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Everything posted by Cptburgos

  1. Hello everyone... anyone here could help to figure out how to re-activate my 737 due to change of my computer?. Thanks
  2. Hello: Is normal that the plane immediately i disconnect the autopilot on final, the nose pitch up a little bit, that make that i miss the tdz a little bit :(. Thanks
  3. Thanks Jan, for the moment just erase that point
  4. Hello all I have a little question here, is normally that the FMS put a imaginary point into the legs at 400 ft AGL from the origin altitude?... If it is normal, i guess the FMS is calculating it wrong, look the picture. Thanks to all
  5. Hi Sergio, the ICAO recomends the FCOM, QRH, SOP (Company Standar Operations), Company general operations. If you want to learn how to fly this airplane i recomend FCOM (all about systems and performance). The FCTM (Flight Crew Training Manual) is great either. Regards
  6. I have this same issue but is not really a bug... The wind goes below some speed and just disappear
  7. As real life engineer working on this plane, i can tell you that if a troubleshooting per manual didn't find the issue, we shoot directly to MEL, i'm pretty sure it is a NO GO item so, flight canceled
  8. Nou, that happened when i tried to modify the approach procedure from vor z to rnav :)
  9. Cptburgos

    FMC bug

    Hello, i was flying and pummmmmm
  10. That is weird, let me make a video
  11. Hi jan... I guess i have other issue here. Is normal that the MCP IAS selection resets to 110 knots when i put online the gen bars from apu bar?... Is happening to me; i usually set v2 on mcp before push back and always it resets.
  12. Is a great opportunity to fresh you knowledge about navigation and holding patterns, just do it manually
  13. Is a pleasure help you with this awesome bird.
  14. Hi jan, no, is not the case, i did not derated the engines.
  15. Hello: Look the video, that happends if the take off is performed at high altitude airports. It stay ay 86%, is not following the N1 bug.
  16. same problem here
  17. Ey captain, just to let you know, each 10 minutes y press F5 to see if Ixeg said something abour the 1.3 patch hahahahahah... release it please :)

  18. Sorry hahaha i mean, is that Litjan? Regards
  19. Thanks for your answer
  20. Hello everyone: As the title says, there is any problem if i have the airplane installed into two xplane installation inside the same hard drive? One install is Xplane 11.41 and other to test the betas (11.50) Thanks.
  21. Thanks for this dude... works perfectly
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