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Tried the DC-3 in X-plane 11 today. Everything seems to work except the ASIs which do not move at all. The tail wheel steering seems a bit erratic.

Hope the ASIs can be fixed as this is still the only DC-3 in X-plane that is worth flying.



Ian Diss

Posted (edited)

We're gradually working our way through the different add ons to make sure they work flawlessly in XP11.  Hopefully, it won't be too long before all fixes are in place.

Edited by Goran_M
  • Upvote 4

Thanks. I hope it doesn't cause to much work and keep you away from other projects. Will be great to be able to use the old favourites in XP 11.


Are there any plans for an updated DC-3 for v11, including pbr reflection bare-metal?

I would pay full price again for that! I always thought a great-looking bare metal livery like the classic Eastern Airlines was the one missing feature for this plane. Well, that, and a less funky fuel transfer switch, if we ever get a new version.


All LES add ons are planned for an XP11, PBR upgrade. I've wanted to do some PROPER bare metal liveries for the DC-3 for a while.  It's like bare metal and the DC-3 are a marriage made in heaven.  

There are a few fixes I'm looking at as well, including the fuel transfer.  Also looking at mesh optimization and new textures throughout.  

I don't think it'll take too long, but I'll post updates with screenshots as work progresses.  

Trying to get as much done as possible in as short a time as possible.


  • Upvote 6
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I'm new to XP. Just got XP 11 and install DC-3. I know it's not fully compatible, but it loads and fly.


I have one question. I have a little tail time in real life, but still fail to understand why during take off DC-3  swings first toward the right side? Consequently it goes towards the left - which is totally expected . I have a tail wheel locked, could be something XP 11 doesn't read correctly?




  On 12/8/2016 at 9:18 PM, Goran_M said:

XP11 or XP10?

Is your hardware calibrated correctly?

I have to say, this is the first time anyone has reported this behaviour in the DC3


I'm using XP-11 WIN10. I believe believe my hardware is ok. I tried different addons aircraft and helicopters DHC-3, C-172, Bell 412 (412 stopped working in XP11pb2) 

I also visually check to make sure tails wheel is locked.  DC-3 does fly nicely without any anomalies except initial take off roll.

One things worth mentioning it does make break kind of squeaking sound when I  use rudder on take off roll, although I don't press toe breaks. Can it be something to do with that?

P.S. I'm using Saitek X52 and CH - rudders


DC3 is not officially supported in XP11 yet.  There is still testing to be done to make sure everything works, because it does use plug ins.

I might have some time to run a few small tests over the weekend to see what I can find and get back to you, but no promises.


  • Upvote 2
  • 4 weeks later...

The scratches are part of the textures.  You could remove the glass object from the aircraft in Planemaker, but you are effectively voiding support if you do this and you may lose glass from other areas.  
FYI:  The DC3 is on the list for an XP11 upgrade.

  • Upvote 2
  • 1 month later...

So, I was under the impression that this one kinda works under XP11, and so I bought it. However, I seem to have a problem with the throttles... lever moves but MP goes bonkers up and down...

Is there something I can or must do to get it to work under XP11?


Yes, I get the official thing, it just seems to me that if at least most of it is working for others, it should also work for me.

In light of that, not sure if it did something, but I opened the plane in planemaker and then closed it and now the throttles are normal. However, before I did that I could normally start the plane. Now when I turn the knob on my Saitek panel, I hear a brief sound and looking at the propeller while I do that I can see it make a slight movement, but nothing more. When I turn the knob back it kinda moves back. Looks like it hits resistance from the piston but doesn't have enough power to make a full turn :(

Actually, it looks the same like when I would try to start my car with a nearly empty battery....


So much depends on functionality in any add on on an unstable platform.  Due to Laminar's "official" advice to developers, and some developers totally ignoring this advice, other plug ins made by said developers could be interfering with plug in driven aircraft, such as the DC-3 and Saab.  Because of this, it would be impossible to diagnose the problem/s you are having.  I haven't had many reports of problems with the DC-3 in XP11 (3 actually, including this one with the engines), so my GUESS is that something is interfering with them.  

