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Any news?


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We certainly appreciate your enthusiasm for the project. However, as has been more recently stated to your previous request for news, we are choosing to focus on development and getting things done than to worry about continual by the minute updates at this time.

As we get closer to release we will surely update this forum. Please understand this.

Thanks for your patience.

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yes.. thanks for your patience.

All the work doing right now is performance work. We found that the way the text was implemented on displays on CRJ was bad for that performance so had to redone again.. and that means redone the displays. Of course it doesn't take the same time as the beggining but it takes its time.

There are few things still to program.. but the main big part has been done. Still have to search for bugs etc.... but we are trying to work as fast (and accurate) to release as soon as we can. When it is finished.

Thanks again!

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I would love to see an update (maybe screenshots or even a video) of the FMS development / operation.  Even if it is still buggy or not perfect, I think it would be very interesting to get a peak into what development is like.  Seeing such a fancy system take shape is going to be super exciting!  Sign me up for a beta, even a prepaid beta!

I get the impression you are a team of perfectionists.  But for those of us who appreciate what it takes to achieve perfection, it would be rewarding to see things even short of ultimate perfection.



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Hi, Justin,

From an external perspective standpoint, nothing looks much different than has been seen in progression shots and videos thus far.

As we get closer to release and enter the beta test phase you'll begin to see screenshots and videos presented here in great detail. Until this time, everyone's patience is greatly appreciated as refinements and further progression is made!

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  • 3 weeks later...

hehehe.. and a new video:

anyway... "soon" will be another video of the FMS functions. The sorther the "soon" word will be if I test the plugin I have today and test everything conected between FMS Autopilot and MFD (PFD) is ok.

After that then it will take the time for activating the Holdings page and performance.. that are done.. but still not connected.

I was trying to put radar weather on MFD put everytime I put a route plan appears the damm red line so because for now it is difficult to delete it, still won't have radar on MFD. For sure on future versions (or if we find a solution, that don't want to spend too much time on that, on 1.0 version) we will include it.

First testings on FMS programming comming!! The CRJ is making its first official flights (after performance already done lot ago).

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hehe... ....

Well good news... the plane followed the flight plan correctly. Even I created some flight plans and it made it. Still it is not connected the STARs pages so I had to land visually becuase also it is not connected the radios.

All those missing pages are programmed but not put on their right positions (have to create the pages on fms that are only text pages.. but have to create them...)

So I made a short flight from Salamanca to Barajas in Madrid.. and did it right!. Even with wind it followed the right course to maintain it. tourbulences.. and 1/2 banks was tested and ok.. perfect. Altitude modes (perfect all).

What it needs? clean lots of dirty little things.. that are fast to be done one by one but there are lots of them.. so still have to wait. How long?.. don't expect on next month or maybe August. If we do it sooner then better.. but I know this things takes its time.. and it is not time right now to throw all work to dust.

Ok.. here are some screens like they are on my x-plane 9.55... reaching Barajas.. It was a live flight where I was showing Anton how it was going on real time video. We were very glad at the end. A big Hurra for the first official complete test flight of the CRJ. Hurra!!  ;D

Reaching perales..


Making the visual landing. Very very very smooth touch (had lots of tourbulences)


(almost 2 years of development (and still to come more time... hope not big!!) to reach this position)


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This is a most exciting day.  CRJ flight with an FMS and visual approach landing.  exactly what I dream of doing!

Any thoughts about doing a paid public-beta?  Sounds like not.  Seems you already have all of the bugs identified in your mind.  None the less, some of us would be eager to be early adopters! ;-)  Nothing more fun than bug hunting.

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Any thoughts about doing a paid public-beta?   Sounds like not.  Seems you already have all of the bugs identified in your mind.  None the less, some of us would be eager to be early adopters! ;-)  Nothing more fun than bug hunting.

Hi, there,

We have a select beta team, and to keep things under control will not be expanding this to a public beta.

Thanks for your interest in the project! :)

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