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Zach Decou

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Everything posted by Zach Decou

  1. Umm, it makes the dough! Can't have the romance till you take care of the finance.
  2. That's what I meant. The plugin itself would reference the text file to determine which datarefs to affect.
  3. I don't see how this would be a big deal to do. There should be a simple init file that is text editable. You enter a dataref, a range, and a duration in seconds. Then a consequence dataref and value. Maybe something like this: item_fail:sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_prop:279|281:120:sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_running:0 item_fail:sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_prop:>281:>5:sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_running:0 I'm not a programmer, so forgive me if the potential complexity of such a plugin is lost on me. Zach
  4. Zach, Step 3 of the installation and download instructions stated... 3. Inside of your currently installed Cessna Corvalis aircraft folder you'll find a folder called: "plugins". Open this folder and delete the folder named "JGX_C400v1.00". Jim That is correct. I need glasses. Thanks!
  5. I'm probably not the one to speak to this, but I think if you are seeing your c400 plugins in your plugin admin while another aircraft is loaded, it is an indication that you have your c400 plugins in the wrong folder. The c400 plugin needs to be in JGX_C400_1.10/plugins/JGX_C400_1.10 and not in X-Plane/Resources/Plugins. You should only move plugins to the latter file path if the installation documentation instructs you to do so. Hope I'm on the right track here... By the way, the update email did not instruct me to delete the JGX_C400_1.0 plugin folder when moving the new plugin folder into place. Until future clarification, I will have both plugin folders in place simultaneously. Zach
  6. Hey Goran. Thought you might like this. http://web.me.com/stsuida/fly/Project_Blog/Entries/2010/5/7_This_is_why_X-Plane_is_better_than_MSFS..html
  7. Conex is working on a Bell 206 that uses a sound plugin he is developing. Frankly, it makes my heart skip a beat. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=39547&st=360
  8. Could it be possible to have two objects each textured with it's own glass image existing in the same location, each with it's own hide/show logic tied to a common dataref (I.e. slider_ratio[n]) with oposite frame values? Then you can have a clickable hotspot somewhere in the cabin or even the glass itself, so if the pilot chooses, he can "repair" the broken glass. I would prefer the broken glass but can see how others may complain. You can't keep everyone happy, but you can damn sure try Zach
  9. I Attempted to download the c400 lastnight. I noticed that, due to some bad weather rolling in, my broadband signal was more like a trickle. I left the computer to do it's thing. Came back to it after a couple hours of yard work to see my c400 had finished downloading. Unzipped and got an error message that a PDF file was missing and the zip file was incomplete. Open the AC in Xplane and I'm greeted with an error message that Something is wrong with the aircraft and I need to contact the author. Click understood to proceed, and it's missing everything but the panel itself and some interior bits. No prob. I have another download on XA. So I get my second download underway. Hours go by. Come back to it to see the file has finished. Unzipped... Same issue as before except now it says there is an image file missing. Same result in Xplane. All this seems like something on my end. A slow Internet connection coupled with a crazy big download is causing my computer to say "alright, that's enough" and finishing the download prematurely. All this is to ask if I can have another stab at it. I will be in a better broadband coverage area this weekend and reeeealy want this plane. I should note, I don't recall being prompted to register the AC. So I shouldn't have any liscencing issues. Thanks! Zach
  10. I deleted my post. Didn't read the first post. Duh! Looks great!
  11. Happy to see yet another addition to your collection, but a little sad to see the mooney getting sidelined... Maybe when you are taking another "break" in the future.
  12. Well hello! I commented about this project back at the org sone weeks back. Good to see you here and I hope the aircraft does well! As soon as my wife ups my allowance, I may have to pick this one up Really looking foreward to seeing the G1000 in action. Any vids? Zach
