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Everything posted by Airbus

  1. Here is a good video for reference.
  2. Ive wanted one of these for years.
  3. ! My outside temp guage reads 102*! Another blistering muggy day here!
  4. May try re uvmapping it?
  5. Could be one of many things. Either wrong normals, or doubled objects. Try going into edit mode and removing doubled faces.
  6. St.Louis hit 103 today :-\
  7. Something interesting to look at and read. http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/46823-paderborn-airport-for-xplane/
  8. Very nice! Have you played around with any 3D sound techniques yet?
  9. Think this one is my favorite now!
  10. New livery for today
  11. Preparing to retest instrument animations with a fresh paintjob.
  12. No solid release date, but it will be ready very soon. Just about everything was modified and improved in this update/upgrade!
  13. Thanks! Working on making it better than before! ;D
  14. The weather here is nuts all year long. Either your suffocating, freezing, or being blown away by storms. Two days straight worth of spring madness already. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/04/22/missouri.severe.weather/?hpt=T2
  15. The panel refresh is done. ;D
  16. ;D Wow coming together quite nicely!
  17. Took the 152 up. The update is done, just going over everything twice! ;D
  18. ;D Looks like a fun technique to practice in X-Plane!
  19. > Land locked. I miss the beach! :-[
  20. Don't you love it when things backfire and someone has it documented? Whoops! Best ever post. I was waiting for this day! Time to frame and hang these screen grabs!
  21. Hmmm...is the length of 1:52 intentional? ;D I did't notice that until you pointed it out! Neat!
  22. I would love to see this livery! I think the B25 is way sexier!
  23. I lock the views using the "Q" and "E" keys. To get back out hit "control O" again.That should help a bit.
  24. ;D Now thats down right sexy! Great work Nicola!
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