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pcartier1960 last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Yep, that was the problem, I disabled Windows anti-virus and re-installed the aircraft, all is good. Thanks Coop!
  2. I installed the latest Citation 525 and on startup I am getting errors in the sound bank: this is on a fresh install of x-plane 12 attached is the log file Log.txt
  3. Thanks for the info Coop! before I read this I already re-installed the plane and have not had a problem with the IRS aligment since. Thanks for the help!
  4. Hello Support, I’m attempting to perform an IRS alignment. I’ve started by turning on the avionics power, followed by switching on the inverter. However, after waiting for an extended period, my PFD does not initialize. Could you help me identify if I’ve missed a step or if there’s something I’m overlooking? Thanks!
  5. Great job guys, she is beautiful. Is it possible in the next update to add the PFD alignment screens?
    Needed to 5 star this paint job, very nice!
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  6. Nothing, I was laughing at this statement: "I didn't realize that in the real thing the pilot had to get out of his seat, head over to the touch screen panel above the sink, press an announcement button, and then head back to his seat each time" Can you imagine what that would look like!
  7. Now this made me laugh! made my day.
    Looks Great! the only issue I have is my registration number is not displayed, I only see the red "QS" Could I be missing a windows font? Issue fixed, I had to enter the plane from the FO then the registration appeared!
  8. I know you are running out of solutions but before I remove the AviTab I was signed in with Navigraph, then I removed the AviTab to my desktop. Not sure if that helps but those were my steps. Good Luck!
  9. I did get the popup to work by first removing AviTab, then when I turned the battery on it prompt me for my Navigraph username and password.
  10. Same here, just subscribed to Navigraph and get the same results as you. Hopefully someone can share how they did it.
  11. Try this, To properly set the parking brake I have to push and hold the "B" key, and then push and release the "V" key, then release the "B" key.
  12. I believe without setting the parking brake properly was the cause, also I was able to fix it using the differential brake trick. Thanks for the help everyone! now it's time to get in the air!
  13. Great, I will try this! Thanks @EnQ
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