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Everything posted by Pils

  1. This crash, like the other, is not caused by the addon, rather the sim executable is causing the crash all my itself. You need to remove all third party plugins, except Gizmo64, and all third party scenery; if it repeats, report the issue to Laminar Research.
  2. There is no beta available at this time. Please post your own Log.txt
  3. Yes, the sim needs to run at a minimum frame rate for the physics and mathematical calculations to run properly; X-Plane itself needs at least 20 FPS. You can also consult:
  4. https://discord.gg/6jASZ3bp
  5. Are you on a Mac?
  6. Maybe you can provide Log.txt from X-Plane just in case?
  7. I'm not sure what state you've got into there, but if it was loaded properly then the airframe list would say "(#Loaded)" next to the loaded airframe and the "Edit Appearance" button would be active, amongst others.
  8. Hard to say without seeing more. Maybe a video next time if it’s repeatable?
  9. You can only save states when selecting the airframe you have currently loaded. States cannot be shared between airframes.
  10. You need to add support for 32-bit binaries, the Linux installer was compiled incorrectly.
  11. The prerequisites for steering is that the nose wheel is physically within a few degrees of being straight, and nose wheel steering has been armed (with hydraulics available, etc.), i.e., following the checklists will get you there. As far as sim controls is concerned, an axis bound to nose wheel steering is supported and will be automatically detected and engaged upon first use in each flight. However, if a dedicated axis is not available, then the full steering will be available from a yaw axis control (not realistic but an accommodation for limited sim hardware users).
  12. Only by the original developer who has the 3D model files.
  13. Ah, sorry. That’s not what I meant. I mean the text in the Explorer panes and location bar has been increased in size compared to normal. You need to find what setting has done this and change it back to default.
  14. And under Advanced scaling? Text size?
  15. Something has increased the font size, because these Explorer screenshots are NOT normal. And that is why you can't see the Username and Password fields in the installer.
  16. Have you rebooted the PC since then? Can you screenshot the settings window, please? I believe it’s under Display.
  17. On the surface these crashes point towards a hardware fault or issue more than a problem with the simulator or addon. If you have an overclock on the CPU or memory then may need to be reduced, and some hardware diagnostics ran (memtest, etc.). But first let's clean up the simulator to reduce the software risk: Remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 (AviTab, xjet, etc.) SkunkCraftsUpdater should be removed permanently as it is deprecated by the author
  18. With X-Plane as it is, once you add third party scenery, especially orthophoto tiles, then all bets are off, tbh…
  19. By paying Navigraph some money and installing the fms data manager https://navigraph.com/downloads
  20. There’s no option to change the interaction mechanics.
  21. I don't think either RXP or TDS support that. It would be up to them to do so.
  22. The pitch axis? That doesn’t make sense. Please explain more what you mean.
  23. These are all different developers, different people, there’s no conflict.
  24. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
  25. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
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