I have 2 suggestions you could try:

In the order given...

1. Load the DC3 in Planemaker again, go to File/Save.  Make sure you save it.  If that fails, try 2.

2. Load the DC3 in a clean install of X Plane (or one that has no other plug ins running, except for Gizmo.).  Don't just disable them.  Remove them completely from your X Plane folder.  Don't delete them.  You'll need to put them back.  Then load the DC3 and see if that fixes it.

Failing those two, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask that you wait until X-Plane becomes final.


First of all, thank you for your time. This is really something else, as opposed to Dan the Whiner from Carenado, who thinks it's smart to go the route of emotional blackmail by saying 'I dont have to do this, I can stop anytime I want to, this is not my dayjob' when there is a problem.... :lol:

Secondly, as some form of feedback, saving the plane did not do a thing. What does work however is if I wiggle the start/magneto knob a few times from start to both/all, while keeping the propeller to the point of resistance (indeed, like I would do in a car if it would have an almost dead battery). I was looking at the propeller while doing so, and honestly what it looks like is if I can just get it past that first resistance and get it to turn, it will start. I tried this several times, and it works like that every time.

I can fly. And I can wait for something official. I really like the plane, and when an updated version comes out I'll buy the Saab as well, if only out of appreciation. Thank so far! :D

  • Upvote 1


Austin has been making a lot of flight model changes/fixes/adjustments in XP11.  One of the known issues is "starter torque", which I think is causing your problem.  I just thought you may be interested in knowing this.  As Goran has stated it does not make any sense to "fix" these things until Laminar has finalized the changes and XP11 is out of public beta.

  On 2/20/2017 at 4:17 PM, JGregory said:


Austin has been making a lot of flight model changes/fixes/adjustments in XP11.  One of the known issues is "starter torque", which I think is causing your problem.  I just thought you may be interested in knowing this.  As Goran has stated it does not make any sense to "fix" these things until Laminar has finalized the changes and XP11 is out of public beta.



Sounds about right. What I love about it though is that, at least to me, it feels so realistic that I can do a hail-mary and kinda nudge it to a succesful start :)


  On 2/20/2017 at 4:03 PM, JPS said:

First of all, thank you for your time. This is really something else, as opposed to Dan the Whiner from Carenado, who thinks it's smart to go the route of emotional blackmail by saying 'I dont have to do this, I can stop anytime I want to, this is not my dayjob' when there is a problem.... :lol:



I have to admit, I cracked half a smile when reading this.


  On 2/20/2017 at 4:03 PM, JPS said:

I can fly. And I can wait for something official. I really like the plane, and when an updated version comes out I'll buy the Saab as well, if only out of appreciation. Thank so far! :D


Speaking of the Saab......

It was noted quite a while back that the version 1.4 update had been sent to X-Aviation, but I see that version 1.3 is what's still for sale in the store.  Any idea when this last update for XP10 is going to drop in the store?



  • 3 weeks later...

Someone up above asked about clear gauge glass; I second the notion because...  the DC-3 is awesome to fly using FlyInside and a Vive headset...  VR in it's infancy doesn't have the resolution we are used to on flat screens...  The gauges in the DC-3 are big enough to read in VR, but the scratches make it harder to read them; would be nice to have a clear option.  While I'm on the topic, a fellow recently released a Lua script project that allows navigation via the historical Radio Range system, a natural for the DC-3.  I managed to get audio out and the ability to tune the ADF appropriately (the Lua script uses ADF1 as the Radio Range receiver) by searching for data refs and assigning to switches, very cool if you are into vintage navigation.  Amazing in VR, and BTW the Moo is great in VR too...

Tyler of LR told me that VR support is high up on Laminar's list once the XP11 release settles down; IMHO there is will be an opportunity for VR optimized airplanes before too much time passes.




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