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New HDD, Activation etc..


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tomorrow I will switch X-Plane to a new SSD-Drive (the old one became to small), so some questions...

  1. The Operating-System-Drive and the old SSD will stay in place, only X-Plane will move to the new, dedicated one. Do I have to reactivate the 737 (and maybe other X-Aviation products? SkyMaxxPro, RWC installed)
  2. Will there be problems regarding the Hardware-ID? I don't want to purchase another copy just because I changed my hardware :rolleyes:
  3. General question - Moving XP from one disk to another is still possible (movin the folder)? Did it with some older version and there were no problems. Is that still correct?

Thanks in advance for reading/replies.


Edited by Cosmopilot
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2 hours ago, cmbaviator said:

I activated on my desktop and laptop so there is no issue activating on multiple PC it seems.

Thanks for your reply :) It's not a different system, it's just that I'll run Xplane and the addons from a different drive, that will definitely have a different HDD serial, no matter if I'll clone or not.

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1 hour ago, Cosmopilot said:

Thanks for your reply :) It's not a different system, it's just that I'll run Xplane and the addons from a different drive, that will definitely have a different HDD serial, no matter if I'll clone or not.

I'm almost certain that as long as your operating system remains intact (windows installation) you can move XP folder anywhere with out having to re-activate add-on's.

Let us know.

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Another older 7200 hdd (500gb data from over 20years wasted) died on me, got a 500gb ssd next day

Decided to move my install off a still working hdd to the new larger sized ssd

Went just fine, then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like a fool i was chasing a problem regarding custom scenery, so i cleared all payware planes and items out to bring the install down to a somewhat vanilla install

Found my problem :)

I then placed back my folders (all as i thought) but i hadn't, i fired up with 737 as my chosen plane, got in and without thinking i clicked the re-acticvate or whatever it's called, i mean the red part that came up asking for email+pw

A micro second later my brain kicked in lol, i knew then i had wasted a 2nd slot for nothing, as i forgot a folder regarding the IXEG 737 lol

Just make sure you move all the stuff ;)


Edited by Defiance_co
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Only a fresh install of your operating system software should trigger a new hardware ID.

You can activate upto three machines by default.
This is to make life easy for you, not so people can share with friends. (We will find you if you do.)

Edited by Ben Russell
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Ok, conclusion:

What I did:

  1. Plugged in the additional SSD
  2. Moved the X-Plane folder from the old drive to the  new SSD
  3. Renamed the old folder, to make sure nothing gets loaded from the old location

What's not working:

  • Jar-Products must be re-activated
  • Aerosoft-Products (EHAM/EDDL) must be reinstalled

What is working:

  • The IXEG 737
  • SkyMaxx Pro
  • Real Weather Connector

So, good job X-Aviation! Works like a charm.:)

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