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Everything posted by tkyler

  1. Closing this topic. Starting to spend too much time reading the same reports. We have a good idea what the issue is. thank you all for your reports. -Tom
  2. Yes....there are plans to do the air stairs. The IXEG roadmap includes a new 3D exterior and when doing that, I'll put in the air stairs. Heads up...it'll probably be mid-fall 2024! before that part of the roadmap is getting implemented. -Tom
  3. Can definitely tweak. Night lighting level been a thorn in my side for a while. My idea of how bright these should appear, given a photometric value setting...vs. Laminar's idea....is not quite the same and I always end up having to code isolated use cases to attenutate these things. BUT.....I'm in agreement. added to the list! Thx!
  4. What we have so far......or the 'clues' we have so far rather......suggest that in each of these cases, something is blocking our plugin from getting on the network and communicating with XA servers. This could be another plugin (as in the case of @haraldh above) ...or a firewall config....an ad-blocker, etc. If we can isolate further and code around it, we certainly will....but not all plugins play nice in the X-Plane sandbox. We're trying to isolate some commonalities between cases and still collecting datapoints from some users helping out, so we're sorting through it. Everybody helping out is spread all over the world though but we'll get through this quickly. -TK
  5. without a doubt the focus has been covering a broad ranges of areas to get to this point.......so everything got looked out in a cursory level, including the performance. We will naturally turn towards "realism" here shortly, in as many areas as we can. I do hope we don't end up fighting X-Plane too much. Thanks for the support, we're very much looking forward to sinking more effort into getting this optimal. -TomK
  6. Jan's looking into that Bulva. He's the VR 'guy' Certainly an oversight. we have it on our list to go over after this week. -TK
  7. This is a long-standing conversation that is difficult to have resolution on IMO...i.e. "feel". When you talk about the 'feel' of an aircraft relative to your inputs...that is subjective. and when you start messing with sensitivities and response curves of the hardware, you're entering the realm of "infinite possiblilities", I mean just randomly dragging curves "about right there"?....that's a tough unit of measure to capture data on. Its difficult for sure. I mean...Jan's also flown 733s... about 5000 hours worth...and he thought it felt as he remembered. SO...??? Cpt.Blackbox perspective? or Jans? You can see why this is such a subjective topic? BUT........this is XP12 and things ARE different for sure. Last time we did the flight model (xp10/11), we had oh...several years of dev on a pretty stable flight model. Austin made a bunch of changes since then with his foray into ALIA, so its not out of the realm of possibility...and we don't want to work on this several years. So...here's the way this will probably go down. ....I've made a note of this in our log BTW Given the number of IXEG customers, it was important for us to get this going in XP12 at a workable level..not a small job to even get to this point. Many customers do enjoy casual "airlining", rather than the really hardcore stuff, so lots of folks are happy to get airborne. So next...after we get through the obvious release bugaboos first...then we hit all the low-hanging fruit (wipers / knob...etc).....after that....then we revisit the performance! and FMS. This will be a long phase probably. Lots of coding...lots of flight testing. We'll certainly focus on it in its course. -TomK
  8. We couldn't say exactly at the moment Uwe. Folk's failures are presenting slightly differing. We're gathering data from 4 folks now for debugging. The fact that everyone gets one successful activation that then fails is a bit curious and exactly what we're looking into at the moment. There is no doubt we'll get this, we just have to work through the process. Of course we're bummed for all you who are suffering from it at a time when you least want it to happen. Whether it takes an hour, a day I don't know. The big challenge is the weekend. We have all programmers involved currently on a call, but we're spread out all over the world and the time zones will come into play soon. All I can tell you is this is priority #1 for all of us ....and any amount of time that our wives say we can have to work on this....this is what we're working on. -Tom
  9. ATTENTION: Level-2 FAIL users. If you are having a Level-2 FAIL error...basically the plane won't work at startup. Please contact me via PM if you are willing to work with us to conduct some tests towards a fix. We want to verify if a fix will work in multiple cases. this does NOT mean we have a fix ready for you now, we are only wanting to collect some folks who we can communicate with via PMs. We are working on assessing the issue now. Statistically, its a large enough group to be significant, but still a minority...and so we need to figure out what all you have in common. Thx. -Tom
