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X-plane 12


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X-plane 12 is off to a slow start? Third party developers are not jumping on new aircraft or scenery like they did for X-plane 11. But I switched to X-plane 11 in 2019, X-plane 11 had been out for 2 years. I have too much invested in X-plane 11 and an old computer I am not buying X-plane 12. I plan to buy a new computer later this year and I want to see X-plane 11 with the graphics turned up all the way. And my new computer will the biggest mofo money can buy, since this will be my last computer in my life time. 64 years old now, I have 15 years max in my life time and I am out of here and going to a better place. I may never buy X-plane 12, If I like what I see in X-plane 11 with the graphics turned up full blast. Either way X-plane is the BEST flight simulator and the only true flight simulator on the market today. Microsoft develops games, not flight simulators.

Done with my rant. See ya in the air, copy that!!

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I don't think 12 is really off to a slow start. Developers are definitely focused there. The issue is the update was significant enough to warrant enough work from developers vs previous years (like moving from 10 to 11). There's just more work to be done per product, and any developer who has been around these upgrades in the past knows that initially X-Plane is a moving target in new major versions. Laminar is still doing a lot behind the scenes, and developers are in constant contact providing feedback and trying to iron things out.

X-Plane 11 is dead in terms of the future. The overall customer market has already shifted to 12 (already 70% of add-on installs are for 12 when the choice is available). As X-Plane 12 is not really all that more demanding than 11, I would suggest you download the demo of 12 if you have not already and give it a shot. You may actually like the performance. It's especially gotten better over the last few builds.

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Thank-you Cameron for the response. No I have not tried the demo for 12. My computer barely runs 11. I agree, 11 is dead in terms of the future. But I used FS9 from the time it came out until 2019 when I switched to XP. Never could get FSX to work. 

There are a lot of add-ons for XP11 that I cannot use because of my computer. But with a new bad a@# computer I will be able use more add-ons for XP11.  I am looking at 3 years down the road for XP12, maybe. And yes, maybe I will be wasteing money on XP11 when I could be spending money on add-ons for XP12. Does not matter beacause over the 20 years of flight simulation I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on stuff that did not even work for me. IE, I bought three different versions of FSX and add-ons for FSX and never could get FSX to work. So money wasted on flight simulation is a given and is going to happen in my world. 

Oh by the way, I am not rich, but I am not hurting either. I had a good career as a powerhouse Electrian, 31 years and made a good living. Now retired, I ain't doing bad at all.


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Rick310 I agree with you on the buying of ac's that only last until the next version of X-Plane comes out.  Yes I know a few of the authors of planes make the past planes free for the next x-plane up grade but it takes awhile for that to happen.  I too have spend some heavy chump change on my sim and other downloads.  The best thing I did was build my own PC for just flying.  It cost me about $1200 but I made sure it had all the fastest and best systems available at the time and this was in 2022, best thing I ever did. I do have XP12 from the day it came out and still use XP11 for most of my flighting because like you I have paid for way to many XP11 planes that won't fly in 12 at this time. I also purchased MSFS and for me it was a disappointment, it all looks great but for me it takes to much time to set up to go fly and with all it's beauty, to me it is still only a game and not a real flight simulator and yes I know they don't claim to be a flight simulator.  I have had (3) real planes in the past, Skyhawk, Skylane 182 and my last was the Comanche 250, so flying sim or game other than then X-Plane is a waste of my time. I am also an electrician that became a electrical contractor and later became a general contractor and that lasted for 38 years, retired now and must have over 3000 hours on my X-Plane sim. I was trying to format a external drive on my computer about 3 weeks ago and the format went to my c drive by mistake, it cost me over $1200 dollars for a computer service to recover 90% of my data, still had to reload all and any programs I needed so I know about the cost of play flying but I love it.  I also lost all of my online Flight Log Book.  You are free to contact me if you want. Cheers

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Hey Charles, Not into building a computer, so I am looking a around 4 grand for the computer I want on CyberpowerPC. Flight simulation is my passion, since 2019 I have logged 1000 hours a year and have over 9000 hours in X-plane 11, the steam version. Five years before I retired, I looked at getting my Private Pilot license. But I wanted to retire, so PP License was out of the question. I was able to retire at young age of 56. And I am living the dream. Flying everyday for my own Virtual Airliines, flying small aircraft in the US and Canada. My favorate plane is the Carenado Donier 228-100. I have 2500 hours flying the Donier in XP11. I fly on IVAO network.

The new computer will not come until the end of the year. So I have a lot of flying to do before I get a new computer. LOL

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Great, you sound like a man with a plan...best way to go.  I have looked into flying on several of the Virtual Airlines but find them to demanding for how I want to use my time, just not for me but does give a person a path in the Virtual Field of flying.  Good Luck and thanks for the reply. You must have a great flight sim. One of favorite planes is the MU-2, near jet speeds with economy, I have about 1k hours in this, just love it the best twin flying plane.  

