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Everything posted by derek

  1. Burma Gift http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-20910980 Lets hope.
  2. Lets hope it gets sold on the .org at some time.
  3. Your right I only got the MU-2 Cameron, that’s because of the activation policy you have.
  4. Is this going to be another activation file? I hope not.
  5. Very interesting with all the dense forest?
  6. I’m sorry to here that it’s very sad.
  7. Why can you not post on .org?
  8. Not going to get involved in your childish banter Ben, that’s for you and Zroman to sort out.
  9. I think Zroman and Ben Russell should live together. Imagine living in that house! All those diapers!
  10. Will there be pilots in the final release?
  11. Ok with that, so is the wife. Keep up the good work.
  12. Over to you Pete!!! And sorry for starting this. I won’t really get the wife onto you. YET!
  13. Right Pete: When you have finished this work of art, why not do an Otter. Sorry to tell you what to do. If you don’t I will get my wife onto you, and you won’t like that.
  14. Looks quality work you have. Good luck
  15. The best work I have ever seen in x-plane. Will you have pilots added?
  16. I agree with you. USB the way to go.
  17. That’s more like it! An outside view. looks rather nice me thinks.
  18. stunning, you clever lad you! Is it going to have pilots in the final version?
  19. I remember buying this plane when it was released. Backed it up on and external drive, while installing my new G5. Went to retrieve it and the external ground to a halt. lost the plane forever. Damn.
  20. Great plane: Are you going to put pilots in this model?
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