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Does ANYBODY cares about support the customers on X Aviation????


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I'm editing this with the intention to be fare. Yes, I might pull the trigger too fast with the Bad support comment. But was because many people comments about not receiving support on time... and me trying to play during my weekend. I finally and because of all this, I jumped into FS2020 this weekend. AMAZING! ... although I love my X-plane 11 

Ill correct myself here.

Bad support? No, I don't know that because it was the first time interacting with them. Seems they have 3 days response time. I got a quick answer thou :)

Difficult to get answers? Same as above. I never engage with them BUT when I did ... read it by yourself 

Installation verification always fail? Yes. and this is frustrating. But nothing with support yet. In fact I always avoid to contact support because I know how that is.

The site encourage to purchase?  Yes, but I guess that is normal. I was able to get a NEW/Same product I already purchased without a glitch but reinstall/crashes/rebuild PC etc.. is difficult panful and need support. 

The bad experience is with the the self installation/activation/email etc... 

My overall frustration was with the product activation / forums / documentations for self troubleshooting... and then this support. 


Very Bad support. Difficult to get answers, installation verification fails all the time.... This site encourage to purchase with no support ??? :(

Really bad experience! ... the worst part is that they are getting trap with their own security policies and us with product not be able to use.

This represent a LOT of affords and TIME to get a simple installation to work 


already paid more that 100& on products i cant useCapture2.thumb.PNG.fedb460a15596973f24f9b4d84d5df8d.PNG


Revisit your support model.... 



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54 minutes ago, CD12 said:

Revisit your support model.... 

Or you could revisit your respect. You sent two support tickets. How long ago? 1 hour and another 2 minutes later. Then you make this topic 15 minutes later. I don't take kindly to you acting like a child in an outrage that he hasn't received a reply in an hour but trying to make others think he's been waiting for days, months, years.


I would help you right now (because this is a really simple issue), but I think you need to learn patience. Because of your treatment of this situation, expect a reply in 3 days as the contact page states.

Want to be an @ss? You'll be treated like one then. Next time, reconsider how you approach your impatience if you want respectful help.

Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 3.22.13 PM.png

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We fully understand that can be very busy.

I know you write that you should expect 3 days response time. 


I submitted a ticket 2 weeks ago, heard nothing from you (support).

After a week, I have spit with new ticket asking ,if there has been time to look at my problem.

Now another week has passed, and still no sign of life from support. what happens ? is all shut down due to corona. Or.

Would be great if you get a message that you are looking at the matter, instead of waiting in the uncertain

I bought a lot of add ons that I currently can not use.

my english is not so good, hope meaning is understood.

and really hope, Cameron that you can soon find time to help




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Hello Mogens, 

If you submit a new ticket with the same issue as the first one, it pushes it further down the queue. Best policy? Wait on the first one to be replied to, and don't open a second (or third) ticket for the same issue. All it does is move it further down the queue. 


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8 hours ago, Muggedam said:

We fully understand that can be very busy.

I know you write that you should expect 3 days response time. 


I submitted a ticket 2 weeks ago, heard nothing from you (support).

After a week, I have spit with new ticket asking ,if there has been time to look at my problem.

Now another week has passed, and still no sign of life from support. what happens ? is all shut down due to corona. Or.

Would be great if you get a message that you are looking at the matter, instead of waiting in the uncertain

I bought a lot of add ons that I currently can not use.

my english is not so good, hope meaning is understood.

and really hope, Cameron that you can soon find time to help




From your post history I'm going to guess that you want help with a locked machine ID. 

Locks are permanent.

I replied to you on sept 23rd.


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21 hours ago, Cameron said:

Or you could revisit your respect. You sent two support tickets. How long ago? 1 hour and another 2 minutes later. Then you make this topic 15 minutes later. I don't take kindly to you acting like a child in an outrage that he hasn't received a reply in an hour but trying to make others think he's been waiting for days, months, years.


I would help you right now (because this is a really simple issue), but I think you need to learn patience. Because of your treatment of this situation, expect a reply in 3 days as the contact page states.

Want to be an @ss? You'll be treated like one then. Next time, reconsider how you approach your impatience if you want respectful help.

Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 3.22.13 PM.png


1 hour ago, Ben Russell said:

From your post history I'm going to guess that you want help with a locked machine ID. 

Locks are permanent.

I replied to you on sept 23rd.


Is this is a thread? 

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24 minutes ago, CD12 said:

You should say thank you!

Sure with all your comments ... is this simple issue fixed?

 Day 2 




You don't really seem to understand things very well, do you? :)

Refer back to what I said above. You can expect a reply after 3 days simply for the way you've handled this situation.

Yes, this is a thread. If you meant "threat", no. Ben wasn't even talking to you anyhow.

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22 hours ago, Cameron said:

Or you could revisit your respect. You sent two support tickets. How long ago? 1 hour and another 2 minutes later. Then you make this topic 15 minutes later. I don't take kindly to you acting like a child in an outrage that he hasn't received a reply in an hour but trying to make others think he's been waiting for days, months, years.


I would help you right now (because this is a really simple issue), but I think you need to learn patience. Because of your treatment of this situation, expect a reply in 3 days as the contact page states.

Want to be an @ss? You'll be treated like one then. Next time, reconsider how you approach your impatience if you want respectful help.

Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 3.22.13 PM.png


2 hours ago, Ben Russell said:

From your post history I'm going to guess that you want help with a locked machine ID. 

Locks are permanent.

I replied to you on sept 23rd.


Is this is a tread? 

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No I don't understand how you can manage your customers.... seems that you have more time to turn them down that to help them. ... Very good!!! 

It takes 2 ass *&^%*&^ to take this situations as is now.... you are the other of them... BUT seems you are the CEO of this ..whatever this is. Very very good! 

Ill be petitely wait for you amazing support! 


thank god we have history of all this... 


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Just now, CD12 said:

No I don't understand how you can manage your customers.... seems that you have more time to turn them down that to help them. ... Very good!!! 

It takes 2 ass *&^%*&^ to take this situations as is now.... you are the other of them... BUT seems you are the CEO of this ..whatever this is. Very very good! 

Ill be petitely wait for you amazing support! 


thank god we have history of all this... 


There are other customers that need their queries answered to, your insistence that you be served instantly and not read anything presented to you is laughable.

Do you skip to the head of the queue when you're shopping to or does your common decency come into play because you're more accountable in real life?

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yes keep fighting with your customers... the one who pays YOUR salaries right?.

RESOLVE the F ^%$%^$ problem and move on to your next poor customer. You don't have to have the entire support team  (2 guys) wasting your time like this. FIX the stupid problem.

Wait!!  WHY to fix this ??? .. the customer is an ass #$@# and I hate the customers! Right.. great win for you! 

I'm mad/frustrated and you are happy and exited = you win!!! - yes you are right !!! 

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36 minutes ago, CD12 said:

yes keep fighting with your customers... the one who pays YOUR salaries right?.

RESOLVE the F ^%$%^$ problem and move on to your next poor customer. You don't have to have the entire support team  (2 guys) wasting your time like this. FIX the stupid problem.

Wait!!  WHY to fix this ??? .. the customer is an ass #$@# and I hate the customers! Right.. great win for you! 

I'm mad/frustrated and you are happy and exited = you win!!! - yes you are right !!! 

Thanks for the abuse. Quality customer. Pleasure to serve you.

F off.

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the lack of sympathy with customers that expressed frustration with your product and support process are incredible. I might be not patient, I get that, but to take this into this level from your side is unacceptable.

Ill wait for your kind of support but if this is not fixed soon then we will really take it to then next level for sure! 

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Just now, CD12 said:

the lack of sympathy with customers that expressed frustration with your product and support process are incredible. I might be not patient, I get that, but to take this into this level from your side is unacceptable.

Ill wait for your kind of support but if this is not fixed soon then we will really take it to then next level for sure! 

Your attitude and behavior and attempts to ignore and bypass the standard support waiting times is what's unacceptable.

In a shopping mall you'd be having a long attitude re-adjustment chat with the security team.

Here, I'll just tell you plainly where you can go.

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Oh you are the security team now???  hahahahah

You are choosing not to provide support because I was top hard... read you boss comment above.  

