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Obsolete, will most likely not work with the update!

So, I tried to implement a TBM-like throttle, that is the whole axis mapped to the range of my throttle.

I assign my hardware axis to axis 3 and 4, and map those values with FWL to xscenery/mu2b60/manips/L_power_lever_rotate (and the right one), with a custom command I need to execute to move from flight idle backwards.
The movement in the cockpit works fine, I even managed to include the "power lever pull" animation.

Here's how you use it:

- install FlyWithLua (unless you already have it)
- copy my script into the script folder
- assign your throttle axis to axis 3 and 4
- in the MU2 preferences set Power Lever Detent Ratio to 0.5
- assign a button to the command "Press Throttle Detent" under FlyWithLua\MU2\ (Should have renamed it "Lift Levers" or something like that...)

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you need any tuning.


Edited by Ch.Cole
Warning re: Update
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will definitely give this a look see.  The 'custom command' for an axis is actually a bit new to me (since I haven't dev'd since before 2016) and my recollection of trying  it the first time resulted in some kind of delay IIRC (and I may not RC)....which precluded my using it.  Perhaps I should revisit it. 

Edited by tkyler
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I'm not a "professional" either, so I took a simple approach ;)
This is the custom command, that just sets a variable to "true", if the button is pressed

create_command("FlyWithLua/MU2/detent_pressed", "Press Throttle detent", "", "detentpressed = true" , "detentpressed = false")

The mapping from axis to manips is

if Throttle_3 >= 0.5 then THR_L_manip = Throttle_3  L_inbeta = false end
if Throttle_3 < 0.5 and (detentpressed == true or L_inbeta == true) then THR_L_manip = Throttle_3  L_inbeta = true end
if Throttle_3 < 0.5 and detentpressed ~= true and L_inbeta ~=true then THR_L_manip = 0.51 end

it maps straight if the axis is above flight idle (first line) or the detent is pressed or it already is in beta (second line).

Else, if the axis is below flight idle, but the detent isn't pressed or it's not already in beta, the manip is set to 0.51

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well the first thing I'm giong to do (which I did in Version 1) is separate the animation of the levers from the raw hardware value...they get jittery and jump around.  This will allow for continuous animations between positions, so they wont just "transport".  That doesn't mean they won't move around on their own if a bug is present, but at least they'll animate there.

Also, I'm not showing the drawstring feedback, FWIW.

Thx for this Ch.Cole.

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3 minutes ago, Ither said:

there anyway we can write "LIFT DETENT" or something in middle bottom of screen? I'd like to know when I hit that while on final.

Overall this script has been HUGE hit for me with my bravo.

Ither is your use case where you "hit the button" on the bottom of your Bravo (back of the lever throw) and thats when it goes  into reverse?  

Edited by tkyler
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3 minutes ago, tkyler said:

Ither is your use case where you "hit the button" on the bottom of your Bravo (back of the lever throw) and thats when it goes  into reverse?  

No, I'm using the TOGA button like I do with the FJS Q400.

I fear using that button at bottom puts us so far down that we'd hit it and instantly be in reverse.

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@Ch.Cole I took your script and did a bit of modification to add some gates.  There is a "lift levers" command to bind to allow you to pull the levers back.

Barely tested, but it might be useful to someone else until we have gates natively.  @tkyler as far as I'm concerned, feel free to use this code as inspiration or wholesale in the Mu-2.  My bits are the THR_set functions



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On 7/17/2022 at 6:43 PM, Ch.Cole said:

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you need any tuning.

Thank you very much for Your helpful script.
Until the official plane patch comes out, this script made it easier for me to fly the MU2 with my Honneycomb Bravo.
I only have one small comment / inquiry regarding the Propellers Locks as "props are on the locks" setting.
Normally, (and that's how it works in MU2 when your script is not being used), the Propeller Lock should remain locked after starting the motors. The lock is released only when you move Power Levers to Reverse (according to the checklist).
The ENG Torque indicator should read 0% both when you move the Power Levers to the maximum or to the Beta range (when the Prop is Lock)
Indicator ENG Torque will only show their values when the Lock is released (when you move the Power Levers to the Reverse position and you will move it forward again) -  the drive shaft rotates.

I tried to figure out why this is happening when I use your script, but my mind is too small and I gave up ;-)


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Hi everyone, unfortunately I can't get any further with the script, despite the instructions!
Now I even copied the script into both directories, into the x-plane under plugins/Lua and also into the plugin folder of the plane.

As you can see in the attachment, I have 2 push levers for throttle. If I assign Throotle to both, as in the instructions for the script, I get a warning. For me it is not as described, 3 and 4 but 2 and 3. With the further statement "in the MU2 preferences set Power Lever Detent Ratio to 0.5"

I can't do anything either. What is MU2 preferences? In the settings of x-plane? But MU2 tells me nothing.

And I didn't get any further.

And I didn't get any further.
Also, assigning the "Toggle thrust reversers" command does not cause the lock to be released. I need mental help.

Thanks in advance and greetings


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There are several issues here. First of all, see the warning. The script is not supposed to be used with the update.

Second, you have to assign one axis to "Throttle 3" and one to "Throttle 4".

Long story short, delete my script, Axis "Engine 1" to "Throttle 3" and Axis "Engine 2" to "Throttle 4"

The command should be "Lift Power Levers", a custom MU-2 command.

Feel free to post again if there are further issues, gerne auch auf Deutsch.

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