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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    You definitely have a way with words, Matthias.
  2. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    It's all in your approach, Val.
  3. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    25 years of buying, installing and deleting products? I've had 40 years experience in buying and drinking milk. But I'm not going to go to a dairy farm and start telling the farmers how to milk a cow and sell to the consumer. I'll be honest with you, Val. In the past 8 years that we've been doing this (full time), we've had 2 people tell us we're not running our business properly. You're the second one. I don't mind people being blunt. Point of fact, I prefer it. But only when they have all the facts. You're missing 1 key piece of information in your equation. Our sales figures. However, going by what you think is the best tubeliner in all of flight simming, when put up against the others in your example, I don't think I'll be coming to you for any advice any time soon. Just doing you the same courtesy of being blunt that you extended to us. Have a great day
  4. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    Not the best way to introduce yourself to this community, VAL. I suggest you work on your people skills.
  5. I'll take a look at it, but it'll likely be included in the XP11 upgrade only.
  6. Nothing yet. Once we can confirm V1.4 is bug free, V1.5 will follow soon after. 1.5 is built on top of 1.4
  7. Both wipers have been tested as of 5 minutes ago, and are definitely working.
  8. Fixed. Will be in the next update.
  9. Now the story is making more sense. You have discovered the Stick Pusher that we have added to the aircraft. When your speed is too low, and you pull the controls too far back, the Stick Pusher activates and tries to keep the aircraft out of a stall. This has been a feature of the Saab since release as mentioned on the product page under "Systems", and has been accurately modelled according to the documentation we have. For a description of the Pusher, read this.
  10. More gifs are not necessary. I can see what is happening, and I have no reason to doubt you. It's just weird, and I'm guessing it's something to do with your system, hardware or calibration. I took it for a full flight (45 minutes) and was watching it from the outside. Not a single stutter. If more people post the same issue, then maybe we can isolate the problem to something they all have in common.
  11. How much of a frame rate drop?
  12. Do the elevators only move like that in flight or on the ground as well? I tested it in flight and on the ground, and elevators work perfectly. No jerkiness whatsoever. What kind of hardware do you have hooked up to it?
  13. Can you post the time of day and location where that screenshot was taken. This is what I get when I load it.
  14. Gauge reflections will be in V2 of the Saab. V1.5 (XP11 compatibility) will only be V1.4.1 working correctly and officially supported in XP11.
  15. I'll get Jim to take a look when he's online.
  16. I completely understand. Rest assured, we'll get the XP11 compatibility update as soon as we possibly can.
  17. It's been 5 hours since the update was published. Jim is asleep right now, and is not even aware of the update being out. Please just exercise a little patience. As soon as he gets up, he'll check the forums, see the issues, and get them fixed. The XP10 update was always going to be released. We've made many mentions of this, and no one was objecting. On the contrary, we were getting praise from many people for not forgetting the XP10 users. The XP11 update will not take anywhere near as long as this update to release. I'm not the programmer, so I'll let Jim address this when he see's the forums. Regards Goran
  18. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    Thanks, Bob. I don't mind misunderstandings. But assumptions...wow!
  19. Goran_M

    Xplane 11?

    Woah! Where did that come from?? We don't know when V2 of the Saab will be out. Free Saab update for XP 11 is coming out soon. Then V2 of the DC3, then V2 of the Saab (months away. Could be 2 months. Could be 6 months. we don't know.), then Citation. Nothing is dead and we're not going anywhere.
  20. Then I think I know what's going on. The DC3 was an XP9 add on. XP9 was notoriously difficult to work with when it came to manipulators. It was all dependant on angle. Changing the angle would yield different results with the effectiveness of the manipulator. So, taking into consideration what we had to work with back THEN, compared to what we have NOW, it'll be a lot better. More manipulators have been made available to us in XP11, which gives us more flexibility with regards to functionality. I'll have to see if they'll work in XP10 for the update, but no promises. I'll definitely try to get it as close as I can. For XP11, it'll be much improved. Thanks for the feedback.
  21. If you can provide photos or videos, send me a PM. And by photos, I mean close ups of every corner of the aircraft you can fit a camera or smartphone into.
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