You are punishing a customer because the customer was to hard ???  very very smart.

and in you mall analogy, sure. the scenario is that the store is empty and you refused to help. not the other way around. How I know this? because you can spend more time on this madness than fixing the problems.


JUST FIX THE STUP PROBLEM.... WHICH IS SIMPLE! read your boss comment  

 BUT NO... they wont do it because I was too hard with them. Poor people! Crying 


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22 minutes ago, CD12 said:

JUST FIX THE STUP PROBLEM.... WHICH IS SIMPLE! read your boss comment 

Sucks being treated how you treat others, doesn't it? :)

Think ahead next time. This is a good life lesson for you, because apparently you haven't yet learned that people don't need to put up with your indecent behavior. You may not have expected it, but rest assured my toleration for it is non-existent.

And, guess what? You sent in ANOTHER support ticket two hours ago after already being warned. That's another 3 days added to your reply time from 2 hours ago. You'll learn...one day.

The alternative would have just been you being respectful and already have received a reply. I hope you take consideration into how you're treating others as a human next time.

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Listen Cameron. I'm not learning a thing from your support model nor YOU. In fact all this multiple creating ticket is your problem and not mine (revisit your support model).  You are not here to correct customers but to fix your products issues with them. Customers can be unfair and many customers are but what it makes a company be different that others is to understand their customers. This will increase your customer base. 

Let me help you here. You could say:

We have received your support incident. We understand your frustration and we want to help you but we have commitments with other customers as well. Our response time is 3 days. Rest assure that we will reach out with a solution or a plan to get this issue resolve. Thanks for your understanding.

SEE? On this way you are REALLY educating me... But what you did??? read above an learn how to lose customers. 


BTW I just updated the original issue to be fair! But man!... not not good the entire thing



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19 minutes ago, CD12 said:

We have received your support incident. We understand your frustration and we want to help you but we have commitments with other customers as well. Our response time is 3 days. Rest assure that we will reach out with a solution or a plan to get this issue resolve. Thanks for your understanding.

SEE? On this way you are REALLY educating me... But what you did??? read above an learn how to lose customers.

Why should I "protect" you and your terrible behavior? I am absolutely not going to pretend like you're this awesome person who deserves respect when you come at me or my business the way you did. If you're not learning anything, then that's on you, but something tells me by your editing of comments and suddenly being "fair" (if that's what you want to call your edits), you are learning something. And, that is...I won't put up with you being a total ass of a person. Treat others how you want to be treated.

I shouldn't have to educate you on being a decent human with manners. Don't even bother trying to flip this one me with how you feel I should have been when the problem didn't start with me to begin with.

We'll see your issue resolved in a few days.

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You should say thank you!

Flip what? .... My edits are legit true. and because I'm not as BAD ass H#%$#$ as you are. I tried and you don't want to move on. FINE! and don't ever resolve anything as you wish. I don't care anymore. FS2020 is finally here to remove all this bug products with terrible support ... so glad! 

... You went to a lowest level and you didn't control yourself in front of all the people reading this. Its your business not mine so I don't care. Your name and reputation is HERE for everybody to read...yeah sure the customer was to hard and don't have human decency. Pleeeeasee ...BIG Deal. man up!

Maybe my comments did hurt you because you knew its true ... people are waiting weeks and month to get answers ...WHY? probably because you allow to create multiple tickets that pushes this 3 days down and down so you don't have to respond/answer... smart thing right??... its all the customers who create problems not our product/process and policies...

You think they care about me??? they don't have a service/product with me but with you smarty.

I'm finally logging off of this site!... sure I lost 150$. whatever.... 

I'll make sure this is goes to the public for awareness. 


Good by for ever!!! 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/3/2020 at 8:31 PM, Cameron said:

Sucks being treated how you treat others, doesn't it? :)

do you represent X-Aviation?


On 10/3/2020 at 9:25 PM, Cameron said:

Why should I "protect" you

Loud and clear. congrats on the internet points, that's all I'm ever going to give you. thanks for the snapshots of your comments, I shall share them profusely..


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4 minutes ago, mSparks said:

do you represent X-Aviation?


Loud and clear. congrats on the internet points, that's all I'm ever going to give you. thanks for the snapshots of your comments.


What was the purpose of your post beyond internet points? 


This thread is dead, let it sleep. 

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