  10. Thx fopr reporting @Obo, indeed this is the highest priority item. We are collecting data from all who've experienced this. If I may ask, would you please delete your log.txt file from the root X-Plane folder, and then start X-plane and load up the IXEG? ...then shut down X-Plane....and finally post your log.txt file here. This will give us a clean log.txt file to use as a data point with others. I am confident we will get this worked out and I'm sorry you're dealing with this at the onset...I know anticipating is high atm. We will continue to work through all these isses and get to those IXEG improvements so you can use it for a long time to come. -TomK
  11. Regarding the FMS vnav / restrictions ....that has always been buggy and "on our list" for a long time. We will continue to work steadily on all our roadmap items, the FMS included. Its high priority for sure. -tk
  12. Touche´ ---motivation to get back to work. -tk
  13. @Pils Loading Cold and Dark via X-Plane's "checkbox"? or through the IXEG "Start state" dialog? -TK
  14. @Matchstick you're log file shows a first activation is good @ 3:33 into the sim. Are you seeing normal 'working' behavior at this time? Your then have a second reboot approx 10 mins later @ 13:36 in. Was the plane working in this interim 10 minute window? Further, script reboots happen anytime the aircraft is reloaded in some capacity....including changing start state or changing aircraft location. Are you aware what kind of action you might have taken at this 13:36 mark to cause a reboot? i.e. reload the aircraft at anohter airpot...or "new flight" perhaps? Thx. -TK
  15. A quick message as evening comes upon my time zone, time to meet with family and things slowing down a bit for today. I suspect I'll link back to this a few times over the next week. As you can guess, a release is mayhem. We see situations we simply can't test for, and some customers end up towards the extreme of the bell curve and have issues that seem to be fringe. Time-zones also always cause inconvenience for some to have to wait more than others. This isn't good or bad, its just how things are in a global market. I know that excitement and anticipation conflicting with frustation of an issue is emotionally annoying, and we simply can't get to everything at once. SO...to help establish expectations. We are basically manning these forums this weekend (during reasonable hours) and "collecting" issues into a log...and they come fast at first. In general, its the folks who have issues that post here and we can report we're also seeing lots of successful installs. We will certainly focus on activation issues firstly....but after and once this initial rush passes...probably in 3-4 days, we'll start prioritizing all the other reports and then begin working on those towards patches. Patches may be more frequent in the early going depending on how severe the "break". Others will be collected and released as a group if they're less severe or annoying. I can assure you we'll be here to address these issues as soon as possible, but it may be a day or two wait for some. I humbly ask for your patience in these cases....we've come this far and not stopping now. Certainly its our goal to get everyone up and running quickly....and get right back to improving things. --B'day dinner with my daughters...signing off for a bit! -TomK
  16. The discount begins with a code sent in an email. That code is to be entered at checkout, where the final price gets adjusted down for valid customers. In some cases, the emails don't get through for multiple reasons...or they don't get seen (few of those already today...where a mailbox search turned them up) IN the case where you can't find it, then contact: support@x-aviation.com and let them know the situation. Things are winding down in our time zone though and I apologize for that. See next post. -tk
  17. It will always be through an installer. Many files have to be in specific places and the installer can check for all that..which is why we use it. Email notifications always go out when an update is ready. -tk
  18. Certainly may be. I've added your post to my log to be looked at further. -tk
  19. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/ we've defaulted back to XP fuel/weight settings for the time being. That link talks about it, including the roadmap section at the bottom. -TK
  20. This one is logged, thx. Are you seeing things work "normally" the first time? but then not the second or subsquent times? Can you post your log.txt file if so. -tk
  21. Indeed. logged. thx for posting -tk
  22. Thank you! we suspected this could be the case (other plugins using cURL), but couldn't verify...as we can't download and test every possible plugin out there. We never know what other programmers will do. This is a good data point and we'll take that and run with it. Thx for reporting. -tk
  23. I've got a log entry to look at this at some point with a friend who uses it extensively. It'll probably take a back-burner to higher priority items after we perform triage....but glad you're rolling along. -TK
  24. Thx for reporting. post logged. -tk
  25. Yea seeing the same...not sure when this one sneaked in on us, I know we tested it at some point. Thx for reporting, logged. -TK
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