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Phantom88 last won the day on March 27 2013

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    "Sweet Home Chicago"

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  1. That's Fantastic!!
  2. Sorry,This was a non-tech issue that had to do with the initial transaction itself,Thank You very much for asking.Cheers
  3. Hello.I've had a support ticket in since 4-27-16 with no reply,Can someone please help me with this?Thank You #MRR9P
  4. Great post! I think to find out how you got where you are,you need to first remember with whom and where you've been.
  5. Y E S ! ! !
  6. S A T U R D A Y ! ! Thank You!!!!!
  7. Will Someone Please tell the Pilot The Flight Attendant would like Her Shoes and Socks back
  8. Don't be Scared........It's only a Simulation.
  9. Thank You tkyler for keeping us updated with the great progress,much appreciated.
  10. Two New Videos........Very Impressive
  11. Neat Video of The NG Landing
  12. YES!!! I think they've installed a "Money Counting" room at X-Pilot HQ similar to a Las Vegas Casino
  13. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/8707-ixeg-737-progress-update-january-22nd/?p=92094
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