All Citationed out for the weekend. Taking a little break for the day with this one.
Don't think it'll take too long.
I'll go through the list in this thread and see which one's I'll do on certain "free" days. This one looks fairly easy. That's why I chose it.
Always a chance. We're cramming as much work as we can in as short a period of time as we can. (Saab update, Sundowner update and Citation). We WANT to get the Citation out ASAP. Will it be this year? We certainly hope so. If I had to give you a percentage chance, I'd say it's about 50/50.
Not at low altitude take off.
Maybe check your Prop Pitch setting, and make sure that's set to full forward. The further back that goes, the slower the aircraft will go.
Do not go full throttle on take off. Full throttle is only meant for higher altitude operations. This is something we found in the DC-3 documentation while we were researching it.
Keep your eye on the engine RPM. If you get the warning message, bring back the power until it goes away.
Then, as Jim said, just need to be patient. Echoing Jims suggestion, check your spam folder, and also please make sure you only sent 1 support ticket. Sending more than 1 will push each support ticket to the bottom of the pile.
You're not doing anything wrong. The 340A's are not a very graceful aircraft when it comes to landing. From what I remember that was told to me, the reason for this is the lack of wing sweep in the aircraft. I will try to duplicate this landing for you and see how it behaves, but the pilots we consulted gave us feedback on the landing performance, and how different the Saab behaves to other aircraft with a greater wing sweep.
Unfortunately, the B is not in our immediate or near future. For the time being, everything is dedicated to the C23 upgrade, Saab 340A update and Citation. Once those plates are cleared, then we'll look further ahead.
If you're getting a warning of imminent failure, it means you pushed the throttles to their max position. Just bring them back a bit until the warning disappears.
Won't take quite that long. But it'll be worth the wait.
Losing our texture artist was a huge setback, but we're in the final stages of overcoming that.
A few changes have been made to the panel. When I'm done with texturing and animating everything on the panel, I'll post a few screenshots of everything working with the code we have in place.
Might "sound" silly (pun intended), but have have you checked your sound preferences in the settings drop down menu?
Do sounds work on all other aircraft?