  13. Yeah, I remember my first beer...
  14. Ooh! Ooh! And would it be possible to have the sound of the engine and wind change when the canopy opens in flight?
  15. Mooney J,K,Bravo etc, ummm, piper archer, C182
  16. Thanks Kaphias, you filled in a couple of gaps I left. Forgot about execute button and loc mode on the AP. Doh!
  17. The default FMS in X-Plane is very simple and easy to use. I have no experience with more advanced systems, but I can tell you quickly how to use the default FMS. If you are manually entering waypoints: 1. Press "init". This automatically enters your current lat/lon position as the first waypoint. 2. Select the type of waypoint you will be entering first. The choices are "airp", "fix", "vor", "ndb", etc. 3. Type in the ICAO, lat/lon, or identifier of the waypoint. 4. Press the soft key next to the altitude line and enter the altitude you wish to be at when crossing the above entered waypoint. This stage is optional. Leaving it 00000 will not affect your flight unless you want AP to track the FMS. Say you have 06500 on one way point, 00000 on the next, and 05000 on the third, the AP will not plunge the aircraft to 0' msl, but rather maintain 6500'. To have the aircraft follow the FMS in the vertical plane, you must be equipped with a "VNAV" selector on your autopilot. This means of course Vertical NAVigation. 5. Press "next" and repeat steps 2-4. If you just want to get from point A to B, only enter the destination airport as a waypoint and don't bother setting an altitude. To have the AP track your FMS, you must have a source switch labeled "nav 1, nav 2, gps". Select gps and make sure you have AP turned on. If at any point you want to skip ahead in your flight plan and divert to a specific waypoint, use prev and next to bring up the desired waypoint, and press the direct to button (has a D with an arrow through it). After you have entered a flight plan, you may save it by pressing, suprise, "save". You may load a saved plan... You know the rest. I may have left something out or mistaken something as I am not at my machine. If this is the case, I will correct shortly. Hope this helps.
  18. Those are they. Stab trim huh? So the left and right stabilitors trim incidence independently? Neat!
  19. I have a quick question. Why is there STILL not an emoticon with panties dropping? Every time I look at your newest renders, I find myself making these strange gutteral sounds. Sometimes my wife will hear it in the other room and come in to see what kind of pornography I must be looking at. Of course she's not to hot on his sort of thing, and I'm sure she is suprised as hell sometimes that I'm not still a virgin... Thanks for the akward moments! On the center pedistal there are two handles that when viewed looking down blenders Y axis look like an inverted triangle. They are to the far left. What are these? Zach
  20. Hi Simon. I watched this on my iPhone as I am in the field (supposed to be working ), so I could just be seeing things... It looks like the puff smoke coming from the MU-2 in flight are well infront of the engines. Wierd. Haven't noticed the phenomon in my experience with the plane. Nice video! Love the shot of the MU-2 main gear compressing. The javelin looks big and heavy in slow mo. Interesting and unique way to watch it fly! Good job.
  21. Hi Tom. I like your approach here. I am wondering if this technology will be proprietry or if it will be available to other developers to speed their respective projects along. I myself have little knowledge of code, and would see something like this being very useful on my own project. No problem with keeping to yourself though! I understand not wanting to give away the gravy recipie.
  22. What Javier is to lighting, you are to old farty steam gagues! Now with due flattery aside, I have a question. You will have to forgive my ignorance (it abounds in my family... on my wife's side BAZING!) as I came straight from FS9 into X-Plane, bypassing FSX (I own it, but not a japuter that will run it). I missed out on the whole PMDG/CaptainSim/Level-D/Wilco hysteria. Have any of MSFS' 3rd party developers produced ANYTHING remotely approaching this level? Do any of them have 3d gagues? My experience with those devs does not go beyond screenshots and manic hype in forums. I only ask because this thing is nuts! I would think you'd be getting more attention from fissers who once prayed at the altar of PMDG, "Save us, Goran, from our melevolent overlords!". At least that's the way it goes in my head... Best!
  23. How do you know when you have a Goran follower walking behind you? You can hear his chin scraping the ground. (Replace chin with knuckles and you have the classic drummer joke.)
  24. I'm really glad this post had somewhat of a happy ending. I was starting to feel a little like throwing up reading it! The speed at which you work is incredible. No one should have to start over, but you have the capability and talent to catch up and get back on your feet in short time. You are the envy of modelers everywhere (or at least this one!). Keep up the excellent work. You set out to achieve some lofty goals and you comsistantly deliver stunning renders. The saying goes: don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash... Your ass is in the check cashing business!
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