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Found 22 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Freely inspired by the Canada Search and Rescue liveries... Don't hesitate if you spot a glitch somewhere !
  2. Canada SAR (fictional) View File Freely inspired by the Canada Search and Rescue liveries... Don't hesitate if you spot a glitch somewhere ! Submitter Christophe Submitted 06/25/2019 Category General Aviation Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-tbm-900-p-158 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  3. Dear simmers! Its time to reveal our project "T" "CYTZ - Billy Bishop Toronto" W.I.P. Billy Bishop Toronto city airport is a small international airport and located on the Toronto Islands Canada. It was ranked Canada 9th Busiest airport! A pleasant scenic airport flight to! Enjoy the first under development preview in XP11! RAW Images
  4. Sunwing IXEG 737-300 View File Fictional Canadian Sunwing 737-300 based on the real world Sunwing 737-800 Submitter yukonpete Submitted 05/15/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  5. CP Air IXEG 737-300 View File Fictional CP Air 737-300. I would also like to thank Juan A. Menendez ( AKA scubajuan ) for creating the bare metal layer I used. Submitter yukonpete Submitted 05/16/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional CP Air 737-300. I would also like to thank Juan A. Menendez ( AKA scubajuan ) for creating the bare metal layer I used.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Canadian Sunwing 737-300 based on the real world Sunwing 737-800
  8. Private Canadian IXEG 737-300 BBJ View File Fictional private Canadian IXEG 737-300 BBJ Submitter yukonpete Submitted 05/05/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional private Canadian IXEG 737-300 BBJ
  10. Version 1.20


    CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport 1.20 July 27, 2014 Build Chris K and the ISDG __________________________________________________________ Preamble: This is a generally stable build with no library conflicts; and all areas should be drivable and flyable. The ILS may be a fraction off due to repositioning of the runways to their orthophoto corrected locations, and verified with another 3rd party. It is also currently lacking ATC taxi-flow. However, these omissions are not “showstoppers” per se. __________________________________________________________ General Features: - Photorealistic terrain at 30cm/pix resolution as per the USGS - Proper Taxi Signage (was never there in any previous version of the CYYZ apt.dat it would seem) - Recent CAP CYYZ Charts (SIDs/STARs/RWY Approaches) - Repositioned most field objects to match the orthos, accurate within 15 cm +/- - Fixed runway markings, blastpads, and the like to reflect reality - Gritty ground and orthophoto texture support - Replacement Glideslope towers - Runway Stop Bar / Guard Lighting System (this is for YYZatcboy Joe How’s this for accuracy! ) Each runway entrance is protected by a stop bar consisting of red in-set lights located at all taxi holding positions. This is the runway warning/occupancy indicator system in-use in Toronto, and will be familiar to most heavy metal pilots. - Build-out of industrial parks, Eglinton Ave E, Airport Road, Dixie Road, Brittania, Dixon Road, and the Hotel Strip - Various “Easter Eggs” with more to come in subsequent releases. (See if you can find the Tim Horton’s Coffee Shop!) __________________________________________________________ Notes on the Taxiways: There are two versions of the taxiways included in this package. 1. Normal taxiways shown (regular asphalt, visible, drivable) 2. Hidden taxiways (regular asphalt, not shown, but still drivable) - You can also turn off the taxiways (hide/show) by replacing the “.POL”files located in the “orthophotos/” directory. This will give the same effect as in our CYTZ Package; whereas the taxiways are only drawn as per the ortho, but with visible (XP generated) centre, edge, and-hold-line markings. - Assuming you have the VRAM to run in extreme (native texture) resolution, you can take advantage of the full photo-realistic ground effect. - Simply copy the appropriate files form the “/1 Hide Taxiways/” directory into the parent directory and overwrite the existing POLs. - To restore the regular (visible) taxiways, simply copy the contents of the “/2 Show Taxiways/” into the parent directory, overwriting the POLs. __________________________________________________________ Requirements: - X-Plane 10.20 or better - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/) - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM. - You will want to run this scenery at “Very High” or “Extreme” Texture Resolution. - X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and 2 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Highest Texture resolutions. __________________________________________________________ Credits: Base Objects - Freeware FS2004 CYYZ Scenery: This is a direct 1:1 conversion of FS9 Scenery by: Howie Cassidy (kpdc2002@yahoo.ca) Version 1.0 from July 3 2007 As per the original LICENSE: Freeware for personal use only. No one is to reuse this work in scenery advertised as their own or to use this scenery in whole or in part for commercial gain. [Chris K's notes]: All FS2004 Objects, Textures, and Imagery included in this scenery are © Howie Cassidy. Under no circumstance am I (or anyone else) claiming ownership of said art assets. All Rights and associated Kudos go to Howie.! This package shall remain 100% Freeware to respect the original author's wishes. __________________________________________________________ This package uses the converted objects as per RickMTL's conversion from 2007. Used with Permission from Rick as the base layer. __________________________________________________________ Orthophotos © The United States Geological Survey The dataset is the 30cm/pixel US Canada Border HiRes Orthoimagery aka. USGS Dataset “US Canada Border – UTM Zone 16″ and “UTM Zone 17″ This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per: http://cumulus.cr.us…listofortho.php Copyrights and Credits USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products (chrisk – which we are), publications, or Web sites, we ask that proper credit be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation: Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov. __________________________________________________________ Legal: Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2014 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group) All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission. You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware. Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We’d love to hear from you. ISDG Group PO Box 892 North Sydney, NSW 2059 Australia Visit our website at http://isdg.com.au/ for all our scenery packages and add-ons. © 2012-2014 The International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)
  11. Embraer 110 Bandeirante in Stewart (CZST) (Canada). Aircraft by Dreamfoil Creations and scenery by Beti-X. I hope you like it
  12. File Name: CYHZ Halifax Robert L. Stanfield International Airport File Submitter: nascar99 File Submitted: 01 Feb 2015 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 CYHZ is located in Enfield, Nova Scotia about 30 minutes from downtown Halifax. CYHZ serves around 3.5 million passengers annually and is the busiest airport in Atlantic Canada. - This scenery is built using the default XP10 scenery objects. - Features Autogate and static jetways by Marginal. - Autogates are located at gate 12 and gate 28. - Features static aircraft by OpenSceneryX Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    CYHZ is located in Enfield, Nova Scotia about 30 minutes from downtown Halifax. CYHZ serves around 3.5 million passengers annually and is the busiest airport in Atlantic Canada. - This scenery is built using the default XP10 scenery objects. - Features Autogate and static jetways by Marginal. - Autogates are located at gate 12 and gate 28. - Features static aircraft by OpenSceneryX Enjoy!
  14. Cessna CT206H Stationair (by Carenado) First Flight in Stewart (CZST) (Canada) (by Beti-X) I hope you like
  15. File Name: SAAB 340A - Air Canada Express File Submitter: Jojo38000 File Submitted: 10 May 2014 File Category: Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 Livery For: Click Here For Aircraft Air Canada Express repaints for the SAAB 340A by Leading Edge Simulations. The file comes in 2 different version, the original one, and a red variant (see picture). This livery was designed to be as close as possible to the Beechcraft 1900. Enjoy ! Click here to download this file
  16. Version 1.0


    Air Canada Express repaints for the SAAB 340A by Leading Edge Simulations. The file comes in 2 different version, the original one, and a red variant (see picture). This livery was designed to be as close as possible to the Beechcraft 1900. Enjoy !
  17. Sikorsky CH-148 over Stewart (CZST) (Portland Canal - British Columbia) (Canada) (by Beti-X and Aerosoft)
  18. File Name: CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport File Submitter: chris k File Submitted: 18 May 2013 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport 1.20 July 27, 2014 Build Chris K and the ISDG __________________________________________________________ Preamble: This is a generally stable build with no library conflicts; and all areas should be drivable and flyable. The ILS may be a fraction off due to repositioning of the runways to their orthophoto corrected locations, and verified with another 3rd party. It is also currently lacking ATC taxi-flow. However, these omissions are not “showstoppers” per se. __________________________________________________________ General Features: - Photorealistic terrain at 30cm/pix resolution as per the USGS - Proper Taxi Signage (was never there in any previous version of the CYYZ apt.dat it would seem) - Recent CAP CYYZ Charts (SIDs/STARs/RWY Approaches) - Repositioned most field objects to match the orthos, accurate within 15 cm +/- - Fixed runway markings, blastpads, and the like to reflect reality - Gritty ground and orthophoto texture support - Replacement Glideslope towers - Runway Stop Bar / Guard Lighting System (this is for YYZatcboy Joe How’s this for accuracy! ) Each runway entrance is protected by a stop bar consisting of red in-set lights located at all taxi holding positions. This is the runway warning/occupancy indicator system in-use in Toronto, and will be familiar to most heavy metal pilots. - Build-out of industrial parks, Eglinton Ave E, Airport Road, Dixie Road, Brittania, Dixon Road, and the Hotel Strip - Various “Easter Eggs” with more to come in subsequent releases. (See if you can find the Tim Horton’s Coffee Shop!) __________________________________________________________ Notes on the Taxiways: There are two versions of the taxiways included in this package. 