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ORBX Stark Twin Oaks


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Nice video, nice scenery. Flyinhawaiian. It's not impossible to make scenery like that. It "just takes time". You know? 'Cause there doesn't seem like there's so many of us doing scenery with the aim and goal of making it "perfect".

Freeware is.. well.. freeware.. Payware scenery is even more time consuming with a big weight on the shoulders to actually "deliver something worth paying for". I've tried building a few airports. One of them is actually not that bad, I just need some more info about the airport in regards of photos if it's gonna meet MY idea of the simulated reality. I can of course release it as is, but.. will that be good enough for others to pay for it? Who knows.. :P

I wouldn't mind contributing in payware for X-Plane. By all means. But doing it all alone WILL make it take a lot of time.

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Ola, you're absolutely right.  There's a fine balance to be reached and I hope the quality balance between fantastic scenery and good frame rates makes its way to our world soon... From what I've seen from your work, so far, I'd say you are on the right track.  From there, I can't wait to see what you come out with!

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I'll be at Twin Oaks this weekend for the monthly EAA pancake breakfast. It's a wonderful little field. It's actually the closest field to where I live, so I've considered doing my training there, but the CFI I want to use is out of Hillsboro (another great field but about 15 minutes farther away).

If you're ever in the Portland area, you owe it to yourself to visit 7S3 in person as it's an exceptional little family-run airport with a great sense of community.

And the scenery is BANG ON!!

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