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Everything posted by Ch.Cole

  1. I'm afraid you're the victim of updated documentation. The "Throttle 5" solution is a new one that applies once the patch is available. Right now, you should still use Throttles 1 and 2 (or use my script for a "TBM-style" throttle and bind to Throttles 3 and 4)
  2. I can't think of any reason, and I never noticed this behaviour. Well, since we'll soon have the official functionality, the issue is hopefully no longer important..
  3. Which version? I seem to recall that I tried that and it worked...
  4. But wouldn't this result in a downward force, which then moves the nose up? Or am I missing your point?
  5. I don't know how Spad works, but if you can call custom commands from planes, I'd expect you could also call commands created by lua.
  6. Until it's implemented, would a lua-script (flywithlua) help?
  7. The datarefs for the radio switches seem mixed up: xscenery/mu2b60/manips/lh_radio_switch xscenery/mu2b60/manips/lh_radio_switch_anim both change with the right/inbound switch and vice versa.
  8. I found an issue with the alt selector: One click or one scrollwheel-detent increase xscenery/mu2b60/manips/alt_set_knob by 0.1 The values of the dataref vs the AltSet are as follows 0 0 0.1 100 0.2 100 ... 100 0.9 100 1 200 ... 200 2 300 ... 300 3 300 3.1 400 so basically, you need 10 increments to change by 100ft
  9. Is it possible that the overhead is labled strangely? From the sources I have it's from downmost RET - OFF - EXT, while in sim, it's ON - OFF - EXT
  10. I checked with the Dataref-Tool, and 0 1 2 are correct. Strange it doesn't work...
  11. I know, I thought there were custom commands, but they're not in the list. Did you check if 2 is correct? Did you try 0 0.5 and 1?
  12. Check your axis curves, you might need to set the detent in the prefs and the checkbox in the curves. For the lights, there should be commands, no need for datarefs.
  13. During install, when you ran the installer. But I assume Cam is the one who can help you best.
  14. Ok. Did you try one of the other versions? OEM or GNS? Did you enter your mail and password during install?
  15. I assume you have the extra G500, since you load the 4 Bladed Glass version?
  16. Ah, I see, so you want to have a dataref for the flaps. Did you check xscenery/mu2b60/manips/flap_lever_rotate ? That one should correspond to the lever's position. xscenery/mu2b60/anim/flap_ratio should be the actual value
  17. Afaik, the flap lever in the MU-2 is not an axis but it actuates microswitches. Do you want to use your hw axis to act the same? E.g. for values 0.9-1 Flaps are up, for 0.7-0.8 flaps 5, 0.4-0.5 flaps 20, 0-0.1 Flaps 40? And nothing changes with the values between, e.g. 0.6?
  18. No problem, we love to help
  19. Does the lever in the sim move normally? What type of hardware do you use? What's your power lever detent set to in the MU2 preferences? How does your axis curve look? It sounds like maybe the detent ratio and the curve do not match
  20. I'll get on it tomorrow, you can also take a look at the following script. It displays the sim-throttle position when it changes. MU2 Helper.7z
  21. make sure you set your axis up correctly, and take the props off the locks.
  22. re: clock, the indications for the functionality are also off, GMT and LT have the same "dot", FT hat the "dot" in the middle.
  23. I'm not a "professional" either, so I took a simple approach This is the custom command, that just sets a variable to "true", if the button is pressed create_command("FlyWithLua/MU2/detent_pressed", "Press Throttle detent", "", "detentpressed = true" , "detentpressed = false") The mapping from axis to manips is if Throttle_3 >= 0.5 then THR_L_manip = Throttle_3 L_inbeta = false end if Throttle_3 < 0.5 and (detentpressed == true or L_inbeta == true) then THR_L_manip = Throttle_3 L_inbeta = true end if Throttle_3 < 0.5 and detentpressed ~= true and L_inbeta ~=true then THR_L_manip = 0.51 end it maps straight if the axis is above flight idle (first line) or the detent is pressed or it already is in beta (second line). Else, if the axis is below flight idle, but the detent isn't pressed or it's not already in beta, the manip is set to 0.51
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