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  1. engines runing Log.txtcold and dark Log.txt Thank you for responding. See attached logs. The salient log is the "cold and dark" one. The aircraft loads fine, but BAT switches do nothing when flipped on. Brad
  2. I just downloaded the latest version from X-Aviation, and after installation, neither the straight-up S22 nor the TN have any electrical power when BATs are turned on. I tried starting with the engines running, and the TN flipped wildly and then crashed. There is nothing in the manual. What am I missing?
  3. Ugh! I wish that was clear in the description. I just spent a very frustrating hour trying to taxi about 300 yards to runway and gave up. It goes against the very nature all other sim or IRL aircraft I have flown. That said: I loved my CRJ and MU2 (back in the XP10 days) and still fly my Saab 340A. Thanks.
  4. Tell me there is a setting (as in the Saab 340) to activate nose wheel steering with hardware pedals. I've tried every possible curve config in X-Plane and no joy. Nothing that I can find in the manuals. What is the secret? Right now the aircraft is unusable. Thanks.
  5. Right now there is a real hurricane in LA that is showing up in full color on SkyVector. I set my airport to KCDH (see attached) and weather to match real weather in X-Plane (11.41). Why doesn't my brand-spanking new RWC show any weather in X-P? What am I missing? Thanks.
  6. Thanks, and good to know. I'll keep an eye out this weekend. As a Chicagoan this will be fun.
  7. Beautiful, but bow badly does this ding our FPS?
  8. You might want to read this thread:
  9. Here are my resources. Try my checklist. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h7f5dr8yvgg58dq/AAAKCllf5ET29kmBi7YbXHyDa?dl=0 Here's a video I made that has gotten good comments:
  10. Press the red button on the yoke.
  11. breadwild

    Vertical Sync

    What is vertical sync? I've been in aviation for 50 years and have never heard that term. Thanks.
  12. What are your two engine temperatures before they catch fire? This is not a technical answer, but you want to stay out of the red , so approximately 860° tops. Depending on altitude that's about 70% on the torque.
  13. I have several videos on YouTube that may be helpful. https://youtu.be/jKtBdNqjoDc
  14. You just have to let the props spool down to almost nothing before you can try Autostart. It happens occasionally.
  15. Feel the gratitude. Looks awesome!
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