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Boeing 747-400

What would you like the most on the Boeing 747-400  

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  1. 1. What would you like the most on the Boeing 747-400

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Borrowing work without any Atrribution of Credit and statement of intention IS WRONG and WILL NOT be tolerated.

One more stupid issue, Rafael, and you're gone. You dissapoint me.

Don't bother PMing me this time, you muddy your own name. This post will make no difference.

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Indi-, Have you banned Rafael...?

I can say for sure he won't distribute that with those objects in the package as a fellow team member on this aircraft.

Texture of fuselage... (I Chose Delta cos it was dead easy! :) ) found here

Rafael will model that texture to the fuse object this week

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Well The moment youve all been waiting for is here.. First shots of the new 74X-Project (formal name) fuse and VC!!! in ages. Thanks to Theo I hope we havent lost anybody.  After WEEKS AND WEEKS of work without internet I managed to finish cockpit windows and The glareshields and Main Panel of the VC. heres shots of the new 45000 surface count fuselage :0. Finally some nice landing gear doors open :) here are many shots of the VC so you have an idea of where Im going. Now im off back to no internet, the only thing that is good about this is that Im focusing on modelling this bird. Thanks to Theo A now official team member we have over 3 textures now.. Cathay, Delta, and United NC Theo will be talking for me for the past few days till the net company comes.








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Hey Rafael-

So, remember when I called you out on using XPFW's engines, pylons, gear, wings, and gear doors? You eventually admitted you used them, claiming they were only to show off where you were going. Well thats dishonest enough, but both X-Pilot and XPFW let it slide since you had not released it and you said they wouldn't be used....but you repeatedly told not only me, but everyone here that you had spent WEEKS working on the fuse. I had my suspicions, but I let it go...

Well, after I saw these new pictures, and read your claim that your AMAZING fuse had 45,000 polys, I became suspicious. Here's why: The MD-80 fuse has about 3800 polys. Granted, its a smaller plane, but there's only one way to explain a 45,000 poly fuse: Extreme subsurf, or lying. Question is, if you had built your own fuse, why would you subsurf. Well, you managed to do both. Here's what you did. You took the XPFW 747 fuse obj, and you imported it into Blender or AC3D (whichever you use), and you got something that looked like this:

That's our fuse, overlayed on your fuse/mesh preview you uploaded.

Now that certainly doesn't raise any suspicion. But see, a faceted, rough fuse was not what you wanted, so you hit the smooth button EXACTLY 3 times, and now, VOILA!

Now that looks mighty familiar don't it? All you had to do now was remove the extra vert here and there, straighten up some lines in sections that were erased from your early pictures (see the area under the V-Stab if anyone is curious), and you could then put out pics of something you thought you could convince people had taken you WEEKS of BRILLIANT work to complete. Unfortunately, you're a theif, a liar, and only in this for attention.

My hands are shaking right now, and I feel sick to my stomach. In all my time involved in XP and 3D, I have NEVER ONCE run across someone who STOLE so much, and was caught SO many times. You just do not get it, do you? WE KNOW OUR WORK, AND WE KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS STOLEN...Heck, I didn't even have a part in the original 744 build and this was extremely obvious. So, all said and done, you have wasted a month or so of your life on STEALING things. My god man, you could have built your own damn fuse in that time, and it would've looked a lot better than converting a fuse that's 3 years old and out-dated.

What's worse is that you sucked someone else down with you! I bet Theo is going to LOVE you when he sees that he has been swindled. The good news is he didn't do anything wrong besides being tricked by you.

You are one of the worst kind of thieves out there: You steal for nothing more than attention! When you do this, people develop hope and excitement...but inevitably, you get caught. Then, you not only hurt those you stole from, but all those who had faith and hope in what you do.

You make me sick.




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The satisfaction I am getting in creating my own aircraft from scratch, the Hawker 4000 (Shameless Plug!), is priceless.  I can safely say I am working on it on my own...for now.  And I never have to worry about someone accusing me of stealing their work.

Rafael, please, you are not doing yourself any favors.  I have spent countless sleepless nights creating the general aviation aircraft in my virtual hangar because I truly do enjoy the Creative Process and I get carried away.

The Hawker 4000 (Another Shameless Plug!) will be my finest creation to date.  I do have 1 secret to tell but that will be known when I finish the Hawker 4000 (Final Shameless Plug!)

Rafael, please, stop stealing other peoples work.  When someone works very hard on something and then someone steals it and palms it off as their own hard work, it's very very bad.  Especially when the person who created it in the first place, allows people to have it for FREE!


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>:) Wow this went to hell in a hand basket. Why waste time on a plane maker model when the resources are available to create a model ten times as better? Id rather start from scratch.

I would say start over and build from the ground up.


