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  1. There is no lightning emoji here.
  2. Was it a 1 day sale? It's showing as $124.95 for me.
  3. I don't think the CL650 has *ever* been on sale. So just buy it. It was the same price for what, two years? An extra $10 can't be a deal breaker. It's not a great addon, it's a simulated jet. Nothing else compares.
  4. That you didn’t set an N1 target. The checklist will tell you what to do.
  5. Your OFP will give you fuel weight, so only need to divide by density to get volume. No need for a conversion. Even then, you should get a warning when doing PERF INIT before departure. And even then be aware of your current fuel burn in flight and time to destination - less than an hour spare and you should be asking questions. Divert to nearest suitable is always an option, don't press on to destination with low fuel. Maybe the most useful point for you to consider is, unlike a car, aircraft fuel should always be thought of in terms of time.
  6. That's the one I tried but I have minimal talent for painting.
  7. Do you think you could do the livery the HS125s used to wear?
  8. You’re going to have to learn almost from scratch. It’s a very different machine and the initial learning curve is steep. Dig into the included docs as an initial primer, for the first hour or two I simply did cockpit and systems famil on the ground. Using the study menus is really useful and will help you appreciate the detail that has gone into the aircraft. Then there are some good videos on YouTube from Graeme and Rob Hammer, Toto also makes an appearance from time to time. Honestly, start slow, treat it like a real type rating. There is also a discord channel too.
  9. That must be a very short list of things
  10. The checklist is built in. You even have an FO.
  11. I am sure I got it working without power by just setting the park brake etc. BP doesn’t know there is no pressure in the system, just the “switch” setting.
  12. You’d be surprised how many people think they are always filled to the top. Simbrief forecasts are usually very accurate, do you use ASXP too? Conversion errors are not unheard of in real incidents, having a rough idea of factors and only converting at the end can help. You have my sympathy; one aircraft I flew had the left tank in USG, the right in ImpG, weights all in LBS, fuel volumes in litres and an ASI primarily in MPH!
  13. Aircraft are not like cars, you don’t just fill them to the top. Do you use simbrief?
  14. I’ve also experienced FPS tanking with the van. Will grab the log next time.
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