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Everything posted by Pils

  1. Yes. That’s why it was simulated that way!
  2. What makes that a poor alternative is that there's no guarantee that the forecasted data is still valid; one can generate OFPs days in advance after all.
  3. You need to change your user interface scaling back to 100% in your operating system's settings.
  4. A temporary fix is available on the Hot Start Discord.
  5. Soon (tm)
  6. Must be run in Rosetta.
  7. First you must provide Log.txt from X-Plane after loading the CL650.
  8. Yes I’ll try to being it up with the developer.
  9. ^^^ From the developer.
  10. Oh you're trying to use FAA charts?
  11. It looks like 128.5 kts technically, but I guess it's rounded up.
  12. Confirm this is an extract of the AFM and the lines are baked in, not something you've added?
  13. I don't see any errors from Navigraph. However, I do see that something has corrupted the checklist audio files. I suggest reinstalling the addon to resolve that issue. Also: Delete this file from X-Plane: .../Output/caches/CL650/chart.db/navigraph-tokens.cache; Load a new flight with an airframe in career mode; Make sure Navigraph is checked in User Settings > Networking; Turn on aircraft power.
  14. You might be able to get close using the X-Plane in-game map, after getting the aircraft into an approach state. Then fly into the position you want to save, and save a state in the airframe manager.
  15. My thoughts are your anti-virus has blocked the DRM plugin or the Systems plugin. Please provide a Log.txt
  16. Two anti-virus products at once? That's generally considered a BAD IDEA. But it's your PC. For ease, the whole of X-Plane, at your own risk of course.
  17. I've heard that it happens. Defender isn't always reliable in its reporting. What was the exclusion you added exactly? (Screenshot?)
  18. I think I'm going to need to see a video of an approach to fully understand.
  19. Before anyone asks there’s nothing in 12.1.4 either. We wait, and wait…
  20. The product installer provides it.
  21. Please post screenshot(s) and Log.txt from X-Plane.
  22. Add an exclusion for the directory to your system's anti-virus/anti-malware protection.
  23. I suspected as much. There are simply not enough pixels on your monitor to display the cockpit with enough detail while the camera is in the normal seated position. To be clear this is an X-Plane 12 issue, not a CL650 issue. (I can explain why if you would like.) I would suggest your new PC deserves a new monitor, at least 1440px in height, or 2160px (4K) even better. However, there is one known software "fix" available to you as you have an Nvidia GPU, and that is DLDSR: https://www.techspot.com/guides/2428-dldsr-vs-dlss/. Once a higher resolution is made available on the system with NVCP (or maybe in the new Nvidia App?), then it can be selected from the dropdown in X-Plane as you've shown above.
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