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Everything posted by marcc

  1. Yeah, how many Germans are here? PS: incl. me. Greetings from somewhere near Frankfurt / Main
  2. I would say it is.
  3. Oops, sorry you're right, that's a bit misleading. Cameron got it right.
  4. The wingspan is 38' as per the POH. http://mesziair.hu/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/1978be76.pdf Everyone can measure it in PlaneMaker. The way I like to do it, is to make a misc wing that has the correct length and place it over the aircraft. PS: I don't have the Duchess.
  5. It's not necessary to uninstall SMP to get the default clouds back, is it? Because I disabled SMP with the Plugin Admin and instantly got the default clouds back. Just for some testing, as I like the SMP clouds way more, day and night! Unnecessary complaints, annoying and a PITA.
  6. These new clouds are stunning in every way!! And I'm sure I only saw the tip of the iceberg of SkyMaxx Pro 2.0 so far.
  7. Got the mail!! Downloading now!! Thanks again!!
  8. Wow, thank you guys very much!! This is really awesome!! Great (or best?) customers support!!
  9. So beautiful! The increased sharpness looks awesome. The clouds I'm seeing right now by looking out of the window look just like the new V2 clouds. The white coloration is spot on. Can't wait!!
  10. I'm stoked!! If you need some more beta testers at some point.... Just sayin' ... But seriously, ... anytime you ask
  11. Testing the new plane
  12. In future versions of XP there might be no plugin necessary to have the seasonal textures in the right place at the right time. Quote from the flightsim.com interview with Ben Supnik: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?14518-Interview-Ben-Supnik-Future-Of-X-Plane/view/2 Many X-Plane users have longed to have seasons included in X-Plane. Is this on X-Plane's roadmap, and if it is, could you give readers an idea of when this might happen? We have talked about seasonal support internally, but we don't have a complete plan of attack yet. Realistic seasons for a global simulator is a complicated problem, and the additional changes to the artwork set would be large too. I think we will gain the ability to change textures with time and season in the engine in the next few patches, which will open up seasonal artwork to third parties. I don't consider snow to be a season - rather, snow is a weather effect, like rain and ice. We have discussed ideas for better snow and ice visualization; those ideas are typically shader-based and dynamic, not just new texture sets. I think we will get to weather effects before the seasons themselves.
  13. Wow, wow and wow..... I'm blown away! Performance improvements: oh yes! After my first test flight, it seems I can leave the god rays ON now! Clouds, sky and lighting look nothing short of amazing. Looks so real to me. Took some screenshots, but they don't do justice, you just have to see this for yourself and in motion. Great job guys and big thank you! Cheers, Marcus
  14. I can reproduce the issue. It has to do with a dataref skymaxx disables to get rid of the "grey screen of death". If I close XP10 with the visibility set to 100sm, then next time I start XP10 I get the max. visibility, but then I can't achieve low visibility. If I quit XP10 with the visibility set to 0.10sm, then after restarting XP10 the visibility is as low as expected, but even if I then set the visibility slider to the max. vis. nothing really happens. But I have the Datarefeditor installed, so I can set the visibility from the lowest to the highest setting without having to restart the sim. And the "grey screen of death" is still disabled, because the dataref gets immediately deactivated again from the Skymaxx plugin, but that short moment is enough to reset the vis..
  15. Some more feedback: First it's still awwwweeeesoooommeee!!!!!! I'm so happy that I can run SkyMaxx Pro, because I have a rather weak PC. And yes, overall better frames than with the default cloud system. And I highly appreciate the overcast setting ''low'', this gives me exactly what I want, a solid cloud layer, which is easy on fps. Also to see the clouds move and change their shape is pure awesomeness. Not to forget the great skycolors! Simply put, SkyMaxx is a Must Have! Cheers, Marcus
  16. Got it!! All I can say right now is: Awwwweeeesoooommeee!!!!!!
  17. Yay, sounds fantastic!! My first post here, but now it is about time. HD mesh v2 + SkyMaxx Pro = mega awesome stuff!!! Thank you all for making this possible! Cheers, Marcus
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