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The park brake doesn't work


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To set the park brake you need to have hydraulic pressure (Pump 3A on). Then hold the toe brakes, and set the parking brake while holding the toe brakes. If you simply apply the park brake, there will be no braking effect, and Jenny won't be happy you messed up her ramp when the chocks are removed.

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mmmm... something strange here. This is the same in the 737: but when I try to set parking brake in 737 without pushing toe brakes, parking brake simply doesn't stay in position and the parking light doesn't stay red, so I KNOW that parking brake is OFF.

But in this 650, if i don't push toe brakes when engaging parking brake, I have lever pulled and the green "parking brake" message too, but NOT braking power, so I cannot know the real parking brake status: I doubt this is the REAL LIFE 650 behaviour.

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3 hours ago, masiero said:

mmmm... something strange here. This is the same in the 737: but when I try to set parking brake in 737 without pushing toe brakes, parking brake simply doesn't stay in position and the parking light doesn't stay red, so I KNOW that parking brake is OFF.

But in this 650, if i don't push toe brakes when engaging parking brake, I have lever pulled and the green "parking brake" message too, but NOT braking power, so I cannot know the real parking brake status: I doubt this is the REAL LIFE 650 behaviour.

It is real behaviour. Verified by the type rated, current Challenger pilots Hot Start have been working with. 

Edited by Graeme_77
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2 hours ago, Graeme_77 said:

It is real behaviour. Verified by the type rated, current Challenger pilots Hot Start have been working with. 

I am a AME certified on the CL604 and CRJ-200. Indeed, in the real aircraft, you really have to “stomp” on the brake pedals hard, or the parking brake handle will not pull up to set the brakes. 

I just purchased the 650 today and I am extremely impressed. The level of detail in the systems is the best I have ever seen in any add-on aircraft on any platform!

Edited by JRBarrett
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Following the checklists we set the parking brake early, then do hydraulic tests, and then later flight control tests, which involve the rudder. 

What I have found is that after starting the engines the plane starts rolling forward, and I was perplexed by this. How could the parking brake be set and the plane roll away? 

I think I might have figured it out. 

In the engine (or before engine) startup checklist the co-pilot says, "Parking Brake". I don't check it because I know I put it on earlier in the first check list. But I got to thinking, what if the hydraulic and control checks let the pressure bleed out of the parking brake. Somehow?

So, this last time, just before starting the engines, I released the parking brake ("V" key) then pushed and held on the brakes ("B" key), then set the parking brake again ("V" key).

Viola, it worked the plane didn't move an inch. 

I also found that for taxing after you release the parking brake you have to release the regular brakes as well. ("V" then "B").

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