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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Try dragging the plane back a bit in the X-Plane map.
  2. Manual entry format here. Not confirmed the Simbrief format is the root cause as stated in the post above, which will be revised, so please still provide the full route and .FMS file.
  3. I don’t know the original reason for using the Pilot ID, possibly as a privacy/security feature. However, Toto is aware of the username being an option in the API, and also of the usability implications of the current method, and he is considering whether a change is warranted.
  4. We had some parsing errors during the beta and the .FMS file was helpful for debugging. I don’t know what it would have for a VOR-based waypoint, I’m hoping the original definition. But to be safe, @Clumsy please provide the route in full text format as well.
  5. Please provide the FMS file and we’ll test it.
  6. Yes, follow the instructions from your nav data provider.
  7. I think this is the emergency handle so best not to use that. Use default commands.
  8. You have one too many close parentheses in your create_command functions.
  9. If you’re holding max reverse why would you be moving your thrust levers? You’re already at max. Stow the reversers and then you can move to forward idle. Each cycle of reversers takes time. A video of your issue may help diagnose. Thanks.
  10. Not at this time, but WebFMC Pro is supported and they do have this feature.
  11. Those are not currently available to X-Plane. I’ll pass on the interest to the developers.
  12. I might post one when I get time. Unofficial though. It’s not something I expect developers to provide as it’s very much up to personal preference. Default radio commands and datarefs should work though. We made sure of that.
  13. No, it has its own failure manager.
  14. They would, the models are very similar.
  15. Yes, basically everything you’d interact with has a command (or multiple). I’ll publish my (unofficial) Bravo configuration that covers the LEDs and AP knobs to the forum upon release. (Source: beta tester.)
  16. The Jeppesen charts are from Navigraph, not direct (like ForeFlight), so yes!
  17. @gigabenga I think the problem is that FWDW does not exist in the X-Plane airport database. Is it an add-on airport you've installed? You can check the Gateway database at https://gateway.x-plane.com/airports/page.
  18. @Nico3478 That’s a good find! However publishing developers’ original files to a public forum is going to get you in trouble. I’m sure you’re just trying to help but you should delete them before the administrators have to do it for you.
  19. @Attitude I’m guessing they’re referring to this thread
  20. @Nico3478In the meantime I suggest using the datarefs for the switches, which are used by RealSimGear and are available for reference in CommandMapping.ini. One downside is they don't trigger the nice switch sounds. Hopefully something TorqueSim can look at.
  21. I also have a weird noise when using commands from the Saitek switch panel. It's like a creaking sound, very odd. Sound recording attached. ;command for battery master switch on command bat_master_switch_on_cmd = afm/sr/cmd/switches/bat1_On ;command for battery master switch off command bat_master_switch_off_cmd = afm/sr/cmd/switches/bat1_Off ;command for battery master switch on command2 bat2_master_switch_on_cmd = afm/sr/cmd/switches/bat2_On ;command for battery master switch off command2 bat2_master_switch_off_cmd = afm/sr/cmd/switches/bat2_Off The same sound will also play out for any switch on the Alpha (or probably anything) that's assigned to sim/none/none a.k.a Do nothing. Might be the regular switch sample repeated/distorted? Not sure, to be honest. P.S. Oddly the On/Off commands don't show up in DataRefTool which is maybe why OP didn't find them. Recording.m4a
  22. In real life you steer with the TBM’s rudder pedals, as such it’s the same in the simulator, i.e. whatever is assigned to the yaw axis. “Nosewheel tiller” axis should be used on planes that have exactly that, a tiller. I guess the default planes have a convenience feature that it also works on planes where a tiller does not exist, e.g. the 172. The Hot Start TBM is more about realism than convenience.
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