1. Normal taxiways shown (regular asphalt, visible, drivable) 2. Hidden taxiways (regular asphalt, not shown, but still drivable) - You can also turn off the taxiways (hide/show) by replacing the “.POL”files located in the “orthophotos/” directory. This will give the same effect as in our CYTZ Package; whereas the taxiways are only drawn as per the ortho, but with visible (XP generated) centre, edge, and-hold-line markings. - Assuming you have the VRAM to run in extreme (native texture) resolution, you can take advantage of the full photo-realistic ground effect. - Simply copy the appropriate files form the “/1 Hide Taxiways/” directory into the parent directory and overwrite the existing POLs. - To restore the regular (visible) taxiways, simply copy the contents of the “/2 Show Taxiways/” into the parent directory, overwriting the POLs. __________________________________________________________ Requirements: - X-Plane 10.20 or better - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/) - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM. - You will want to run this scenery at “Very High” or “Extreme” Texture Resolution. - X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and 2 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Highest Texture resolutions. __________________________________________________________ Credits: Base Objects - Freeware FS2004 CYYZ Scenery: This is a direct 1:1 conversion of FS9 Scenery by: Howie Cassidy (kpdc2002@yahoo.ca) Version 1.0 from July 3 2007 As per the original LICENSE: Freeware for personal use only. No one is to reuse this work in scenery advertised as their own or to use this scenery in whole or in part for commercial gain. [Chris K's notes]: All FS2004 Objects, Textures, and Imagery included in this scenery are © Howie Cassidy. Under no circumstance am I (or anyone else) claiming ownership of said art assets. All Rights and associated Kudos go to Howie.! This package shall remain 100% Freeware to respect the original author's wishes. __________________________________________________________ This package uses the converted objects as per RickMTL's conversion from 2007. Used with Permission from Rick as the base layer. __________________________________________________________ Orthophotos © The United States Geological Survey The dataset is the 30cm/pixel US Canada Border HiRes Orthoimagery aka. USGS Dataset “US Canada Border – UTM Zone 16″ and “UTM Zone 17″ This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per: http://cumulus.cr.us…listofortho.php Copyrights and Credits USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products (chrisk – which we are), publications, or Web sites, we ask that proper credit be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation: Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov. __________________________________________________________ Legal: Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2014 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group) All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission. You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware. Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We’d love to hear from you. ISDG Group PO Box 892 North Sydney, NSW 2059 Australia Visit our website at http://isdg.com.au/ for all our scenery packages and add-ons. © 2012-2014 The International Scenery Development Group (ISDG) Click here to download this file
  19. Version 1.2


    CYMV Fly-In Theater (FIC) Prince Edward Island, Canada CYMV is just that, a fly-in theater. The runway is big enough for a V35 Bonanza and there's hangars and tiedowns for your plane while you watch Top Gun. How to watch: Simply place your aircraft at CYMV, wait until sundown and it will start. Thanks to daveduck for the screen and his permission Enjoy, vsully
  20. File Name: CYMV Fly-In Theater File Submitter: vsully File Submitted: 29 Sep 2013 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 CYMV Fly-In Theater (FIC) Prince Edward Island, Canada CYMV is just that, a fly-in theater. The runway is big enough for a V35 Bonanza and there's hangars and tiedowns for your plane while you watch Top Gun. How to watch: Simply place your aircraft at CYMV, wait until sundown and it will start. Thanks to daveduck for the screen and his permission Enjoy, vsully Click here to download this file
  21. File Name: German traffic library File Submitter: uwespeed File Submitted: 19 May 2013 File Category: Misc Scenery Resources X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 Installation: as usual, place the content of the downloaded zip file into your Custom Scenery folder before starting X-Plane. You will see the vehicles (only) on german roads and rails. Nevertheless, if you like them and want to have them worldwide, please read the included pdf. If you like to have more european (and thus german) traffic on your roads, download the Vehicle Library Extension, to which I contributed 15 european vehicles. Click here to download this file
  22. Hello All, Since we're nearing completion of the YSSY Airport Photo Scenery Project, I'd like to get all of your inputs for the next project we should take on. The Airports listed above I have short-listed, since they all have 10-15cm royalty-free orthophoto tiles available for them. They also have existing X-Plane objects made for them: - YPAD and YMML we can derive permission from the AussiePak's/VOZ for inclusion. - CYYZ There is an excellent FSX conversion from 2007 which we could also derive rights to. - NZAA was done by the XPJets team back in the v7 run, and I have shown that they can be converted to XP8-OBJ spec for use in XP10; and would just need Robin/Dhruv's blessing to use. So, that being said, cast your vote. i would also suggest that if you vote for them, that you can also contribute somehow to the project (i.e. donation of objects, willingness to help Photoshop things, help beta test and give precise feedback (i.e. this line needs fixing w/coordinates and screenshots), and perhaps use WED1.2 to fix up taxiway markings or provide XP10 ATC/AI Airport "Flow" design for taxi routes, etc..) If you have another one not on this lease, use the "Write in"; but please ensure that (1) 10-15cm orthophotos already exist for it, and know where we can download them, and (2) ensure that there are existing objects somewhere (either in a free FSX conversion we could use, or an earlier X-Plane build), which we could attempt to derive rights from. I don't want to re-invent the wheel here. =) Thanks for the feedback! You can choose Multiple Responses in the poll above. - CK and all the helpers.
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