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Gizmo is break after install beta 8.


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OK Cameron,

perhaps because i can't find any "license_db.bin" in my X-Plane/X-Aviation ?

Like you can see on pictures, i have retry to follow the procedure.

You can it say License was updated but show the error on lua script.

You can see it not create the license_db.bin in the folder.

I hope you could tell me what happen.

Thanks for your help.Desktop Screenshot 2017.11.22 - Screenshot 2017.11.22 -

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i'm very very sorry for disturbish.

I have try many possibilities.

I have try to copy license_db from XP10 to XP11 too but nothing work.

Like you know i have develop VoiceCommander so i will try to resolve quickly for make test on new XP versions.

Have a good day.

Best regards


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Ahh, ok ^_^

You need to type FREEZE into the window so you agree that your OLD computer (before replacing the hardware) is now not used to run the 737 anymore.

This is to avoid that people run the 737 on many computers by saying that they built new hardware. You need to de-register the old hardware (which you are not using anymore).

Cheers, Jan


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