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Hi guys. I too have an arm and most of a leg in XP11. While I have both sims on my PC (11&12) I don't think I've flown XP11 but a couple (maybe a few) times since XP12 came out. Granted, XP12 was somewhat tough to deal with in early access, with its constant crashes, in my case. However, it's worth the upgrade if your hardware supports it. Even though I have a ton of GA aircraft for XP11 that I hope will get updated, I've found that LR's new default GA aircraft are pretty good. Of course, systems are not deeply modeled, but they fly nicely - which is more that I can say for the competition's default aircraft after 2+ years.

Rick, why don't you try the RV10 or the Cirrus SR22 in the demo? You may be surprised, as Cameron mentioned,  BTW you're only a couple years my elder and I expect to have to purchase a couple, three, or perhaps four more machines before I meet my maker.  Moore's law, which basically says computing power doubles every 18 months seems to hold true (albeit these days, the emphasis seems to be on making them run more efficient). For me, the life of a new computer is around 5 years. Like @Charles Wetterman, I build my own. Hobbies can be expensive.

Charles - The MU-2 is awesome and I miss flying it. I've been watching Tyler's forum and am waiting for the XP12 version to drop. As for payware, the MU-2 is the 2nd most immersive aircraft following the Challenger, IMO.  MU2B60 has graciously offered to give me pointers that I hope to add to my YouTube channel, once I'm back in the cockpit of the MOO.

Anyhoo, I know it seems like it's taking forever for them to port our aircraft to XP12.  I rather get a solid, tested product than one that's half baked any day. For @Rick310,  XP11 is still an awesome sim, and as long as you're enjoying it, that's what counts.

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Thank-you @VirtualGAaviator,

XP12 is on my bucket list, for sure. But not now. 


 the life of a new computer is around 5 years

I agree! My computer is going on 6 years. I have no interest in building my own computer. I know it would save me money, but I do not want to take the time. I want to fly and use my flight simulator, this my Passion, and a very strong passion (1000 flight hours a year).;)

And I am taking note what ya all are saying about XP12. Sounds very tempting. But for now I will wait. Thank-you everyone for a postive input!:D

I have an I7 4700 (not sure), 32 gb ram(16Mhz or 1.6Mhz), nivida 1060 6GB vram( I was looking a 1070 Nivida but my power supply would not handle it) , And my graphics are very low in XP11.:( Even with the graphics low in XP11, 1000% better than FS9 with the graphics turned up max and no OM error. And the aircraft in XP11 is very realistic flying.

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17 hours ago, Rick310 said:

I have an I7 4700 (not sure), 32 gb ram(16Mhz or 1.6Mhz), nivida 1060 6GB vram( I was looking a 1070 Nivida but my power supply would not handle it) , And my graphics are very low in XP11.:( Even with the graphics low in XP11, 1000% better than FS9 with the graphics turned up max and no OM error. And the aircraft in XP11 is very realistic flying.

I have an i7-4970, 24GB RAM, and a 1060 6GB, and XP12 runs more than fine. On performance level, is at least on par with XP11, and will utilize your graphics card better. Also, Laminar works constantly to improve performance, and will getting better with every new update. Yes, you won't turn all sliders to max, but the experience is way better than XP11.

Moreover, the improvements in all fronts (FM, weather, visuals, etc) are so great, that feels a totally different sim.

By the way, I use my machine for aircraft development, and I have to run X-Plane in parallel with other heavy applications. Still performance is more than OK.

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Thank-you airfighter. Very interesting? I am glad to hear all the postive feedback about XP12.

On some of the other flightsim forums, they bash XP12, but these other forums are big MSFS2020 fans and love the eye candy and do not care about the aircraft dynamics.:wacko: On the other hand I want the aircraft dynamics over the eye candy.:wub:

X-Plane is the best flight simulator on the market today. ROCKS!!!!:D

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2 hours ago, Rick310 said:

On some of the other flightsim forums, they bash XP12,...

Yeap. Just as on most XP12 forums they bash MSFS. When will we realize they are different sims? Do we really want the exact look and feel from both sims? X-Plane is my Sim-of-Choice, but I also occasionally enjoy the "other" sim. :rolleyes:

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I agree, VirtualGAaviator. I am a dedicated X-plane only freak. I will not buy another Microsoft product ever again(money pits). But people use the flight simulator they have fun with. Flight simulation is great hobby to have, does not matter what simulator you want to use, all about having fun.:wub:

As I said before, my next step is to buy a bad a@# computer. Then I will continue to enjoy X-plane 11 with graphics maxed out. Then I will consider X-plane 12.

Fly everyday, all day is my motto!

