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Everything posted by xZone

  1. I tried with 3 different cloud types at the same time : 1 x few cumulus, 1 x scattered and 1 broken cumulus
  2. The issue is back, JohnMAXX Is way less than 2 months ago, but it's there I tried everything possible. Maybe the latest Vulcan ( 10 and 11 ) are the culprit I don't blame your product. Don't really know how to fix it
  3. Thanks, I'll keep trying, and I'll report back to you
  4. Okay, I'll upload later some screenshots Thank you
  5. The issue is back, after latest SMP version I tried with XP 11 beta 10 and beta 11 ( today released the beta 11 ) Thank you
  6. Is the download link not available, anymore ???
  7. Up
  8. Wow Pretty quiet here
  9. Can you please upload the 4.9.2 installer?
  10. I'd like to install 4.9.2 as well, but I can't There must be a way to do this
  11. So, there is no chance to get back to the previous version ?
  12. John, what exactly did you modify, for the clouds ? Only some TGA files, or something else ?
  13. Okay, I'll try it again
  14. Can I, please, have the previous clouds, back? Is there a way to download and install the 4.9.2 version ? Thank you
  15. Thanks for the update, the issue with some third-party aircraft is gone but I think, the clouds are looking a bit " dirty " I selected only 1 x Few Cumulus, they use to look more white with SMP 4.9.2 and earlier. Now, one single clouds layer ( few cumulus ) look white mixed with some grey .... I tried different settings, I uninstall it first 4.9.2 / graphics settings / different sky colors, etc Even XP 11 fresh install. Few cumulus clouds and all the types, except Cirrus clouds Is there something I could do ? I disabled SMP cloud shadows / Lens Flare / Crepuscular Rays / force Cirrus layer, etc Thank you
  16. some updates, soon?
  17. Wow More printscreens, please With different types of clouds Please...
  18. I don't understand, John Look, for example : I fly the YaK 3.It's using fmod, but I don't really like that sound I'm mostly focused on internal / engine sound, but external, also I never fly LR aircrafts. So, if I purchase the add-on, would that help ? Does the SoundMaxx has some jet fighter engine sounds, as well ? Like F16, MiG15, Me 262..... Thank you, again
  19. Okay, thanks I thought it's designed for XP 11
  20. I'd like to purchase this add-on but I want to ask if it's working with military aircrafts as well I did read the description and I'm a bit confused "Replaces engine sounds with real recordings for the default Cessna 172SP, B747, Bell 206, and Robinson R22 Beta" I do fly F16, MiG15, L29, YaK1, Me 262.... Are they compatible with the add-on ? Thank you very much LE : Sorry, I should open the thread on SoundMaxx subforum
  21. my second printscreen look great, imo that was a " mixture" between ASXP high resolution clouds, and another X-Plane 11 weather engine The cloud to the right, look amazing.
  22. Seth, I do like SMP, as well. But I just wish I could improve the few cumulus / scattered cumulus clouds, a bit Something like this, for example
  23. Okay, I understand. I'd like to modify some files, for my own, but you won't give me some details about what to do, which files I need to edit, etc... Thank you
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