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  1. Another flight's data from today, 85 ft difference. Please see the screenshot below and Log.txt attached. Log.txt
  2. Sure! On Friday I flew one test flight on Vatsim and on that flight at cruise alt_ind was showing 36 040 ft while CL650's altimeter was at 36 000 ft. I recycled the QNH-settings with both the CL's own altimeter knob and with XP's keybinded command. The difference did not change. This evening I flew one flight on Vatsim and checked also those datarefs as requested. Now there wasn't a major difference between alt_ind and CL's altimeter (please see the attachment below). I'll continue to observe if I come across again with this error and post you then Log.txt with the requested datarefs and altitude readouts. Thanks for following up with this.
  3. Today I flew (offline) and I noticed the same altitude difference between CL650 altimeter and X-Plane's own alt ind -variable. I also recycled few times the altimeter between local and std QNH with X-Plane's own command, but the difference between CL650 altimeter and X-Plane's own altitude did not change. Please see the picture below. I've also attached the Log.txt. I'm using HS CL650 1.4r1 and ASXP 7618. Log.txt
  4. Hello, I had this very same situation yesterday evening while flying in VATSIM.
  5. From CCP2 select LWR MENU, scroll and select MAP SYMBOLS and from there you can select elements to display on MFD. Please see the picture attached.
  6. One workaround is to use the XP's own flashlight when operating that panel in the dark.
  7. Yes, here's a topic with more info about it.
  8. It has probably been too cold for the engines and ATS hasn't been able to keep up with the requested power. If temperatures are below ISA -10°C at high altitudes that can happen. I experienced this also today around FL380 with ISA -16°C. Descended to FL360 and it was then fine.
  9. You need to increase your airspeed if possible or descent to warmer air.
  10. Hi, could you please show the section of the AFM where this is mentioned? Thanks
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