heading etc. is virtually impossible. Changing the DEG_PER_ACTION values has no effect. Also, making any changes results in a warning in XP about 'minor problems' in the VRConfig file...

No mention of 'manip_placebo' in the Laminar vrconfig file format specifications BTW. 


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7 hours ago, martinlest said:

No mention of 'manip_placebo' in the Laminar vrconfig file format specifications BTW. 

The manip placebo is not part of any vrconfig file "syntax specification", its part of the user-defined dataref name, which  can be anything we want.

Some manipulator types require two datarefs to complete their definition for two axes; however,  in some cases, we only choose to use one of the axes and therefore the other axis is a 'placebo' and not used.   In the early days of manipulators, a drag in a single direction was accomplished using world coordinates, but this created not so good side-effects for some camera angles.  Laminar then introduced 'screen based' or pixel based drag manipulators, but these required X/Y coordinate information.  So if you wanted to use a single axis "screen based" manipulator (for reliability),  you had to supply two dataref values where one was essentially doing nothing (again..the placebo).

That explains the placebo name, but not a solution.

I too cannot exactly recall what the particulars of the VR config file are; however, I have noted this post and as we get closer to release, will review the settings with regards to VR.


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Thanks very much for the informative reply. I may still have another go and see if I can amend the dials myself (I don't think my 'skills', such as they are, are going to suffice in this case, however!), but glad to hear that IXEG will have a look at this problem (small though I suppose it is, in the general scheme of things!). Any 'fix' will include one for XP11, I very much hope. :-)


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20 hours ago, martinlest said:

include one for XP11, I very much hope. :-)

having begun the IXEG 733 development at the later stages of Version 9 of X-Plane....and witnessing the transition to 10, 11, and now 12.  It really is not worth the effort to support past versions ..sadly there just isn't enough users to justify the effort.  As my Dad used to tell me,  "keep up or get left behind".   I did not like hearing that many times... indeed I did fall behind at times...but that didn't make the maxim any less true when dealing with large populations.   Sorry about that...but XP12 is just too cool to look back :)



Edited by tkyler
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