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Vanishing cloud layers


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Edit2: Nope, happened again. Active Sky and ingame different weather. Cloud layer vanished when climbing above.

Active Sky in SMP depiction mode, RWC in external injector mode.



Edit: Upon further investigation, the cloud layer should have not been there in the first place, Active sky reported scattered clouds. In the root x-plane directory there was an additional, older MAXX_metar.rwx file (don't know where that came from). Deleting it i get the proper weather in game.


With the latest version 4.9.4 in combination with Active Sky + RWC, i have the problem that the entire cloud layer vanishes if i go above it.

First picture i am slightly above it, and second picture i moved the camera slightly up, the layer vanishes.

Tested with X-Plane 11.50 beta 10 under vulkan.


Edited by akatham
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Just did another flight, a few scattered clouds, displayed as they should be. During the flight i changed a setting in SMP (turned cloud shadows off) causing SMP to redraw the clouds. Suddenly i am in a dense layer of fog. Said layer stops being displayed if i go above it, and if i go down it gets rendered again.2101958343_X-Plane2020-06-1600-00-22(Medium).thumb.png.5b2dcc0f20adcdcef8d515fddd35863b.png

Edited by akatham
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The vanishing overcast happens with all 6 overcast settings of SMP.

Experimented a bit with Active Sky custom weather. If the overcast is composed of Cumulus clouds the layer does NOT vanish, if i set it to Stratus or CumuloNimbus it WILL vanish.


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27 minutes ago, akatham said:

The vanishing overcast happens with all 6 overcast settings of SMP.

Experimented a bit with Active Sky custom weather. If the overcast is composed of Cumulus clouds the layer does NOT vanish, if i set it to Stratus or CumuloNimbus it WILL vanish.


Next question is it specific to ASXP? Could you try running default weather under overcast conditions? 

using SMP and the default clouds for a comparison...

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Also happens without Active Sky, XP in manual weather mode with a single overcast cumulus layer, RWC in automatic mode.


Edit: for comparison with SMP+RWC disabled and using X-Planes native clouds the layer does not vanish.

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Great, it's one of *those* bugs - I've been trying all morning to get this to happen here, following the exact steps shown in your videos, and everything works fine on my system.

I suspect there might actually be two different issues being reported in this thread. But for one of them, it looks like the fog effect when you are inside a solid procedural overcast layer isn't working. This might be tied to your graphics settings; try with and without HDR enabled to see if that matters. Or it could be a Vulkan vs. OpenGL thing. If either of those settings seem to make a difference, please let me know (that would imply there's a bug in the latest X-Plane beta we need to work with Laminar on, if so)

I'd also suggest deleting your resources/silverlining/settings.dat file and then reconfiguring SMP/RWC to your liking. One possibility is that your settings are in a bad state somehow, and as a result SMP has inconsistent information about what kind of overcast layers are being used.

If none of that helps, it would be helpful to post your log.txt file so I can understand more about your system configuration. Maybe it's a Mac-specific thing or something.


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Did what you suggested (with all scenery/plugins except Gizmo, Active Sky, SMP+RWC disabled), with the following results:


-HDR on/off does not make a difference

-Deleting settings.dat no difference


However, it only occurs under Vulkan, with OpenGL the layer does not vanish.



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OK, so I found the bug. It turns out the change we made to try and improve VR in SMP 4.9.4 caused this. As it reportedly didn't actually help VR, I rolled the change back.

I've sent X-Aviation a SMP 4.9.5 build that should fix this; hopefully it will be distributed soon and this issue will go away.

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44 minutes ago, sundog said:

OK, so I found the bug. It turns out the change we made to try and improve VR in SMP 4.9.4 caused this. As it reportedly didn't actually help VR, I rolled the change back.

I've sent X-Aviation a SMP 4.9.5 build that should fix this; hopefully it will be distributed soon and this issue will go away.

Thanks for your fast support 


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