Hot Start Challenger 650
189 files
Challenger - CSL Model
By flanisher
This is a 3D model of the Challenger 650 for use when flying in online networks like VATSIM. This will be visible for multiplayer traffic flying type code CL60.
Downloading and Installation Instructions:
Download and then extract the CL60 folder into your pilot client CSL folder (X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xPilot/Resources/CSL/Bluebell/ for default installs) to see this model. This model includes lights (Nav, Beacon, Landing), retractable gear, and rotating engines. There are also animated Flaps, Spoilers, Speedbrakes, and Taxi Lights, but there appears to be some dataref issues (these don't appear to animate in the sim). Hopefully we can have HotStart resolve with future updates! I do hope that we see a proper CSL done by Hot Start and the goal wasn't to replace that, but in the meantime I hope the community can enjoy this work!
This model uses some parts from the XCSL C750, which were shared with permission. Please do not resell this work.
Thank you!
Official Hot Start Challenger 650 Paintkit
By Goran_M
This is the official paintkit for the Hot Start Challenger 650.
This paintkit assumes you have previous knowledge of painting in PSD (Photoshop) files and/or afphoto (Affinity Photo) files.
Upon opening the zip file containing the paintkit, you have agreed to the terms that follow.
You may do ALMOST whatever you wish with these files. Create, share, modify, post on forums, all without restriction.
You may NOT charge money for any textures created with these files. You may NOT sell this paintkit. (Unfortunately, it has to be stated.)
If you choose to alter any files other than the empty layer between the Ambient Occlusion and Albedo layers, you do so at your own risk, and you do so, assuming you have made backups of the original textures. The only layer designed for changes or additions is the layer between the AO and Albedo layers. You may add as many empty layers as you wish, but make sure they are located between the AO and Albedo layers to achieve correct results.
The wireframe layers that are included are a guide to the areas you can paint in. Anything outside of the wireframe is NOT to be painted on.
If there are any questions, please visit the forums at or our discord.
Happy painting!
Hot Start CL650 FBO Substance Painter File
By Goran_M
This file contains 3 UDIMS for the 3 different sections of the CL650 FBO. Default materials are already applied, but those of you familiar with Substance Painter will have no problem navigating the file.
Hot Start CL650 Substance Painter Paintkit
By Goran_M
This is the official Hot Start CL650 Substance Painter paintkit file. It contains several liveries within the "Paint" folder" on each UDIM. You are free to add to whatever materials or masks to those layers as you wish. There are other folders that are set as default textures, with materials included. These are the correct materials for the areas they are assigned to, but you are free to alter those as you wish.
As usual, if you plan on changing anything, keep the original smart material, and create a copy of the folder in the layers palette. This will save frustration if you wish to return to the original materials.
Please read the included readme file.
Hot Start Challenger 650 - 2024 US Customs Decal
By ois650
Replace in your main objects folder.
RCAF 412 Squadron for Hot Start Challenger 650 with Custom FBO
This livery is of the latest addition to the fleet of 412 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
The Challenger 650 is designated as the CC-144D in the RCAF inventory. The example that is the subject of the livery, 144620, was delivered to the squadron on 30 June 2020.
412 Transport Squadron is based in the Ottawa, Ontario in Canada’s National Capital Region. The squadron maintains a three-hour notice-to-move posture 365 days a year in support of Government of Canada and Canadian Armed Forces global transport requirements. Though primarily known for VIP transport, the CC-144 Challenger is also capable of command-and-liaison and emergency medical evacuation roles in support of CAF operations.
The squadron operates two different Bombardier CC-144 Challengers: the CC-144C (civilian model 604) and the CC-144D (civilian model 650).
The squadron is part of 8 Wing Trenton and is based out of the Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr. Annex at Ottawa's MacDonald-Cartier International Airport (CYOW). The Annex is named for a 412 Squadron Spitfire pilot who wrote the highly popular poem “High Flight”.
Check out the customization of the FBO reidentified as the PO J.G. Magee, Jr. Annex.
If you don't want the custom FBO textures, remove the following files from the livery Objects file:
FBO_002.png FBO_Decals.png FBO_Labels.png A YouTube video of the aircraft leaving the Bombardier factory in Montreal may be viewed at:
JASDF Air Rescue (fictional)
By Christophe
Optional electronic pack: unfortunately, the mod is not publicly available currently.
All the credits to his author.
Hot Start Challenger 650 - Gunmetal Grey
By MadProf
Based loosely off of the real world G-LCDH but with my own flair! Presented with a fictional registration (M-DPRF) as she is based in the Isle of Man but you are free to change the airframe registration to your preference in the Hot Start Airframe Manager.
Beautiful custom PBR metallic effect Adjusted AO layers Colour-adjusted exterior labels Custom antenna colours Not to be distributed or copied without explicit permission.
Hot start Challenger 650 - Lotus Livery (John Player)
By maxrank
Classic Lotus livery inspired. Fictional for the challenger, but did exist. Still adding and refining.
