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  1. Great ... and Thank you!
  2. Very nice work - I hope for getting JRollon's OK. Best greets Dirk
  3. Very nice pictures - great! Best greets Dirk
  4. Hi Cameron, ok, another try: The hotfix function of Gizmo is very nice! (And I don't think to the DC-3-update waiting-time - ) The bug-fixing and updates from X-Aviation gets better and better, really! Best greets and thanks, Dirk
  5. The hotfix fuction of Gizmo is very nice! Better to make a hotfix then waiting several weeks. Best greets Dirk
  6. Hello Ilias, that's look much better than the screenshoots a few weeks ago. Very nice. Best greets Dirk
  7. Thank you very much for the update, the product get better and better, from version to version. Best greets Dirk
  8. Hallo Goran, real? - a "Connie"? That's more than phantastic! Best greets, Dirk
  9. Uwe, it*s real phantastic what I saw in the video - great! Best greets Dirk
  10. Very nice! Best greets Dirk
  11. http://home.scarlet.be/xplane/crbst_4.html Best greets Dirk
  12. It's really easy. Push the download-button at the following site: http://www.benedikt-stratmann.de/index.php?kln90b In the zipped file is a good documentation for the installation. It's very easy. Finally you must change the old SASL, which delivered in the zipped file, with an new, actual one. Ready. Best greets Dirk
  13. I use the Bendix KLN 90 B, a magnificent GPS, that's build in the SAAB 340 A from many Airlines: http://www.benedikt-stratmann.de/index.php?kln90b You must change the old SASL in the package with a actual one. Great! Best greets Dirk
  14. Hallo Jim, thank you for this hotfix. I think it's the best action to solve a problem in this way and don't wait for the next regular update some months later. Good action, best greets, Dirk
  15. Seems nice after a short test. Phantastic +++ by the FPS. Condition Levers seems ok. Best thanks and greets Dirk
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