Post a current wire frame?

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I can't defend you any more, simply because you are a thief. Leeching off of other peoples work. What will happen when I start making planes? I am 13, and I am learning Blender, and I don't waste my time scamming other people and lying to the public! I honestly thought you were good at this, and thought that you were an amazing 3D artist, but now I see that you are simply a scam artist. Gilben is right, you can probably kiss your relationship with Theo good bye! Man I feel sorry for him right now. You are the kind of person who is discouraging growth in X-Plane.

I can see who you really are now...  :'(

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I have a question gilbernl,

Everything you see' date=' minus the fuse is IDENTICAL to our objects


Its the same fuselage. You've even seen his progress shots of it...

Please don't take these questions the wrong way gilbernl but i think i have every right too ask them.


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Well, when I originally caught him stealing our engines, pylons, gear, wings, etc, I didn't have definitive proof it was also our fuse. These new "progress shots" are just further iterations of smooth and subsurf. I knew it was all ours to begin with, I just chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. What he did was he began by doing his "own fuse" then gave up and stole ours. In less than 5 minutes time, I was able to reproduce the IDENTICAL mesh that he showed on this site by applying the smooth feature precisely three times. I was even having a conversation with Cameron, the owner of this site, while I was doing this, and he has seen all the evidence.

Furthermore, I have discussed it with the people who actually BUILT the fuse and they agree with my analysis. With all due respect, you have been swindled by the worst. Rafeal was banned from XPFW for doing this exact same thing with his "A300 project". The proof is there. Should you choose to ignore it, you'll go down with him.

In private emails, I have given him countless warnings, and encouraged him to do his own work. He has once again proven to be a theif.

PS: I will also be checking the 757 VC files and comparing them to the VC shots he has shown, because many of those objects look VERY familiar...IE the six sided switches, the PFD's and especially the gear handle.

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In my experience, a leopard is a leopard... if his spots appear to change, it's probably just a new coat. An infamous Romanian once taught us that some people will do virtually anything for attention.

Absolutely nothing replaces the feeling of satisfaction gained from (your own) hard work. People who understand this, do it for their own enjoyment - not for the accolades of others.

A PMDG-level 747 would do wonders for the X-Plane community as a whole, especially with the recent influx of new MSFS users. Sadly, most of the talented developers available already have their hands full with other projects. Perhaps, with MS abandoning development of FS, PMDG will see the future benefit of developing for X-Plane? We can hope.

This fiasco is a real shame. What a waste.

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>:( Wow this went to hell in a hand basket. Why waste time on a plane maker model when the resources are available to create a model ten times as better? Id rather start from scratch.

I would say start over and build from the ground up.


Post a current wire frame?

I'm not sure I understand your comment, airbus.  You MUST build a Planemaker model before starting on the Hi Res 3D version.  3d versions exported to PlaneMaker have absolutely no flight characteristics unless they have already been made 100% in PlaneMaker.  If you make a plane with no tail and elevator in Plane Maker but then add them in a 3D program and export it, the exported plane will NOT fly properly because X Plane only reads the aerodynamic surfaces of PlaneMaker Aircraft.


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I've had the weekend to reflect.

I want to say a few things.

I want work to go on on this. A few progress shots is not enough to say that he stole it.

Remember people that were going on one persons advise... One person who is completely slanted and doesn't like Rafael at all. I like Airbus' thinking so i've requested Rafael to post a basic mesh fuse thing to compare it too!

I thought in the western world, it was innocent until proven guilty... So why are we doing this. As someone who has worked with Rafael and followed his progress, I and I alone really have the ability to be a fair judge of weather he stole it...

As i said before, There are countless things he's said too me and ways he's made things that indicate that he hasn't stole these objects. Isn't that reasonable doubt... And i know reasonable doubt is not good enough for many of you. And Hell its not even good enough for me. Thats why i've asked him too post his work on this website (He doesn't have web at the moment)

I'm not picking a side at the moment cos I honestly don't know... But we gave Sadam Hussein (i cant spell his name but i really couldn't give a **** that i can't spell that ass wipes name) a fair trial. But we won't give Rafael a fair chance to prove that he didn't steal it...

And gilbernl "Should you choose to ignore it, you'll go down with him.", Don't EVER tell me what you don't know **** about (me)!! Im sorry if i came across strong saying that but that pissed me off a lot!

"I honestly thought you were good at this, and thought that you were an amazing 3D artist" - He did the work on x737 objects. This might help some of you work out how good he really is!

If it turns out Rafael stole it. I'll be the first to make a public apology for wasting peoples time!

I'll close with this statement...

"The proof is there" - One sided proof from a man who didn't even the allegedly kidnapped plane!


EDIT: P.S. What did i do to get Negitive Karma?

