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Everything posted by jamesbaby286

  1. Looking great! I hope it is a tonne better than the one free with X-plane.org store purchases.
  2. Well x-plane already has displacement mapping with the jet haze... so something could be done utilizing that. Entirely possible.
  3. Upon review of the pack's airport list, I notice it does not include YMML, YBBN or YPPH. Do you have any idea as to why this may be?
  4. I am as surprised as you are... I don't know how a missed that.
  5. YSSY already has a good quality scenery. http://www.hatsuon.net/sydneyscenery.html, YBBN as well http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9733. How about YMML? I am still waiting for someone to create even the basic structure for that airport.
  6. I have little idea as to how I missed that. Thanks for raising my awareness!
  7. The new generation of X-plane users are arriving.
  8. Awesome video! This in fact does ease the pain of waiting for more news, objective completed. How'd you get the camera doing what it is doing?
  9. After the release of this aircraft do you think you would be able to create a SAAB 340 from it? Because it would be nice if you could, both planes are very similar.
  10. Does this message show on start-up of the program? or when you choose a specific aircraft? This is the first itme I have seen someone report a problem such as this so it seems to me that you may have installed the program incoorectly, have you since tried re-installing? Are all all the files within the aircraft folder of your x-plane folder in order?
  11. I really hope that this can be fixed becaused is definentally going against the "plausible" look X-plane is going for. Note: This is where the Brooklyn Bridge should be.
  12. How about this A320 landing...
  13. How did you get your chase view to zoom out? (what keys?)
  14. AMAZING video!! Captures one of the greatest things about X-plane, it's mountains, perfectly! I love the music.
  15. I would be surprised if after this new info on MS Flight we see some MSFS developers, who were previously MSFS only, giving X-plane a good hard look over to evaluate the feasibility of developing add ons for it.
  16. Well done! They look great! My only criticism is that the buildings look too uniform when it comes to height; but hey, it is 10 times better than anything I could do.
  17. I spent a good 45 minutes following a double train line a didn't see a single train...
  18. How big is it? When I first got my RC helicopter I spent ages flying it around the larger rooms in my house. It was a HUGE help before taking it outside to fly.
  19. Yes Cameron you are correct. I am sorry Steve, for the misunderstanding. I was referring to the initial post by the now banned user FakeAustin.
  20. Samen's A330s and A340s.
  21. I understand that this is a joke and all but... Don't dis Austin! He is the creator of the virtual world that we fly around in to our hearts content. He is a huge supporter of his community and only wants the best for us! He is the reason we all congregate on sites like this every day!
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