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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. No, this one is going to the end...and further. But cannot tell more now!
  2. Oooops! I have missed something big! Since I had edit the aircraft in PM10, it is not X-PLANE 9 compatible! To fix that, I have upload a special version for XP9! Go and get it! http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/347-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/
  3. Here are the updated night lighting with realistic shadows
  4. P180 Avanti II v1.2 is now available! Check it here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/347-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/ Enjoy!
  5. Thanks a lot guys! You are welcomed!
  6. First I would like to thank you guys for your interest! I would like to put some notices about this aircraft. This is almost a paralel development both real world aircraft and this one for X-Plane. As we speak, the real aircraft is in flight testing phase. So, we have to wait until her final flight characteristics are finalized. We have a good relationship with Pipistrel and they are providing us data about this aircraft. But this is not mean that they are envolved in this project here.About avionics. The test aircraft is equipped with Dynon Skyview displays. The production aircraft will have (as option?) the G500, but G500 is not displaying engine data, so there is something missing. Anyway, since we have to work with what we have now, the Dynon displays will remain on this aircraft.As for DYNON displays, and both GTNs (750/650), are really very complicated products themselves. So, and because I dont like to fall short on promises, these avionics will have most of their functionality, but there are not going to be fully simulated.And of course this aircraft will be heavily SASLed!
  7. I found the problem and I'll give you an easy fix to do it right away, before I included to the next release. 1. Go to Avanti folder and open with a text editor the avanti_cockpit.obj file. 2. Search for "latlon". 3. It should say: "sim/FMS/latlon" 4. Change it to: "sim/FMS/type_latlon" You are good to go! It was a mistype in the command I have used. Happy Flyin'!
  8. Thanks! And thanks google the text can be translated to english automatic!
  9. Really? I would like to have some pictures of that!
  10. No problem, I had to answer...fast cause I was in a hurry! I'm not aware of any 'soft ride', at least I haven't found it in the manuals. Since the flight controls are mechanically linked to controls surfaces the is no way to interact with them for a softer ride. You might confusing with the an Avanti's AUTOPILOT feature, that above 18000 ft, the maximum bank angle automatically is reduced to 15 deg. This one is simulated. You can see a white arc (from 15 deg left to 15 deg right) on the top or AH. You are right for the service ceiling, that is a mistype in the Operating Manual. It is 41000ft.
  11. Silent_V, -FIX, VOR, etc: There is no indication if it on or off. They appear or disappear from the map. -The heading knob is sometimes jumps 2 or 3 degrees. That needs some investigation why. -FLAPS: There is no such setting which one moves first. -"Soft ride" button? I do not understand that. Please be more clear on that. -TAXI LIGHTS: see below... -There is no damage/failure simulated except what X-Plane gives. -It is 41000 ft. -Night texture: I have indicated that this is test and not something final.
  12. The link is here for the latest release (v.1.1): http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/347-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/ Also check these (some updates after the release): http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/3467-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/page-4#entry52758http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/3467-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/page-4#entry52893http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/3467-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/page-4#entry53993 Hm... I must probably include all these updates to a new release...
  13. Thanks guys! @Silent_V. Yes I have tried Alterna and I think it is a great one! But though both aircrafts are Avantis, they difference between them is a big one. Also there is a huge difference in approach of replicating the aircraft. Alterna is a more refined standard X-Plane Avanti with some awesome failures features, when my Avanti is the newest version (Avanti II) with total different avionics and an almost full working 3D cockpit. So from systems point of view, these aircrafts have very different systems/avionics, they cannot be match to create a mix of them. I'm not agree with you that my aircraft lucks of system simulation. Like the autopilot system. It is working like the real aircraft's AP (you can use even VNAV with X-FMC/UFMC). I can tell you that behind the scene, there are many scripts running for supporting real operation. Of course there are many to be done to have a complete simulation. There will be still future in my Avanti development, but later, since now I'm working on other projects.
  14. Hello there! I just making some test with night lighting. Note: textures are still rough. What do you think?
  15. Thanks P3R! If you test it, please give me a feedback if you see any difference in fps.
  16. Here is an update for P180 Avanti II v1.1 for X-Plane 10 only. This update should improve frame rates quite a bit! It is available for downloding from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zulak010ctim7tf/P180_1_1_update3.zip Inside there is an Readme file to help you with the installation. Enjoy!
  17. Here is an update for P180 Avanti II v1.1 for X-Plane 10 only. This update should improve frame rates quite a bit! It is available for downloding from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zulak010ctim7tf/P180_1_1_update3.zip Inside there is an Readme file to help you with the installation. Enjoy!
  18. I have noticed a problem in X-Plane 10 with HDR ON. There is a "circle" shown through the FO PFD. I had fixed that but probably slipped from packaging. To solve that download this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfvfbs8c3l63m1n/Archive.zip INSTALLATION: 1. Unzip the Archive.zip 2. You'll get a folder. In that folder there are 2 file. Put those files (not the folder) into P180 Avanti II folder (in the Avanti's root folder) and replace the old files. 3. Test it! In XP9 and XP10 with HDR OFF, the DISPLAY knob in the LIGHTING PANEL does nothing. But in XP10 HDR ON is used to turn up the displays brightness. On loading the aircraft is about 50% brightness. To have a clearer view of the displays turn it up (even full). Then you can adjust the brightness of individual displays' rheostats.
  19. ATTENTION TO ALL X-PLANE 10 USERS: When switching on the landing lights (LDG position), the lights might not come on, instead they will flicker. To fix that download the file below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qac6wqsus2pwfl0/switches.lua.zip INSTALLATION: 1. Unzip the file. 2. Put the file to P180 Avanti II/Customs Avionics folder, and replace the previous file. 3. Go and test it. This normally should solve the problem.
  20. Version 1.1 is here! Go and get it! Come back and tell me your impression and (if) any problems! http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/347-piaggio-p180-avanti-ii-upgrade/
  21. In Planemaker, only the gen_map_vnav is available. This one displays the vertical profile of you flight plan. Something that can be seen in ERJs, or A380 NDs.
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