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While I won't get into details or choose sides, I will say that behind closed doors, Rafael has admitted to taking what he is accused of. Whether he chooses to come out about it publicly here, that's his choice. I won't dive into this one further.

I'm not here to judge one person over the next. I understand the excitement some people may get when they are developing aircraft, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, some good will finally come out of the humiliation of all of this for Rafael. There is much more to life than just the XP world, so I definitely don't wish him ill will, however, should he choose to continue the use of others' work (which has been proven elsewhere aside from here on different projects), then I can't support or root for him in the aspect of an aircraft designer. It will definitely be hard for him to earn users' trust back, but I'm sure he'll soon overcome these possibly overwhelming feelings of disapproval and come out stronger in the end (or I hope he does).

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I've had the weekend to reflect.

I want to say a few things.

I want work to go on on this. A few progress shots is not enough to say that he stole it.

Remember people that were going on one persons advise... One person who is completely slanted and doesn't like Rafael at all. I like Airbus' thinking so i've requested Rafael to post a basic mesh fuse thing to compare it too!

I thought in the western world' date=' it was innocent until proven guilty... So why are we doing this. As someone who has worked with Rafael and followed his progress, I and I alone really have the ability to be a fair judge of weather he stole it...

As i said before, There are countless things he's said too me and ways he's made things that indicate that he hasn't stole these objects. Isn't that reasonable doubt... And i know reasonable doubt is not good enough for many of you. And Hell its not even good enough for me. Thats why i've asked him too post his work on this website (He doesn't have web at the moment)

I'm not picking a side at the moment cos I honestly don't know... But we gave Sadam Hussein (i cant spell his name but i really couldn't give a **** that i can't spell that ass wipes name) a fair trial. But we won't give Rafael a fair chance to prove that he didn't steal it...

And gilbernl "Should you choose to ignore it, you'll go down with him.", Don't EVER tell me what you don't know **** about (me)!! Im sorry if i came across strong saying that but that pissed me off a lot!

"I honestly thought you were good at this, and thought that you were an amazing 3D artist" - He did the work on x737 objects. This might help some of you work out how good he really is!

If it turns out Rafael stole it. I'll be the first to make a public apology for wasting peoples time!

I'll close with this statement...

"The proof is there" - One sided proof from a man who didn't even the allegedly kidnapped plane!


EDIT: P.S. What did i do to get Negitive Karma?[/quote']

Cool down mate. No need to get heated.

I think it's time you stepped back and took a long candid and unbiased look at things here. You need to realize that Nick, myself and the XPFW team have had a lot more experience with Rafael and his background than you've ever had, and when Nick looks at this and says, "He stole it!" that he is NOT basing his conclusion on this thread alone. In fact, this thread has only highlighted yet another example of Rafael's plagiaristic characteristics.

I have had dealings with Raf in the past, and know that he is this way inclined. In fact, I've actually never seen anything that is genuinely and legitimately his. That's not to say he can't do it, but it takes time and effort to do it yourself, and it's tough have the motivation and stamina to scratch start a project and see it right though - many hundreds of hours, particularly on the project currently under discussion.

Think about it. Nick is trying to save you the trouble of getting on board with a project, only to have it crash down the road as another example of copyright violation and plagiarism. Take a look from a new perspective - we're not trying to shoot you down, just help you! You obviously have good intentions yourself, but it would be a shame to have your first collaborative project end a flop.

We're doing you a favour mate - consider it as such.


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Ok i'm sorry about my 'heatedness'.

If he admitted it to others then i apologize. This project I can say now is dead...

I also thank you for helping me with this. This was my first Aircraft project... And I thank you for helping it not be my last. I want to create a completely object based 733... I can texture well. I just will need to learn how to model...

I know you (XPFW) have created a 733 already and I can promise you that I am not like Rafael... I would rather make everything from scratch myself. I hope you will judge my character better than what you have of Rafael... I can promise you in front of God himself I would never steal your acf...

Im sorry for my hot headed post...

If anyone would like to carry on the 744 with me, you would be quite welcome... if not, until i learn how to model better in blender or AC3D, It needs more skill than i will initially have... :(

I feel kinda shit about being swindled... about 100 hours work and probably less than 20 stealing others work on his part.

,Theo (The worst judge of character since Hitlers mother called him a nice young man)  ::)

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Don't worry.  It's not out of being nice.  I can model in 3D but I SUCK at texturing.  But get this, I can process pictures and manipulate pictures in Photoshop. 

I have no idea why I can't make textures for X-Plane.  It just doesn't work.

Anyway.  Going by that 1 screenshot, I think I could use your texturing expertise.

Actually, can you texture some other aircraft for x plane, load up the sim and take a few screenshots.  Only 2 or 3 if possible

I'll be in touch!


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