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  1. XST

    CTD in XP12...

    That makes total sense. Just wondering because I use the TBM a lot. Thanks!
  2. XST

    CTD in XP12...

    Hi, I tried this plane in XP 12 and it just CTD. Are there any plans for an update soon? Thanks!
  3. Same here... Fresh install in XP 12 Folder and a quick test... it seems to work normally, of course a deep test and longer fly needs to be done to check all the functionality, but so far so good. Happy to have extra aircraft to the default ones in XP 12!!! Very good job thanks!
  4. Any one tried to install this aircraft on XP 12? Works? Any expected update for XP 12 soon? Thanks!
  5. This is four or five beers or a dinner for two in a not-very-expensive restaurant. Two hours of joy. Instead I buy this plane and the joy last for another 10+ years. Expensive? I think is cheap, very cheap!
  6. The first test with this second update was simply great. I couldn't go through the whole list of previous bugs but I did the most important ones and everything works well and smooth. So far so good. Very good job!!!
  7. @Ch.Cole ok, understand, thank you!... I will play a bit more with it after the new update then... so far I stay with legacy.
  8. @Ch.Cole I use legacy one, but I tried the modern method and I had the same issue. I think the problem is that the plane 3D cockpit lever stops correctly to prevent to enter accidentally in beta range, but you may continue moving your joystick throttle lever... so when you click (execute) the lift command, the plane lever goes to where your joystick lever is... so if you accidentally moved it to the lower position then plane goes to full reverse. In other words, prevents accidentally beta ranges but then you have to pay attention to your joystick lever position or it goes full reverse... so one way or the other the "accidentally" option is there... honestly I don't see the advantage of this method unless you have a joystick lever with a physical lever stop, so then you don't need this method either. Of course, maybe I was using it a wrong way too.... so I decided to go old school legacy.
  9. Enjoy your trip... that is important too! Thanks!
  10. Same here... happy to help and looking forward to have this great aircraft working well... this is totally normal in new developments and the developer doing great both technically and communicating. This is how great things are done. Congrats!
  11. Since an image is worth a thousand words, let me add some images to show what I'm experiencing: 1. Flight idle position on ground keeps torque somewhere between 38-40%... It doesn't go lower. 2. Pressing beta toggle in that position torque goes to 30%... it is OK... but there is no range to handle a torque between 31 %to 37%. Its like a dead zone. 3. Throttle lever all the way up test... no words.... 4. Since min torque in flight range is 38-40%... I pressed beta range to go lower... not trying to do inflight reverse... just trying to lower the 40%... then it goes to 0%... same action on ground goes to 30% but on air it goes straight to 0%. Lever is in the beta limit not in the reverse range... Summary: 1. Full throttle is very overpowered. 2. No way to go lower than 38% torque on flight range unless pressing beta... then dead zone in 31%-37%, this happens only on ground. 3. If beta button is pressed on air (inflight) to go lower than 38% torque... it goes straight to 0%... this doesn't happen on ground. Don't hesitate to ask for any clarification if needed. This aircraft is going to be great... just a bit of tuning to be done. Thank you!!!
  12. Just observations, not sure if this is right or wrong, using in legacy throttle mode: 1. In flight range, throttle never goes under 40% in lower position and in higher position goes all the way up till Torque % label... 150/160%? is this right? 2. All the way down to 40% again, when sim/engines/reverse_toggle pressed, it sometimes starts under 40% so beta can be handled from 39% torque to 0 with the throttle lever. But sometimes it goes to 0 directly and no way to go through the beta range.... not found a rule or reason of why this sometimes happen. I'm not sure but in previous version torque was much lower than 40% just in the limit of the flight to beta range... and not that overpowered in the top high throttle position. Just observations, I'm not a real pilot so maybe above way is the right way to work. Thank you for such an amazing progress!
  13. I did flight again after re-staring XP and suddenly worked again ... I will pay attention to the GNS mode just in case. Thank you
  14. Hi, I tried ILS approach in a couple of airports and did not work. GS never captured. I tried the same airports with other planes and worked. Anyone having similar problems?
  15. Update: sim/flightmodel2/wing/flap1_deg[0] dataref Works and gives the right information I want to show, it seems to work well in all other planes. So I think is better to change this on my side. We can consider this problem solved. Thank you very much for all of your help.
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