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2 hours ago, Douglas49 said:

That's nice to have in XP11 but I fly with XP 10 (with lots of other people). So can you apply this feature in the LES DC-3 running with XP10?

Because of it's simplicity, I'll do this one for you.  But keep in mind, as Ben said, most of the community has moved on to XP11.  The DC3 was originally made for XP9 with an update to bring it into XP10.  Updating it beyond that was never the initial plan.  The XP11 version (V2) will have all the other suggestions I've seen.  

By all means, keep the suggestions coming, but keep in mind that what you do suggest will be considered for the new XP11 version.


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Goran with all respect, I do not have (yet) the intention to change to XP11 especially because you cannot buy an update from XP10 to XP11 and I've bought XP10 not so long ago before XP11 was released. In my opinion there are a number of imperfections in the LES DC-3 who ought to be repaired apart from flying in XP10 or XP11.  Also the high end price of the LES DC-3 justificies this point of view. These imperfections are inextricably linked to the ability of properly flying the LES DC-3 and are the issues I mentioned earlier in this thread onder “Some issues”.

I have not bought the LES DC-3 to have to invest again in XP11 to be able to fly the LES DC3 properly. I hope you will understand this and hope that you will repair the mentioned “Some issues” in XP10.

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Value for money the LES DC-3 has probably been the best investment I have made in the last 3 versions of X-plane. For $60.00 I have flown for more than 1200 hours so it works out at about $1.00 for 20 hours. Impossible to get better value per dollar than that. I have made a couple of plane maker changes to the view points to suit my own needs. I also changed the landing gear drag coefficients, which has been used by many other users, to make taxying easier on grass, dirt and gravel. All of these mods have made the aircraft a joy to fly in XP 9, 10 and 11..

I will purchase the V2.00 update as soon as it is available as the LES DC-3 is the only one in X-Plane worth buying. I wish I could say the same for all of the other aircraft I have purchased from other designers.

Thanks for a great aircraft.

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Much appreciated, iandiss.  

Douglas49, before I reply, if memory serves, if you purchased XP11 when it was released, you would have been given XP10 for free.  

Now, I can definitely appreciate your situation, and for that reason I have agreed to implement some fixes in the XP10 version.  But they can't take too much time away from what we are working on for XP11.  End of the day, we are a business.  And we need to stay profitable, and that means going where the market is.  

The small stuff shouldn't be a problem.  Markers on the volume dials for the radios...RMI indicators...things like that should be fine, and I'll have those done within days.  Bigger things will be reserved for V2.  I hope you can understand my stance on this, just as I have understood yours.




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Goran, I've purchased XP10 in the time that XP11 did not even exist. Apart from that, it is the quality of the DC-3 itself that I have brought forward. As being a business, LES has not only customers who have bought the DC-3 running it from XP11 but also from XP10. They are your customers too and deserve therefore your attention not only regarding some fixes which do not take much time ("the small stuff") but also fixes who are essential for this product when LES brings it on the market. From the issues I have mentionned earlier I consider autopilot, fuel selectors and engine feather knobs as essential imperfections who ought to be fixed anyway. When Leading Edge Simulations will do that, they definitely show the appreciation of their DC-3/XP-10 users.

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Hey Douglas49 see this post for a way to assign keys or buttons to turn heading hold on and off in the DC-3. If you have FlyWithLUA installed, you can install this little LUA script which will cause heading hold to be the default mode when you turn on the autopilot. Then when you turn it off, both heading and altitude hold are both cancelled. Useful because you can't tell if either mode is on or off :-)


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Hi Bob D, thank you for your suggestion, I'll dive into it! Hopefully I can then cross out this issue from my list.

Without hampering Goran who will look at my issues mentioned earlier, do you perhaps also have a suggestion concerning the engine feather knobs that do not jump back, at least the left one in my case? I think that hints and tips from everyone with experience on this forum to help each other are always welcome, or it is something far away for people of course.

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Hi again.. I can't get the left engine to feather button to work at all, and yes, once the pitch reaches 88 degrees, the pressure rises and interrupts the current to the magnet that holds the button in causing the button to pop out. They can stick, so part of the shutdown checklist is to feel the button when the propeller stops rotating, to make sure it has popped out. Left stuck in, the propeller will unfeather, then feather, then unfeather, etc.

Also, the LES DC-3 has its propeller levers set up to feather when pulled all the way back, so you can feather both engines. This isn't accurate though because the engine run up includes cycling the propellers by pulling them all the way back to pull fresh warm oil into the domes. If you do this on the engine will feather very quickly.

I ran out of time after working out the autopilot stuff, but you can look for the commands to feather each engine and bind it to a key or button. Goran will need to fix the button action. It may be "too difficult" to duplicate the stuck button failure mode though ha ha.

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