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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. We have tried hard to explain to you Viper the backgound stuff involved with SkyMAXX. Since its release we have provided a series of important updates to further enhance the product and even released a greatly improved V2 for free to the user base....... Because our product doesnt do what "YOU" want it to do you start kicking and screaming like a child, well you look foolish and this does nothing to help our product grow...... We care about the product greatly and we are focused on continuing to further enhance our already fantastic offering...... Nothing of this scope has ever been attempted in X-Plane and LR has been fantastic in giving us the tools to suceed but what we want to accomplish takes time...... I suggest you revert back to the default clouds if they present a better environment for you, or you will be met with constant frustration and my Zen like lifestyle sees your behavior troubling....
  2. Stratus is a flat layer by design.... If you are not happy with the overcast conditions try setting overcast to either medium or high. Be warned though your hardware needs to be up to the task....
  3. JohnMAXX


    I assume you are manually injecting weather. I suggest posting your x-plane rendering settings and a shot of your weather settings along with the SM ui. Not having this info let me shoot in the dark. 1. Make sure volumetric fog is enabled in the x-plane rendering options. 2. Try the low overcast option this will draw a solid flat layer at a given altitude which may be what you are looking for.
  4. I'm glad you got it sorted
  5. A couple of things what kind of hardware are you running? And are you sure you have the crepuscular rays disabled? I ask because smp does not affect the sun that is the x-plane default... You could try testing with the default clouds to see if the problem remains...
  6. Thank you for your valuable input
  7. This isn't an expected result of course.... A complete set of log files and detailed is and hardware info should be provided so we can help
  8. I guess the first thing I need explained what do you mean by freeze? My first suggestion would to make sure you have 2.1 installed, try hitting reset from the smp ui and make small adjustments until you are happy with the appearance and performance of Skymaxx.....
  9. Very cool Peter you always push the envelope with your sceneries
  10. Very nice.....pics don't do SM justice you captured the beauty of it all
  11. Awesome! That's why we made SMP scalable
  12. Use this as a basic guide: http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/7093-adjusting-skymaxx-pro-for-better-performance/
  13. I agree they are but a frequent query on the weather system will result in delays whIle it updates. You can also explore the SMP ui some to tweak the clouds for faster loading.....
  14. You might want to compare with and without the noaa plugin activated.....If I am not mistaken the weather updates very frequently using that plugin
  15. Curious what kind of hardware are you running? Also are you running any kind of third party weather injector or squawkbox?
  16. Wow!!! 0_o
  17. One thing I noticed in your comparison shots were how much softer and realistic smp is compared to Rex in p3d..... Thanks for putting these together it's nice to have a comparison.....
  18. Jim, Yes this has to do with how we apply our shadows in X-Plane. They darken the whole scene and we are unable to differentiate lights from the total scene, our trade off to bring shadows into SMP.... My suggestion would be to adjust the cloud shadow slider down in the smp ui until you get a more acceptable result....
  19. Soon!
  20. Bump for all the new users....
  21. Great!
  22. With Silver Lining enabled can you manually inject clouds? SM works perfectly in 10.30....
  23. What Frank said....lol Skymaxx replaces the default clouds with a completely new system. It also is not a weather engine and is completely integrated withe the default weather generated in X-Plane. Also it works with 3rd party weather injectors....
  24. Well I'm going to have to step up my game here..... Really happy there is competition to help bring focus to my seasons....
  25. http://forum.simrussia.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F208-%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D1%8B-xp-10%2F I'm shattered
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