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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. Haha....yep...lol. Noted Huey ill look into it
  2. Thanks for the report, hey you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with, and I am one fortunate guy
  3. Get the update......
  4. Ah your water is set to complete, knock that down to low or medium.....
  5. We can agree to disagree on this subject, I think you are focusing just on the rotations and not looking at the morphing which is a series of things happening all at once.... A. Cloud rotations B. Cloud puffs shifting C. Cloud system realignments The sum of those 3 features adds up to "dynamic clouds" This is the real beauty of SkyMAXX PRO & SilverLining.... With no winds in the mix the rotations seem out of place that's why you can turn them off..
  6. Yes....
  7. Not with that weather pattern you showed in your picture that's default... Nothing to fix here....we need a serious weather injector.....
  8. The fade in and out is an expected result, this is something we did not address in the 1.1 update. This had to do with the way XPX draws weather patterns, I was suggesting users should use the NOAA plugin since the patterns are more consistant..... Orbit textures not fixed? Im scratching my head right now......I will have to test more after work......
  9. Odd.....something else is going on there....dig deeper. ...
  10. Agreed huey....Cam doesn't get enough credit for his efforts....
  11. _mount _clean are the most important to any sky color package IMO
  12. You should have these files included in each folder from X-Plane10/Resources/plugins/silverlining/skyColors/ : Say the new sky color folder inside this directory is called I dunno SkyX, the SkyX folder should have this file structure: sky_colors_clean sky_colors_foggy sky_colors_hazy sky_colors_hialt sky_colors_mount sky_colors_ocast sky_colors_snowy sky_colors_socked sky_colors_stratus if some of those are missing you can add the missing PNG's from another package to make it work..... This will fix the problem of SkyMAXX crashing........I also think I need to add a more detailed description in the documentation Thanks for pointing this out.......
  13. Tom Knudsen has some awesome colors BTW.......
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMNuYgVoDSU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtrxBL4N1qI This is the effect we are trying to simulate......enjoy the nice piano music, la lalala laaaaaa lalala la la http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKkZc310QzE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qa-IqUHn-U SkyMaxx does a good job as vids have pointed out.......
  15. Get out of the house from time to time Tommy....you might see what you are asking for Either way you can turn them off in the ui....
  16. Might need to ask yourself Tom, you know that inner dialog, does this add anything to thr conversation....
  17. Try selecting "med" overcast in the Skymaxx ui....What you are seeing there is the "low" framerate friendly option... In V1.1 (yet to be released) we also took care of the "high" option with an even more dense overcast layer.....
  18. You haven't seen anything yet Canox is going to have a field day soon......
  19. ^^What Cameron said^^
  20. Not from me
  21. We will have some news shortly, and I think you are going to like it!
  22. Its tough to say without looking at what exactly is going on with a view into the specific situations........
  23. Post as much as you like!
  24. 0_O
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