See ya all in the Air!:)

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Hi Rick310,

I wouldn't worry about getting to XP12 anytime soon. It really isn't worth the trouble. I bought it on Steam because there was big discount. But I'm not using it. I still fly XP11. IMHO, LR messed up this release with the Early Access nonsense last September. When they released XP12 in December, there were so many issues with it. Many plugins & aircraft just don't work. And that magenta issue hasn't gone away at all. On top of this, LR changed so many datarefs that the Log.txt is full of messages about needing to change them. Even simple FlywithLua plugin scripts are getting quarantined. Now barely 2 months in, LR are busy releasing fixes, the latest being .04. There's a long way to go before XP12 settles down. I prefer to spend my time flying rather than pore over Log.txt file to see why XP12 has crashed...again. So I too am sticking to XP11 for now.

On top of this, LR is being badly damaged by the trolls....read "community leaders" in the other place. But since LR is not affiliated in anyway with these fora, they can't & won't do anything about it.

Happy flying!


PS: I have an i7-4790K, 32 Gb RAM & GTX Titan X (12 GB). 40 fps+ most of the time in XP11. It easily runs XP12.



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  • 1 month later...

Reading on Avsim.com, the X-plane thread. They were saying that Carenado and Just Flight has switched over to MSFS2020 and has no plans in the works for X-Plane 12. Developers do not want to touch X-plane 12 because LR is changes things to often and they do not want to spend all their labor updating their aircraft.

This is another set back for me and X-Plane 12. If this is true? People like to stir the pot on these forums.

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1 hour ago, Rick310 said:

Reading on Avsim.com, the X-plane thread. They were saying that Carenado and Just Flight has switched over to MSFS2020 and has no plans in the works for X-Plane 12. Developers do not want to touch X-plane 12 because LR is changes things to often and they do not want to spend all their labor updating their aircraft.

This is another set back for me and X-Plane 12. If this is true? People like to stir the pot on these forums.

Pure BS. https://fselite.net/content/just-flight-updates/

Both never internally developed for X-Plane, but contracted with XP developers to make the "conversions". Like what JF does right now.

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Personally, I was only impressed with Carenado's aircraft when I first started (back) simming with XP in 2017. Didn't take me long to figure out that most of their aircraft was light on systems modeling. However, the texture modeling is what sold me. If Carenado want to avoid XP, I say, "good rid...".

Turns out that some of the guys from Thranda has done work for both Just Flight and Carenado.

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9 hours ago, Rick310 said:

This is another set back for me and X-Plane 12. If this is true? People like to stir the pot on these forums.

Carenado where only ever interested in sales, there support was never that good. And as mentioned above, they looked nice, and for people like me where OK but those in know could pick all  the fidelity issues. As for JF they just updated 3 planes for XP12, and others are in the works. Now that 12 is fairly settled hopefully we will see more addons. Certainly could do wit some MIL stuff for the lovely new carrier we have

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Some very nice feedback. Thank-you airfighter for the link. Just Flight has updated some aircraft, but not the aircraft I have. I agree with VirtualGAavaitor and mjrhealth about Carenado. Most of the aircraft I have is from Carenado because like VirtualGAavaitor, it was what I bought when I first started X-Plane 11. The 3 Just Flight aircraft I have are very good.

This is the information I am looking for, but still not right aircraft available for me to buy x-plane 12. I have only seen one, maybe two aircraft I need for my VA fleet aircraft. I have 54 aircraft in my fleet.

So Avsim.com is not the place to go for correct information about X-plane 12. I got it. And every now and then I look at fselite..com, I will visit that site more often.

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Martyn from JF has posted about the order in which they're tackling the conversion. The three that just got released were the first batch. The next batch of three are going to be the PA28 Archer III, the Archer TX/LX and the Duchess 76 (I know you're waiting for the Arrow - the race is on, who'll be first to bring theirs to XP12: JF or vFlyteAir...?). In the same statement he also wrote they're saving the most complex aircraft for later, when they have learned about possible pitfalls and issues from the simpler ones.

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On 4/18/2023 at 11:26 PM, mjrhealth said:

Carenado where only ever interested in sales, there support was never that good. And as mentioned above, they looked nice, and for people like me where OK but those in know could pick all  the fidelity issues. As for JF they just updated 3 planes for XP12, and others are in the works. Now that 12 is fairly settled hopefully we will see more addons. Certainly could do wit some MIL stuff for the lovely new carrier we have

Some of the XP Carenado planes had the distinct advantage that the conversions were done by Thranda who were able to improve on the originals (and also open them up to for Simcoders REP support).

Edited by Matchstick
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2 hours ago, Matchstick said:

Some of the XP Carenado planes had the distinct advantage that the conversions were done by Thranda who were able to improve on the originals (and also open them up to for Simcoders REP support).

Thranda no longer works for Carenado? Does Carenado contract out to Thranda to do some work? From what I see the answer is no. Without Thranda, is Carenado able to develop aircraft for X-plane 11 or 12? Time will tell.

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