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Everything posted by frumpy

  1. I don't have a smartphone and I believe too much reliance on automation will diminish my ability to do simple math.
  2. Thanks for stepping in. You are right, I have to redefine my question - I got confused and mixed things up. So... Wind Correction Angle = Crosswindcomponent / (True Airspeed/60) For calculating CWC, sinus is approximated: 90° = 1 (direct crosswind, no headwind) 80° = 1 70° = .9 60° = .8 50° = .7 40° = .6 30° = .5 20° = .4 10° = .2 0° = 0 (direct headwind) Lets say we approach runway 26 with a Cessna (60 kts!), wind is 230/16: Wind angle is 30° off, which is .5*16 = 8, so final course is 252°. Pretty easy, CWC=WCA. WCA for 120kts: We are faster than the Cessna, so wind don't bother us that much. TAS/60 = 2, so WCA is .5*8/2 = 4, final course is 256°. All I need to remember is, that the sinus approximation is +.2 for windangle/10, except for the upper and lower two of the angles (90, 80 and 0, 10°) - which is 1, 1 and .2, 0. I guess that comes with practice.
  3. No, I was talking about other stuff. Anyway, if the light-switch above the backup horizon is on BRT, all is fine.
  4. I don't really understand what you are saying. I assume you mean the bad readability on the panel itself and the very bright annunciators. Now this photo is a representation of the true world. Photocells do not have the same ability to depict differences in brightness, as out eyes do. In other words, our eyes have a higher dynamic range than the sensors of a camera have. Try this: If it ever turns spring again, take your smartphone, go out on the field, take a photo of the sun with ground visible. Now take a photo of the ground with the sun visible. You'll notice: the first photo shows the sun, while ground is dark. The second photo shows ground, while the sun is not really visible, it's just a huge, very bright spot on the pic. If you look at it with your eyes, you'll get a quite different impression Thats what happened on the photo you posted, the dynamic range of the camera is just different from the eye.
  5. Hi guys, once I learned an easy rule of thumb for calculating the wind correction angle. It was so easy, that I completly forgot about it. Assume you land on runway 27 (270 deg), wind is 10 kts from 230 deg. So wind is 40° from the side. Sinus(40)*10 = 6.4, that means I aim for ~264°? There are many formulas out there, like CWC/ nm/min and stuff, but I am looking for one which incorporates a factor estimation based on sinus... something easy to calculate.
  6. After a few hours, you are bored of flying the -300? :->
  7. Did you see the // in your string? These are mine cfgs, but they are still a bit buggy - one pin should not be used, I don't remember which one and I am not at my desk. in_1.cfg: D11+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_a_cmd_act D12+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_ap_disengage_act D14+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_lnav_act D15+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vor_loc_act D25+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_a_cws_act D26+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_at_arm_act D28+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_app_act D29+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_speed_act D32+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_alt_hold_act D34+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vs_target_act D36+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_heading_bug_act D39+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_hdg_select_act D44+ ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_course_act out_1.cfg: 1 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vs_target_ann 2 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_alt_hold_ann 3 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_lnav_ann 4 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vor_loc_ann 5 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_app_ann 6 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_hdg_select_ann 7 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vnav_ann 8 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_level_change_ann 9 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_at_arm_ann 10 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_a_comm_ann 11 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_n1_ann 12 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_a_cws_ann 13 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_speed_ann 14 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_fd_ann
  8. Do you use autobrakes or manual brakes?
  9. Hi Rob, just from looking at your sim I cannot tell, unfortunately. Do you use AP and CWS buttons and the feature like in the video does not happen? So will you tell me what Gizmo needs? For xmas? p.s. Maybe you can contribute here, it's the same issue:
  10. How is is reproducable? Do you use the wheelbrakes? Why did you use the autoflight system on the ground?
  11. Just driving datarefs doesn't work reliable, unfortunately. Ben Russel knows of it, however it's unclear if this is resolved soon. You can see what I mean here (I'm using ARDsim too):
  12. Don't try to use the CDU for tuning frequencies, it can't do the job. Use the turn knobs instead to select the NAV1/2 frequencies. This is not a NG!
  13. You tune in VOR manually, as far as I know the CDU does not allow interaction with VOR frequencies. Some later 737 models have the MAN/AUTO switch and I believe they allow tuning this in the CDU if you want. It's just like in an old Cessna, you tune in the frequency on the radio panel and off you go.
  14. Just to clarify: I didn't do it. You can tell from the music
  15. How about a screenshot?
  16. Excellent! Thank you, Nils!
  17. Nice post, thank you! Hard to imagine there is no LH737 anymore. The video is set to private.
  18. Я не люблю вингфлекс! Lets move on, guys! No wingsflex for now.
  19. Inboard landing lights and runway turnoff lights you mean? They are round, but in a rectangle frame.
  20. I think I saw a speed intervene dataref. Just change the value and see what happens
  21. Hey guys, long time, no fly - I've had the chance to fly a 737-800 as a passenger. Runway was supposed to have some wet patches, so the pilot flared pretty hard. When I asked the copilot afterwards what his V/S was on touchdown (yah, I'm one of THOSE people ), he said it was something around -500 ft/min. He said he wanted the spoilers to deploy for sure, thats why he chose the high vertical speed. I wondered if there was something like a 600ft/min limit for structural reasons? I read it somewhere, but it also depends on the weight of the aircraft, so I am not sure. He said even -2000ft/min wouldn't break the plane. I'm a bit sceptical about that, but I didn't argue anymore. Jan knows for sure, but perhaps anyone else wants to step in?
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