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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. We're getting into an area where I have no control. Installers and activation's are to be handled using the X Aviation contact page, which can be found at the link I provided.
  2. I've only had 1 other case of this happening, that I know of. Definitely unusual. We'll get you straightened out.
  3. In that case... http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/contact_us.php?osCsid=daf5b9bc281fb361628d1ef71f156626
  4. From what I recall, Mac's cannot unzip packages without messing them up somehow. Try this Post back and let us know how you go.
  5. Stealth and supersonic, bro! Mach 2.3
  6. People have reported that it works in XP11. The only issue, so far, it is slightly overpowered. It is not officially supported, as we would have to thoroughly test it to be able to make that statement.
  7. I think there's a volume control for XP11 now, so I'll be looking into that.
  8. I'll take a look at it. I do still want to brighten the textures of the Floats version. I'll try to do that this week. I've been extremely busy lately, working on the Saab and DC3 upgrades.
  9. That's what he meant by "sticky". Sticky is a pinned topic.
  10. It absolutely could have something to do with the render engine (PBR) of XP11. But I couldn't say for sure.
  11. After a few people have asked for a texture adjustment in the cockpit, I decided to address the issue. First, PLEASE BACK UP ALL ORIGINAL TEXTURES AND PLACE THEM SOMEWHERE SAFE OUTSIDE OF YOUR X PLANE FOLDER!!! Download THIS ZIP file, extract all files and place them in the DC3 "objects" folder, overwriting the files when prompted. Again, ensure you have backed up your original textures!! These textures are made only for the WHEELS version. DO NOT place them in the floats version. Feedback welcome. Enjoy!
  12. If it's something random, then I would suspect it's something on your end. I just tried loading it up and flying it, and everything works fine. In cases like this, it looks like a plug in conflict. I would suggest removing all your plug ins, except Gizmo, then try it again. Several times if possible. If it works, then replce the plug ins, 1 at a time, loading up the DC3 each time, until the problem returns.
  13. Most people I know, who fly X-Plane, including myself, have their monitor brightness set to 95% or higher. That might be just personal preference. I'll discuss with Cameron and see if I can make a brighter texture to make it not so dark. There is an update coming out for XP11, which is full PBR. If you plan on staying with XP10, like I said, I'll see what I can do.
  14. Also, to change the livery, select "Aircraft" from the drop down menu, "change Aircraft" and then select your livery and click "Change livery and keep flying" from the aircraft selection screen. (bottom right).
  15. Also check your brightness. 4.0 for gamma level seems a bit too high. Mine is set to 2.2 and I see what is in the screenshot. If it's so dark on your end, that you can't see areas of the panel, I'd check the monitor brightness as well.
  16. Check your render settings. What is your gamma set to?
  17. Waiting on Gizmo update to be finished.
  18. Wait for the new version of Gizmo and then we can take a look at the stutters again. I'm not blaming Gizmo at the moment, but it's a very grey area. The other thing could be the dense mesh. The DC3 is a very high poly mesh, and that could be another reason. The XP11 upgrade will have a heavily optimized mesh and may stop the stuttering.
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