Hot Start - Challenger 650 - Jetflite livery
By Meilstroms
Jeflite livery for the Hotstart CL650.
Registration used is the OH-WIW, but can be easily modified with the airframe manager to match the OH-WIC.
Enjoy !
Challenger 650 N225N
N225N is a Challenger 604 based in Seattle, WA, painted here for the Challenger 650.
Please don't modify and reupload/redistribute without permission.
cl650 Hot Start Challenger 650 - OO-WEG
By luke_1549
This livery for the fabulous Hot Start Challenger 650 is adapted from a real world CL350 registered as OO-WEG. I hope you'll enjoy it.
To install simply copy the "OO-WEG" Folder into xplane directory/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/liveries
Don't hesitate contacting me if you find errors or have suggestions in improving this repaint.
Please do not redistribute this repaint without my permission.
Trotter's Private Jet (Clean)
By -Paul-
This is a fictional repaint of a private Challenger 650 for the excellent HotStart 650. The livery is how I imagine the Trotters would paint their aircraft after becoming millionaires!
To install, place the 'Trotters' folder into \X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries
Now they can go anywhere, New York, Paris or Peckham. Luvly Jubbly.
Thank you for downloading
Paul Edwards
hotstart cl650 Aura (Concept Art Livery)
By maxrank
This is a concept livery designed by Aura. Aura was or is a start up airline offering affordable seat pricing on essentially private CRJ700s. There are some minor imperfections that will be corrected shortly.
Engine interior cowling carbon fiber texture added Landing gear color changed to gun metal grey354 downloads
Royal Air Force (Fictional)
By Christophe
Do not hesitate if you find glitches !
Enjoy !
Hot Start Challenger 650 - N242CK (Kalitta Air LLC / AirMed International)
By ois650
Repaint of N242CK for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Operated by Kalitta Air on behalf of AirMed International, a fee for service air ambulance airline.
Hot Start - Challenger 650 - TropicAir(PT-STP) Livery
TropicAir livery for the Challenger 650 by HotStart.
- challenger 650
- cl650
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Hot Start Challenger 650 NetJets Livery
By pilot_matt
This repaint is made for the payware Challenger 650 by Hotstart.
This livery was taken from a variety of close-up photos of the aircraft.
To install, extract the liveries folder to:
If you wish to use NetJets specific extra's, extract the plugins folder to:
If you like the livery, feel free to leave feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out!
If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if it will be public.
Side notes:
If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John
if your will be publicly downloaded.
If you like the livery, feel free to leave some feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out!
Matteo & John
Hot Start Challenger 650 - White
By ois650
A blank, white livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Suitable for use with Photoshop,, gimp etc.
Hot Start Challenger 650 Black and Grey (N525JP)
This is a black and grey livery for the Challenger 650. I based it off N525JP which is a Challenger 350.
NOTE!!! I forgot to change the right side tail registration color before taking the screenshot so if you follow the included photo 100% your right side tail registration will be black. Just simply drag the 3 color sliders to the right to make the right side white as well.
Also, I forgot to change one of the thumbnail pictures back to the original name. It is named "CL650_icon11OLD.png" and the OLD needs to be deleted for it to show properly. Rename it to CL650_icon11.png and it will work.
N779LG - Challenger 650
Exciting livery on the Challenger 604 N779LG, presented here for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Please do not modify and redistribute without permission.
Hotstart Challenger 650 | Aerolinas Ejecutivas | XA-MXJ
By Delta_Who
Hotstart Challenger 650 | Aerolinas Ejecutivas | XA-MXJ
Tested for X-Plane 12 only. Normals may look weird on 11!!!
Enhanced texturing including
- New cockpit windshield
- Improved aircraft fuselage normals
- Improved riveting
- Improved engine exhaust and intake
- Tuned glossiness
- Tuned cabin windows
Please respect my work. Copying/Modification is not permitted.
Happy flying!
CL650 - RACQ Life Flight
By Queen
I thought I'd take the time and share something I've quickly whipped together for the brand new CL650 by Hotstart.
The livery is a randition of the RACQ Life Flight CL650 that operates from Brisbane, Australia.
Life Flight currently operates 4x CL604's in their fleet which operate from YBBN, YBTL and WSSS.
I'll update as much as I can but I thought I'd give it a whirl before someone with far more talent brings out something!
Hot Start - Challenger 650 - Bombardier House Livery
By Meilstroms
This is the Bombardier House livery for the Challenger 650 by Hotstart.
The reg use is the C-GZKL. Some details are missing, see it as a WIP.
Happy Landings
Hot Start - Challenger 650 - Vistajet livery
By Meilstroms
Here is the Vistajet livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650.
Two version provided, one with the Austrian flag (older version since VJT no longer use an Austrian AOC) and one without (actual one, Malta AOC)
No Reg' provided, you can do your own via the airframe manager
Happy landings !
- challenger 650
- hot start
- (and 1 more)