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[K&A] De Havilland Canada DHC-1 "CHIPMUNK"


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That looks incredible. I'm most excited by what you've said about systems simulation! Hopefully by the time you're done I'll have a PC which can run XP9/10 with VFR-suitable scenery! My current system is useless except for completely IFR flights...

If I can run it comfortably enough on an asus eeepc 904... what kind of pc do you have that could possibly be weaker than that ????

Once I was out of sight of the starting airfield, I started looking around the cockpit for the VOR tuner. At that point I realised this Chipmunk had no VOR. I think it might have had an ADF but I'm not even sure of that!

Actually I'm 100% sure there is NO radio-nav systems ;-)

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That looks incredible. I'm most excited by what you've said about systems simulation! Hopefully by the time you're done I'll have a PC which can run XP9/10 with VFR-suitable scenery! My current system is useless except for completely IFR flights...

If I can run it comfortably enough on an asus eeepc 904... what kind of pc do you have that could possibly be weaker than that ????

Once I was out of sight of the starting airfield, I started looking around the cockpit for the VOR tuner. At that point I realised this Chipmunk had no VOR. I think it might have had an ADF but I'm not even sure of that!

Actually I'm 100% sure there is NO radio-nav systems ;-)

You should enjoy this bird - for those who still understand what piloting really means : looking outside and finding his way home by his own skills. THIS, is fun.

Edited by arno54
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Last Stage !

Khamsin just delivered, a couple of hours ago, the cockpit of the plane. Immediately tested in-game, and...my godness... woaw. Pictures to come very soon.

Now I have the last work to do, install in this cockpit the animations and systems that were coded separately. Meanwhile, Khamsin will texture the exterior of the plane, we should have this done roughly at the same moment - we're speaking of days, here.

Yes, that's the last leg of this road, an hour ago, we saw in-game what she will really look like. The first flight with all parts set onto the acf file is always a very moving, touching moment.

She flew today !

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Is she ok to use in XP 10????

As far as we can say, yes.

But, one has to be aware that, to date, we do not have a 100% functionnal copy of xplane.

Furthermore, XPX will probably evolve quite fast after the first official releases - so it's very difficult to be 100% affirmative.

Plus, the main features of the plane involve logics over very long periods - I'll soon have a special report about this - and a 10mn trial is nowhere near what is needed to confirm the proper behaviour of the custom avionics.

What is clear, nonetheless, is that we will track her behaviour in XPX, so as to fix anything that would get jammed along XP updates.

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That sounds fantastic. Will be using v9 for a while yet as I have to put an AMD 6 core cpu in the computer.....that should fix a couple of things :)

Really looking forward to this release...quality product by a fantastic team.

Oh, will this be sold by X:A? Always want to support the team :)




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That's a tough question I would have liked to avoid. It turns out that it seems pretty difficult.

This has nothing to do with Cameron's work or behaviour or whatever, but, sometime poeples with true respect with each other can't find an agreement, and to date, this is the case. So, I'd say, unfortunately, the Chip quite likely will not be released at XA.

Well... nothing is definitively set yet, I keep my options (and my mind) open.

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I can't resist to share the proudness I have when I see the current state of the bird... She will enter her beta-testing phase by the end of the week. The picture here was made in xp10, and what we see, is that this kind of plane with glass-canopy (as opposed to closed cockpit such as for the B17) does wonders with dynamic shadows. The colors are not 100% definitive, but what you see now is really close to what she will eventually look like. And I dare say, it's not something you see every morning in Xplane :-)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just noticed there is a new picture of the Chipmunk wearing that beautiful RCAF yellow training scheme.

I then remembered that I have a pdf copy of a DHC-1B-2 POH, and I started taking a look at it and noticed that there are some significant differences in the panel and other details of the Chipmunk you are making versus the POH model.

I'm just wondering, which model of the Chipmunk are you modelling your model after?

Would you be in any way interested in getting a copy of the POH I have as reference material?

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Hello, first please accept my apologizes for this unusually late answer - heavy personnal business here, but I'm now back in business :-)

Second, you have to know that we have about any doc that was ever printed on the subject :huh: Actually, K&A have for a politics not to do engage in a project if we don't. :rolleyes:

About the version : it's A1. Nice to see there is some real knowers about that little vintage bird ! B)

Now, you tell about "significant differences". Well, first of all, I have to make clear that it's quite unlikely you can spot any difference between the "true" bird and the one on screenshots. Had you been a beta-tester, I could agree, but spotting differences on a screenshot while even the rivets placements are checked on blue print and IRL examination seems...well...unlikely. And as is printed on the screenshots, these are yet WIP's B)

Please keep in mind that the PoH, whatever the plane, is very rarely describing the plane geometry as it really is. For instance, after checking tenths of real cockpits, we found none that 100% fits any manual. Manuals are a solid basis when it comes to performances, or to the original equipment or to technical requisits, BUT there's no way a manual can tell the shape or the colors or even the instruments in a reliable way. This would indeed be true with some newer birds such as the CRJ-200, which are highly integrated during the production process, but this is DEFINITELY not true when it comes to vintage birds. Basically there should be one PoH for one built bird - I'm barely exagerating.

That being said ! If you have spotted differences between what SHOULD be and what ACTUALLY is, don't hesitate to write to me arno54xpfr[at]gmail.com . I can ensure you that we are very focused on precisions, I should even say picky on details. And quite open-minded to suggestions, be it corrections or simply ideas and remarks. So, if you have remarks to make, you're welcome. ;)

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Thanks for the reply.

What I meant by significant differences, was that there are some pretty significant differences between the DHC-1A, and the DHC-1B-2.

I'll post a few screen captures of the .pdf manual so you can see what I mean.

Also, I didn't mean to say that there are any inaccuracies in the model you are making, besides that I haven't actually been able to find any other POH's for the Chipmunk, at least free ones...

Edit: I'll try re-uploading the files later...

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discontinue : stop doing, providing, or making. But I read in the X plane 10 Wordpress thats the plane is going to be "UPGRADED" New plug in.... ? I really dont understand....

I'm sure they'll have more news on their intentions when they deem fit, Carlos. For now, the aircraft is discontinued from being on the market.

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