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Everything posted by pdg17

  1. Was this fixed in 2.01? If so I still cant hear ATC and the headphones are muted and dont respond to any mouse input.
  2. Thanks, I'd forgotton it was part of the install, been a while since I've used the Islander. Yep I'll stick with the basic install version for now.
  3. Having searched these forums and downloads can someone point me to the latest version of Gizmo. Regards Paul
  4. pdg17

    Weather radar

    Apologies, just tested at KSAW and finally got a return albeit a small dot with (rain medium) but metar changed to (rain strong) and got a really good return. Think maybe this morning I didnt get the tilt and gain correct. Thanks Paul
  5. pdg17

    Weather radar

    I have FSGRW with default XP textures. I was flying over Europe which had some heavy rain and thunderstorms but nothing shows up.
  6. pdg17

    Weather radar

    Does this actually work? Tried NORM, WX and MAP and do not see anything on the EHSI which is in RR mode. Thanks Paul
  7. On the Bravo I just assigned it to the go around button on the black GA power levers, works a treat.
  8. I couldnt get it to work, had to assign it to the yoke. I used the LH arm rocker switch 5&6, roll and yaw onto the RH arm rocker switches.
  9. Is using the default data, XP11/resources/default data which is June 2020, you can copy and paste the current CIFP folder from custom data and the following earth files located in the custom data root, awy, fix, hold, mora, msa and nav. LEAVE the existing earth_astro in place within the DEFAULT data. As always back up existing files.
  10. Yep I have Ghostery, I can now see a big, obvious red button that says "Leave a message"
  11. I dont see any form just a contact us page with a live chat link??
  12. Thankyou
  13. Where is it? I too now have a licensing issue.
  14. Any chance an option could be included for these to sync when changing pressure settings?
  15. These used to work but no longer since last update
  16. Dome light on
  17. Nope all is fine on mine. V1.6.2
  18. Log.txt
  19. I have no issues, FSGRW, RWC, SkyMaxx v5, XPR is active as well as other plugins, attaching my log if it helps. So far tested with FF767 at KIAD and pretty stable 45FPS +/- 10 depending on views, no god rays, cloud draw 80000. Tested at EGNS with the Islander with Orbx scenery, god rays on and cloud draw 60000 in heavy cloud and no less than 35FPS. Very happy so far, thanks for the work. Paul
  20. I have an RTX2080 gpu, i9 9900k cpu so here's hoping :-)
  21. What about performance in 4k, assuming all FPS quotes are for 1080?
  22. Thanks for the quick reply.
  23. Hi, Ive just realised that I must have previously put the AFM G5 in my basket and this morning Ive added another so have been charged twice. Is there a way to refund one of these purchases? Ive only downloaded from one link so not sure if you can see that. PM me if you need to take this off the forum. Thanks Paul
  24. Hi, I upgraded the Islander to 1.1.2 and the baro was able to switch between the two scales. I then purchased the G5 which took that version back to 1.1.1 so I updated again to 1.1.2 but I cannot switch between the scales its stuck in HPa again. Is there something else I should do or is it the fact that the G5 is in HPa? Thanks Paul
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