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Everything posted by hobofat

  1. The right choice was made based on the good advice provided in the thread, including an apology. The holier than thou attitude displayed here is really unnecessary.
  2. I don't think you were ever morally wrong. But I do think you are taking the "higher road" here and applaud your willingness to consider multiple sides of the issue. Bravo.
  3. I simply misinterpreted "at this point"! Your post is very informative, I just wanted to clarify the point. Contracts can be very tricky!
  4. Mind however that only the provision prohibiting re-sell is unenforceable. The entire EULA is not void.
  5. You are asking a legal question that only an attorney in your jurisdiction would be able to answer. An EULA is a contract between you and the author of the software you are licensing, and your use of the software is basically your agreement to uphold the contract. Most EULA prohibit re-sell, although I have not read Flight Factor's EULA as I do not own the software. Some jurisdictions (in Europe, for example) refuse to enforce these provisions. In others, however, they are a valid binding contract and you would be in the wrong to re-sell the software. My personal feeling is that within the flight simulator community you are playing with fire. Just chalk up your dissatisfaction with the software as a loss and move on.
  6. Quite excited about this, Igorland! Looking for good x-plane helper apps to use on my new ipad, this will be a great help in flight planning for the saab 340!
  7. Enjoying the heck out of the fun bird! Enroute to Kona on the Big Island at FL230.
  8. In the end it does. I neglected to put X-Plane into full-screen mode, not sure why it took me so long to figure out. I'm now getting between 35-50 depending on scenery.
  9. As it turns out I'm an idiot. I've been using X-Plane in windowed mode. Flipping it to full screen gives me MUCH better framerate. Instead of 15-20 with the 732, I'm closer to 50 now!
  10. Windows 8. Fairly new machine too. i7 4770 3.4ghz // 16 gb Ram // NVIDIA GTX 770 4 gb
  11. Just picked it up, because I would like to support developers taking the risk of releasing these classics! I've loved the 737 from my childhood days and happy to see this one on the market. First impression is positive, understanding that this a 1-man (2-man?) operation. Framerates are much lower than I would like, lower than the Saab 340 on my machine, which means I'll need to adjust scenery settings. Looking forward to spending some time with this bird!
  12. Glad you're feeling better! The flu is not fun.
  13. Yes! This is a huge leap forward for X-Plane, at least for me anyway.
  14. It's almost as if you could just do the take-off and landing and still be doing the same thing...
  15. Sad about the DC-4, but loving this statement right here!
  16. I too bought it at release. I really enjoyed it, got some great flights out of it. I don't begrudge other people getting it for free now though. I know my money supported the development of the plane, and I got my money's worth in time spent flying. I would probably feel differently if I had bought it a week before they started giving it away.
  17. hobofat


    I don't mean this in an insulting or rude tone (tone is hard to convey over the internet), but have you tried reading charts and navigating? It's a lot more fun (for me anyway) than GPS/FMC navigation. I spend more time understanding the route. I still follow airline routes, but have to use my instruments, rather than push the nav button. I get a better idea of where I'm flying. It's really a trip to make that final turn and there it is, our destination runway. Especially in IFR conditions. I know most variants have a GPS or FMS, but don't let that ruin the fun.
  18. Great! I love seeing summaries of advancements in the X-Plane world, keeps me from missing out on the good stuff. I might not always agree on what is the "good stuff" but I appreciate seeing your perspective!
  19. The updates are awesome! It's great being able to follow along. I also think it may help keep the obsessives from freaking out?
  20. Interesting article. I'm really glad I got to fly on one of ANA's 747s a few years ago. Besides being my favorite plane, Japanese airlines provide a very pleasant flight experience. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/business/international/bidding-farewell-to-the-747.html
  21. As much as I would like some sort of "master list" developers worked off of to spread resources evenly, they gotta do the planes that tickle their fancy or why even bother. Besides, I can't see why there wouldn't be room in the market for both.
  22. The next logical move will be to the Cook Islands! You'll get to do some visual approaches for Air Raratonga.
  23. Variable pricing and the ability to upgrade hardware kills it for me. Desktop gamers just use their desktops, console gamers want consoles. Consoles shouldn't be treated like desktop systems...
  24. So it appears that the screenshot itself is from McPhat, you can see it on their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.125636584193654.26864.114160422007937&type=1 An unreleased version perhaps? Sorry, I know this is probably all info you have. I even scoured the x-plane.es forums but couldn't find a user posting a screenshot with this version of the livery.
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