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Everything posted by strider

  1. librain support and the new AFM's Garmin G5 Good news, the G5 addon is awesome! Hopefully, the update is sooner rather then later!
  2. Each new incarnation of your Skymaxx clouds seems to get more and more hideous looking! You guys need to get back to your roots when the clouds were more volumetric!
  3. After reading this thread I did a bunch of takeoffs and landings to see what the issue is. No issues landing at all! Takeoffs are a little tricky but generally speaking I can the keep the nose pointed down the runway. I think there is a lot of variables here with trim, power, speed in the ground roll, user settings and pilot inputs! Can it use some improvements? probably. The rudder inputs seem a little over sensitive or maybe kind of delayed. But it's definitively better then previous versions. If you can't keep the plane pointed down the runways 7 times out of the 10 then something is wrong with your settings, hardware, or it's pilot operator error.
  4. I was hoping to see dogs and kids in the back or a bunch of girls in bikinis as I have an out of body experience flying in the clouds:)
  5. I had the same problem! lol....I was scratching my head trying to figure out why I couldnt pick up the ATIS. The com1 is just always on with the default planes that I never really think about pushing the button to 'ON'....
  6. Make sure you have the com/mic button turned on in the audio panel!
  7. +1
  8. Should experimental flight model be on or off in 11.30 with the TBM?
  9. Hard drives are cheap now! And you don't need to install the whole world! I usually end up installing a fresh copy of XP when there is a new version XP because there always seems to be add-on conflict that causes low fps or other weird anomalies.
  10. Have you tried a second copy of Xplane with no add-ons besides the TBM? Thatsthe easiest way to troubleshoot.
  11. strider

    Texture too dark

    That overhead panel is going to be dark in real life too. Unfortunately, we can not just reach up and feel for the switches. You really don't need to mess with those overhead switches once you start the AC anyways, with the exception of the landing lights, but I just leave them on. Asking the dev to make the color unrealistic is not the solution. Maybe it's time for a feature request from laminar, maybe a brighter red flashlight would help?
  12. Try installing a clean second copy of xplane and then test
  13. strider

    Texture too dark

    Turn the lights on!
  14. strider


    2018-10-28 17:06:45 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000
  15. strider

    Texture too dark

    They are dark but I can see the switches in your picture. Try turning on the two cabin lights above the pilot. If you still can't see them maybe it's time for a brighter monitor.
  16. strider

    Texture too dark

    You need to calibrate your monitor or buy a new monitor! I can see all of the toggle switches when the cockpit lights are turned on! I can even see them when the red flashlight is turned on! Can you see them in the picture below?
  17. strider

    A few bugs

    lol.... I really like the masterpiece you created I had to read the manual! I still need to read the POH and G1000 manual! Good job with the rain effects! I don't know if you plan on developing the rain effect any further but I would love to see more of the rain streaks on the windshield vs the moving drop pattern. I am attaching a pic as an example of rain streaks. Can we also see more rain effects on the windshield when setting the precipitation to light/moderate? I have to set the precipitation to severe to see a decent amount of rain on the windshield.
  18. strider

    A few bugs

    It was from the quick start guide you provided in the document folder.
  19. strider

    A few bugs

    7. Cockpit / cabin light switch. When set to ON, the overhead lights in the cockpit and cabin are turned on, overriding individual light controls.
  20. strider

    A few bugs

    I thought the manual said the Cockpit/cabin light switch controls the cockpit lights?
  21. strider

    A few bugs

  22. strider

    A few bugs

    1. Roger 2. The cabin light switch does not turn off the cabin lights with my install. It literally does nothing at all..... 3. I installed a fresh copy of Xplane 11.30 and your beautiful art! It looks like the AP disconnect button on the AP panel is working with the fresh copy but I need to test further.
  23. strider

    A few bugs

    I think it's supposed pulse in the off and or taxi position, I think thats what I read in one of the manuals.
  24. strider

    A few bugs

    I found a temporary solution to the AP: assigning the AP disconnect to a yolk seems to work.
  25. strider

    A few bugs

    1. Landing light dimmer switch does not dim the landing lights. 2. Cockpit/cabin light switch does nothing, I have to manually turn off/on the Cockpit lights. 3. 11.30: using AP button to turn off the ap makes the sim freeze and or crash.
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